Chapter 196 Liu Bang’s backstab!
In a mountainous area covered with dense forests, Xiao He looked at the surrounding terrain and secretly thought that Liu Bang was somewhat clever.

If someone hadn't led me here, no one would have found a place like this.

However, even if Liu Bang was cunning, he never expected that he had not sincerely surrendered to him at all, but was going to lead people to arrest him!

As Fan Kuai and Xiao He walked deeper into the mountains, not long after, a hearty laugh came from the distance.

"Haha, Mr. Xiao He has come from afar, and Liu Ji has missed his welcome from afar."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Bang led the team he had pulled up and came out to greet Xiao He.

In Liu Bang's view, his team would be truly complete if he had a wise man like Xiao He as his military advisor!
Although the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, given time, it may not be able to overthrow the world.

After Liu Bang appeared, he grabbed Xiao He's arm with excitement, looking like a wise king finally wins a wise minister.

When Xiao He saw Liu Bang appear, the excitement on his face was even more exciting than Liu Bang's.His excited look made Liu Bang think that Xiao He had wanted to join the gang for a long time.

"Hey, Mr. Xiao He, I'll go to the hall to talk in detail."

"Brothers, we have been waiting for Mr. Xiao He for a long time!"

After Liu Bang said this, the brothers around him were also smiling.

If Xiao He can join the team, it will undoubtedly give everyone more confidence in the rebellion.

Xiao He looked at the accomplices who were persuaded by Liu Bang, and the joy on his face never stopped!

The more rebels that can be caught this time, the greater contribution Xiao He will make to the court!
Xiao He first grabbed Liu Bang's arm tightly and said excitedly:
"Liu Bang! I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Liu Bang felt Xiao He's too strong palm, and felt that Xiao He was a little too excited.

Before Liu Bang could say a few more words, Xiao He said loudly:
"Quick! Quick! Quick! Liu Bang is here! As long as we catch him, we will all have great achievements!"

As soon as Xiao He finished speaking, the guards who had been hiding for a long time all appeared.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

When a steel knife was pulled out, Liu Bang realized what had happened!
No wonder, no wonder Xiao He grabbed his arm so tightly.It turns out that it wasn’t the excitement of joining the gang at all, it was the fear that he would run away!

"Xiao He! You! You shameless villain!"

Liu Bang suddenly exerted his strength and pushed Xiao He out.

Seeing the unknown number of guards rushing out of the dense forest, Liu Bang's eyes flashed and he shouted to the brothers beside him:
"Brothers! The thieves want to kill us!"

"I'm going to break the cauldron and fight a bloody path today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Bang took the lead in pulling out the Chixiao sword. The sharp red light on the blade shone on Liu Bang's face, making him look even more ferocious!
Liu Bang's loud shout, coupled with his appearance of wanting to fight for blood, immediately woke up the others.

Those old brothers who were persuaded by Liu Bang to join the rebel team were also aroused by Liu Bang's spirit and magnificence!Coupled with the continuous flow of imperial soldiers from the surrounding dense forest, these Liu Bang's old brothers all pulled out their weapons and fought with those soldiers.

"Ah!!! Xiao He! You villain! I, Liu Ji, swear to behead you!"

Liu Bang drank wildly and attacked Xiao He like a tiger.

At this moment, the largest number of Da Qin soldiers gathered around Xiao He, with spears like a forest, and Liu Bang's thin body leaping out looked a bit more tragic.

Even Xiao He himself felt a chill in his heart subconsciously when Liu Bang stared at him with his red eyes.

Looking at the blue veins popping out on Liu Bang's neck, Xiao He thought Liu Bang was going to fight to the death.

Suddenly, after Liu Bang rushed forward for more than ten steps, he suddenly stepped forward with his right foot!
After turning back, he rushed towards the direction with the fewest soldiers at an even faster speed!

At this moment, Liu Bang seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person. He was as fast as lightning, and even the surrounding Da Qin soldiers did not react.

Just in the blink of an eye, Xiao He's shadow of Liu Bang's running away disappeared!This scene immediately stunned Xiao He on the spot.

His fingers pointed tremblingly in the direction where Liu Bang disappeared, and he was speechless for a long time.

Liu Bang's accomplices, who were fighting with the soldiers, ran away when they saw Liu Bang, the boss, and the excitement in their bodies cooled down little by little.

With their morale plummeting, they were captured one after another by Da Qin soldiers.

Even Fan Kuai, who had the highest force value, didn't last long before he was pinned into the dirt by several long swords.The body, as strong as a wild boar, kept trying to struggle, and kept yelling and cursing.

When Xiao He saw that Liu Bang's gang had all been captured, he still held a deep breath in his heart.

Liu Bang, the main criminal, has escaped, so what's the use of catching some of Liu Bang's lackeys?

Xiao He sighed deeply, hating himself for not thinking well enough, and walked up to Fan Kuai who was still struggling.

Unexpectedly, when Fan Kuai saw Xiao He approaching, he still struggled to get up and cursed angrily:
"Xiao He! You despicable villain!!!"

"My brothers kindly ask you to work together for great things and share wealth!"

"You, you thief, actually led troops to arrest us!"

Fan Kuai's hairy face was blood red at the moment, and he was obviously extremely angry.

Xiao He looked at Fan Kuai's crazy look, shook his head speechlessly, and sneered:

"Fan Kuai, I think you are really hopelessly stupid!"

"You've killed too many dogs. Let's replace all our brains with dog brains!"

"To share wealth and honor, look where is your lord Liu Bang now?"

"Whenever something happens, he can run faster than any of you!"

"If you follow this kind of person, you will end up in jail together sooner or later!"

After Xiao He said these words, Fan Kuai gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes for a moment.Liu Bang had previously escaped without looking back, leaving them behind to fend off the imperial soldiers.

Thinking about it now, Liu Bang's betrayal of his brothers was even more despicable than Xiao He's fake joining!

"Liu Bang!!! It's in vain that I, Fan Kuai, thought you were a brother, and you persuaded me to go up the mountain to rebel together."

"You are a thief, you actually treat us as cannon fodder!"

"I, Fan Kuai, will bite you to death even if I am a dog in the next life!"

At this moment, Fan Kuai was like an angry beast in a desperate situation. After experiencing this turbulence, his heart was filled with regret.

And Xiao He also cried out in his heart that it was a pity because he failed to catch Liu Bang.


In Xianyang, on this day, all the court officials were more solemn than before.

Because the Great Qin Sacrifice once every three years is about to begin!

In this year, the empire has changed so much from top to bottom since the miracles of gods and humans appeared!
No matter in terms of people's livelihood, military strength or policy system, it can be said to be the pinnacle in the history of the Chinese nation!

Therefore, this year's imperial sacrifice was even grander than in previous years!

(End of this chapter)

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