In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 197 The First Emperor was assassinated! ! !

Chapter 197 The First Emperor was assassinated! ! !
The ministers of the court have been smoothing their official uniforms and arranging their beards since early in the morning.It is to offer sacrifices to God in a more solemn manner.

And the First Emperor was even more so.

Sitting like a bronze bell, with eyes like stars, a black dragon robe is draped around his body, and on his waist is the King of Qin sword passed down by the kings of the Qin Dynasty.

Show off your ancestral dragon style.

In the wilderness of Xianyang, the First Emperor walked up to the altar step by step along the stone steps.Fusu held the sacrificial inscription and followed behind the First Emperor.

On the large platform below are the civil and military ministers of the empire.

Standing neatly, everyone held their heads high and held their chests high, all showing the integrity of the empire.

Elite soldiers stood around, looking intently, guarding the majesty of the empire.

Following the sound of trickling river outside the altar, the First Emperor climbed onto the altar and stood still.

Fusu stood aside, slowly opened the memorial text in his hand, and solemnly read:
"The panic goes up to heaven, and shines on the earth below. The spirits of the earth gather together to send down sweet wind and rain."

"Everyone has his own place, and common people live together. Everyone has his own place, and it is the present and the past."

"Weiyu is a person who worships the emperor and the heaven, and the thin soil. The god who bears the sky brings happiness to the wind and rain."

"All flowers and plants are luxuriant. Since it is peaceful and peaceful, worship the spirit of the earth below."

"Contain burnt and strong, let Xing Si be old!"

After Fusu finished reciting the sacrificial inscriptions, he put his hands forward, respectfully took the sacrificial inscriptions, and threw himself into the fire in the cauldron beside him.

Let the sacrificial text slowly burn into ashes to reach heaven.

After the sacrificial inscriptions were completely reduced to ashes, the First Emperor stepped forward and came to the desk at the front of the altar.

The King of Qin's sword followed the movement of the First Emperor, and the scabbard was attached to the black dragon robe.

During the whole process, even the First Emperor's breathing was extremely stable, which fully shows how solemn the First Emperor was for this imperial sacrifice.

The dragon flag is floating in the air, and the servants are already ladling clear water into the river, preparing to distribute it to the civil and military officials to share the water of the prosperous age.

Under the gaze of everyone, the First Emperor came to the table where the sacrifices were placed.

There are three jade tablets, green, white, and purple, placed on the table. Each jade tablet is exquisite to the pinnacle of craftsmanship, and the lines are so complex that they do not resemble human objects.

The next moment, the drums around the festival site began to sound.

The strong man mustered up his muscles and used all the strength in his body to make the big drum in front of him burst into thunderous sounds.

The majesty of the empire spreads to all directions with the sound of drums.

At this moment, the chamberlain has already distributed the water of Qinghe River to the hands of every imperial minister.

Even Fusu, who had just finished reading the memorial text, was holding a pottery cup filled with river water.

The First Emperor picked up the white jade in the middle, held the jade in his arms, and chanted to heaven and earth in a serious voice:

"Emperor Tianhoutu, bless me Daqin!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the white jade plate was thrown into the river in front of him by the First Emperor, carrying the emperor's intention to reach heaven!
After the white jade plate sank to the bottom of the river, the First Emperor said to everyone behind him:

As soon as this sound came out, Fusu and all the officials of Qin Dynasty raised their heads and drank the river water from the cup into their stomachs.

Just when the First Emperor picked up the purple jade plate and threw it into the river.

Fusu suddenly felt dizzy. There were so many figures in front of him that he could no longer stand still.

The same situation also happened to all the ministers and guards in the altar.

Because they all drank the sacrificial water brought from the river!

Even when Fusu thinks 'not good'!
Outside the altar, several black shadows cut through the sky like wandering orioles, heading straight up to the altar with murderous intent!
At this moment, only the First Emperor and Fusu, who was poisoned, were on the altar.

When Fusu saw those assassins, he drew out the cold-glazing sharp blade and rushed towards his father.

Fusu bit the tip of his tongue, feeling clear with the tingling sensation, and opened his arms to block the assassins.

shouted sharply:

"You rats! Don't hurt my father!" Fusu's mouth was bleeding and his eyes were wide with anger.

Even though the sharp blade in front of him was about to strike, from beginning to end, Fusu never had the slightest thought of retreating.

The First Emperor at the desk slowly turned around and looked lovingly at his eldest son.

Then he glanced at the assassin rushing up to the altar with his sword-like eyes.

cold voice:
"Zhang Han! Capture them all!"

After the First Emperor said these words, the next moment all the Black Ice Platform killers who had been hiding around appeared.

Rush towards those assassins.

The First Emperor had already anticipated this scene.

Ever since Zhang Han reported last time that a large number of unknown assassins appeared in Xianyang City, the First Emperor had already guessed that someone was definitely going to take advantage of the imperial sacrifice to attack him!

According to the ancestral system of the Qin Dynasty, all courtiers and soldiers present during the sacrifice must drink the water from the Xianyang River.

This is undoubtedly the best opportunity for the people behind the scenes to assassinate him.

Therefore, before the sacrifice, the First Emperor had ordered the killers of Heibingtai to hide in the surroundings.

When these assassins appear, destroy them with thunder!
The assassins who came to kill the First Emperor were naturally masters from the 'Yellow Spring'.

Their purpose this time was to assassinate the First Emperor, and then frame the blame on Fusu.

But facing the crowd of Black Ice Platform who are ready to attack, how can the assassins of "Underworld" resist them.

Within a short time, many of the assassins of 'Yellow Spring' were captured by the masters of Black Ice Platform.

However, Heibingtai did not capture anyone alive. Seeing that they could not escape, the assassins bitten and poisoned themselves one after another.

The First Emperor looked at the assassins who had all turned into corpses, his eyes flickering.

Such changes naturally caused panic among the ministers.

The face may be pale, or frightened, with various expressions.

The First Emperor saw all the expressions on the faces of everyone in the audience.

In the opinion of the First Emperor, since the people behind the scenes could poison the river water, they must have insiders in the court!

Otherwise, how could it poison everyone who drinks the water?

The First Emperor's silent gesture made the ministers even more frightened.

Because in this short period of time, they also figured out the reason!
Some of them want to do harm to the First Emperor!

Otherwise, no one can touch the river water used for sacrifices!

The First Emperor remained silent, then flicked his sleeves and robe, turned and left without saying a word.

The civil and military ministers who were full of panic were left.

Outside Zhangtai Palace, hundreds of civil and military officials knelt in groups to prove their innocence.

The First Emperor was assassinated. What a big event this was!
No matter who is behind the scenes, the imperial officials at this moment can only think of using this method to reduce His Majesty's anger.

In Zhangtai Palace, Fusu was also kneeling neatly.

The First Emperor sat on the dragon chair, looked at Fusu's determined face, and slowly said:

"Fusu, do you know that a few days ago, there was a rumor among the people that you were angry and wanted to assassinate me because you were sent to the frontier for training!"

"Now, at the Imperial Sacrifice, all the officials and guards are poisoned. It was obviously caused by someone in the court!"

"This time I was assassinated, and all the clues point to you!"

"What can you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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