Chapter 199 Baiyue makes trouble! ! !

Immediately, the waiter quickly put on a smile on his face, stepped forward and greeted:

"Hey, there are so many people here, I'm afraid the small shop doesn't have enough space."

"Masters, please wait a moment. Waiter, I will make some more seats for you officers right away."

Looking at the way the waiter nodded and bowed, Zhang Han and the elite Black Ice Platform behind him were like standing swords, not breathing at all.

Zhang Han glanced at the waiter in front of him, and then at the diners who had not yet left the inn.

In a cold voice:
"No need to prepare! Your inn is too bright."

"Only the great prisons of the empire are suitable for keeping rats in captivity."

"Besides, the location of the Empire's prison is enough!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a powerful inner energy burst out from Zhang Han's body, and the steel knife at his waist was unsheathed in an instant.

Behind Zhang Han, the elites of Black Ice Platform silently drew their weapons and charged into the inn like a pack of wolves!
In an instant, murderous aura filled the entire inn.

The shopkeeper, the waiter, and the group of diners who had not left, knew they could no longer hide themselves, so they all showed their most ferocious sides, bursting out with their martial arts prowess.

But, how could they defeat the well-prepared elites from the Black Ice Platform?

Zhang Han seemed to have turned into a sword, with sword energy all over his body, and in just a few breaths, he chopped off the waiter's limbs.

In the end, the inner energy vibrated, completely knocking out the hidden rat.

Zhang Han absorbed the experience of the last sacrificial ceremony. What he pursued was not an instant kill, but to control the opponent's ability to move immediately.

Let the opponent not even have a chance to bite the poison sac.

Under the full force of Black Ice Platform, all those who deliberately spread rumors among the people were taken to the imperial prison.

Those who resisted fiercely were killed on the spot.

After this battle, no one among the people dared to discuss the matter of supporting Mr. Su.

Zhang Han imprisoned all those who actively spread rumors into the imperial prison.

That night, various punishments were used to try to pry out the origins of these people from their mouths.

Zhang Han was naturally extremely ruthless against those who tried to subvert the empire.

Those who spread rumors cannot even control their own life and death after the poison sacs hidden in their mouths are cut away.

He can only stay in a dark prison and experience various cruel punishments over and over again.

Amidst the echoes of screams.

Zhang Han finally found out the origin of these people, but the result made Zhang Han a little unbelievable.

After all of them were interrogated, the same answer came out of their mouths!
"The remnants of the Six Kingdoms?! The remnants of the Six Kingdoms again?"

"These people actually unanimously admit that they are descendants of the Six Kingdoms"

When Zhang Han got this result, he always felt that something was wrong.

After careful consideration in my mind, I didn't find out what the problem was.

Even if Zhang Han cut off the flesh of those arrested on the spot, the man would still shout the glory of the ancestors of the Six Nations before he died.

This situation forced Zhang Han to accept that they were all remnants of the Six Kingdoms.

Zhangtai Palace.

After the results of the interrogation came out, Zhang Han quickly reported the matter to the First Emperor.

And told the first emperor his guess:

"Your Majesty, even before they died, those people still insisted on their identity as remnants of the Six Kingdoms."

"But Wei Chen always felt that there was something fishy about this matter."

"Those people may not really be the remnants of the Six Kingdoms."

Upon hearing this, the First Emperor looked at Zhang Han and said slowly, "Huh? Tell me what you think."

After Zhang Han heard this, he thought thoughtfully and said:

"In Wei Chen's opinion, if they are the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, there are two loopholes!"

"First, what is the identity of the remnants of the Six Nations? If they want to join the sacrificial team, it will be difficult for them to reach the sky."

"No matter how stupid the ministers are, they cannot allow those remnants of the Six Kingdoms to appear at Da Qin's sacrifices."

"Secondly, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms have always been scattered. Although they are still not convinced by our Great Qin Empire, they have never acted in a unified way from beginning to end."

"Furthermore, I have never heard of a company with such a majestic figure who can lay out such a sophisticated plan with such scheming."

"So, in Wei Chen's opinion, the person behind the scenes is far from coming to light."

After hearing this, the First Emperor walked forward a few times and looked at the moon above the sky, shrouded in clouds.

In the heart of the First Emperor, he also did not feel that those people were the remnants of the Six Kingdoms.

But the person behind the scenes who can cultivate so many dead soldiers must be a poisonous snake that has been hidden for who knows how long!

If such a tycoon causes chaos, it will pose a great threat to the empire.
After thinking for a moment, the First Emperor slowly spoke:

"Since they claim to be the remnants of the Six Kingdoms until their death, so be it."

"Behead them all in the busy city! And announce to the people that it is the remnants of the Six Nations who are doing evil. At the same time, put out a reward and intensify the search for the remnants of the Six Nations!"

"Since that poisonous snake in the shadow wants to disguise itself as a remnant of the Six Kingdoms, I will just follow the trend."

Speaking of this, the First Emperor looked at Zhang Han and said seriously:

"Let the outside world think that it is the remnants of the Six Kingdoms who are causing trouble. You lead people secretly to find the poisonous snake for me!"

As soon as the First Emperor said this, Zhang Han quickly respectfully accepted the order.

The next day, above the court.

The First Emperor announced at the time that those who organized the assassination at the Qin Dynasty sacrifice were the remnants of the Six Kingdoms.

He also stepped up the progress of arresting those remnants of the Six Nations and further increased the amount of the reward.

As for how the remnants of the Six Kingdoms got into the sacrificial procession, the First Emperor did not talk about it.

When the First Emperor said this, all the civil and military officials breathed a sigh of relief, at least this matter did not involve them.

At the same time, several ministers had their eyes flickering, and they naturally thought that it was impossible for the remnants of the Six Nations to get involved in the empire's sacrifices.

But since the First Emperor had determined the matter in this way, they were unwilling to raise questions in court.

Just when the officials began their routine meeting.

Sudden!An urgent message came from eight hundred miles away from the court!

All civil and military officials turned back to look at the entrance of the court!

You know, these eight hundred miles of urgent summons have not come out for who knows how long.

I could only hear the messenger who stepped into the entrance of the court hall shouting at the top of his lungs:
"Retribution!!! Rebellion in Baiyue Land!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole court was in an uproar.

All the civil and military officials had angry expressions on their faces.

Since the Qin Dynasty wiped out the Xiongnu clan, the majesty of the Qin Empire has been spread to all directions.

Coupled with the gifts from the gods, Da Qin had abundant food and grass, the army had powerful weapons and equipment from the gods, and its combat power was simply immeasurable.

The national power of the entire Great Qin Empire has more than doubled compared to when it first unified the world?

Under such circumstances, those unruly people in Baiyue Land still dare to cause trouble?

(End of this chapter)

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