In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 200 The truth about the Battle of Changping! ! !

Chapter 200 The truth about the Battle of Changping! ! !
Dare to touch the imperial tiger's beard?
Before the First Emperor could speak, the ministers were already indignant, and they all clamored to send troops to attack Baiyue!
The First Emperor's eyes also showed anger. Previously, because of the motto on the Yinghuo Planet, the First Emperor had decided to wipe out the Hu people around Da Qin.

After destroying a Xiongnu, the empire mobilized a lot of power to develop the large land left by the Xiongnu.

Now in this land of Baiyue, people dare to take the initiative to provoke.

How could this not make the First Emperor angry?
"Those bastards! How dare they cause trouble?"

"Have they forgotten what happened to the Huns?"

"It seems that the territory of the Empire of Oman is about to expand to the east again!"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, it was clear to all civil and military officials that His Majesty was going to start a war to destroy the country again.

All the officials had different expressions. It would not be difficult to teach Baiyue a lesson.

But if you want to destroy Baiyue like the Xiongnu, it is not that difficult.

In terms of the tyranny of soldiers, Baiyue is definitely not as good as the Huns.But the problem is that the terrain in Baiyue is extremely complicated.

It's not like the northern part of the empire, which is a large plain, and the imperial army can march straight into it.

In general, it is several times more difficult to occupy the territory of Baiyue than to occupy the territory of the Xiongnu.

After Li Si thought for a long time, he came out to advise:
"Your Majesty, if you want to completely occupy Baiyue, there may be something wrong."

"The environment in Baiyue is extremely harsh, with swamps and miasma everywhere. In such a hot and humid environment, it is very easy for the soldiers to become acclimatized. There may even be an outbreak of plague among the army."

"Furthermore, there are many jungles and mountains in the Baiyue Land, and the terrain is complex. I'm afraid that under the attack of a large army, it will be difficult to even identify the direction."

"If you get lost, you will most likely fall into the trap set by the Baiyue people, causing damage to the soldiers."

"Wei Chen suggested that the army should use artillery to intimidate Baiyue, and there is no need to start a war to destroy the country."

Li Si's words were comprehensive and took almost every situation into consideration.

But the murderous look in the eyes of the First Emperor remained unchanged.

Greeting the hall full of civil and martial arts:
"With the help of heaven and man, the plague will never happen in the army!"

"As for the terrain problem, we can use the old Chu people to guide the way. Coupled with the telescope left by the heavenly being, there will definitely be no problem."

"My decision has been made, there is no need to discuss this matter further!"

"Those Baiyue people are destined to be destroyed!"

As soon as the First Emperor finished speaking, all officials, both civil and military, understood the holy will. This war to destroy the country had to be launched.

Li Si also retreated into the queue and stopped trying to persuade him.

As for the generals, Meng Tian walked out silently and asked the First Emperor for a battle against Baiyue.

Not to be outdone, Wang Ben asked the First Emperor to lead troops.

Today's military exploits are becoming more and more difficult to obtain. This time the defeat of Baiyue is the best opportunity to accumulate military exploits.

All military generals, as long as they are qualified to fight, will all stand out.

Amidst the calls for battle, Han Xin, who was at the end of the line of generals, also stood up and began to recommend himself.

Although Han Xin was the leader of the empire's first imperial examination, he was only named a mere general by the First Emperor.

He can only be listed at the end of the military general side. For the war to destroy the country, Han Xin is simply not qualified to lead the army.

But being a partial general in the expeditionary force is still qualified.

The First Emperor also wanted to see how capable the leader of the empire's first imperial examination was.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Han Xin, of course you are determined to serve the empire. This time I will make you the deputy general of the army."

"Meng Tian is the commander-in-chief of the army. He will lead 15 troops to attack Baiyue immediately!" Meng Tian heard this and hurriedly accepted the order respectfully.

It's a pity that Wang Benze has a great road.

Han Xin at the end was also full of excitement.Although he is only a deputy general, at least he has a stage to show off his talents!

Han Xin believed that this crusade against Baiyue was the beginning of his becoming the "God of War"!
At night, in Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor opened the fairy book again with excitement and nervousness.

[After Bai Qi figured out his way of killing, he completely opened his spiritual restraints.With his mind enlightened, his killing methods become more and more sharp. 】

[If you want to take the path of killing, you must experience countless mountains of corpses and seas of blood.Under my arrangement, Bai Qi joined the Qin army. 】

[With killing methods that are beyond the reach of ordinary people, he gradually ascended to the position of Qin's general. 】

[By this time, there is no one in the world who does not know Lord Wu'an of Qin.Bai Qi's reputation can almost stop children from crying at night. 】

[Bai Qi's own state is getting closer and closer to the realm of Abi.And for him to completely cross that threshold, he only needs to experience the baptism of the blood river again. 】

【The opportunity will come soon.】

[In the battle of Changping, Bai Qi's sword killed 45 Zhao troops, and countless creatures were bathed in the blood.Bai Qi completely took that step and became a human Shura! 】

[White hair, bloody eyes, Bai Qi at this time is definitely the most dangerous person in the world. 】

[But I teach him the way to kill. Even if it is bloody, he can still keep his inner clarity amidst the boundless desire to kill. 】

[This peerless fierce sword, after being tempered with nearly a million blood, finally burst out with the most powerful light in the world]

[Although the sword was tempered, Bai Qi also completely controlled Shura's killing path.But all this is not without cost. 】

[Although blood can nourish Bai Qi's murderous intent, Bai Qi cannot escape the cause and effect of the boundless evil spirits. 】

[The resentment in the dark descends on Bai Qi's body in a causal manner. 】

[Facing the resentment of nearly a million living beings, no matter how fierce Bai Qi is, he still cannot suppress it. 】

[This human Shura was bit by bit invaded by boundless resentment, and his body, which was once so powerful that it frightened everyone in the world, is also aging bit by bit. 】

[Looking at his broken body, Bai Qi never regretted it from beginning to end. 】

[I asked Bai Qi the reason, and Bai Qi smiled and said that he was born by killing himself, and his mother died of childbirth.If you can resist the extreme state of killing in this life, even if you see the scenery in that state, it is worth it. 】

When the First Emperor saw this place, his face was full of complex meanings.

I admire Bai Qi's spirit of dying if he hears the truth in the morning.

He also felt that Bai Qi had made such sacrifices for Qin's great cause of unifying the world, and was deeply moved.

After a long time, the First Emperor could not help but murmur:

"I have doubts before. With Lord Wu'an's force, no matter how strong the Nong Family's Dize 24 Formation is."

"It is impossible to severely damage the empire's Lord Wu An!"

"Now that I think about it, it turns out that Lord Wu An's body has long been in dilapidated condition."

Just when the First Emperor remembered Bai Qi.

Suddenly, a message came from the chamberlain:
"Your Majesty, there is a secret report from Pei County!"

"The chief official of Pei County asked Xiao He and discovered Liu Bang's traces, but failed to arrest him."

"On the other hand, Liu Bang's accomplices who rebelled together were all persuaded to surrender by Xiao He."

"According to Xiao He, the chief official of Pei County, there are many capable people among Liu Bang's associates who can be used by the imperial court!"

(End of this chapter)

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