In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 2: There must be a way to live forever in the underground palace! ! !

Chapter 2: There must be a way to live forever in the underground palace! ! !
above the hall.

The First Emperor sat in the dragon chair.

His body was as steady as a bronze bell, displaying the majesty of an emperor, but judging from the constant flashing eyes of the First Emperor.

At this moment, the First Emperor Ying Zheng was extremely unstable.

The civil and military officials below also turned red with excitement.

Although they were lined up on the left and right, standing one after another, their slightly trembling bodies clearly showed how excited they were.

Under great expectations, Zhang Han's figure appeared at the entrance of the court.

He held an object wrapped in brocade cloth in both hands and walked slowly towards the center.

The eyes of all the civil and military officials were fixed on the object wrapped in brocade cloth in Zhang Han's hand.

He was speculating in his mind whether this was the book of gods and immortals mentioned in the urgent report earlier.

When Zhang Han walked over, the official at the back even stood up on his tiptoes and stared at the thing in Zhang Han's hand.

Such a scene clearly shows how profound the faith in heaven and man is in this world.

Seeing Zhang Han's figure getting closer and closer, the desire on the face of the First Emperor became more and more obvious!
The eyes that fell on the brocade-wrapped thing became brighter and brighter!
After Zhang Han came under the dragon platform, he quickly knelt down on one knee and said respectfully:
"Your Majesty, I will finally find a fairy book left by heaven and man in the palace of heaven, man and earth in Lishan Mountain."

"I hereby present it to Your Majesty!"

After saying this, Zhang Han raised the book of celestial beings held in his hands above his head.

Immediately, the chamberlain beside the First Emperor took the book of gods and humans wrapped in brocade cloth and respectfully brought it to the First Emperor.

Looking at the book of gods and humans wrapped in brocade cloth in front of him, the First Emperor felt excited all over!
Even the right hand touching the brocade cloth had a faint tremor.

Gently uncovering the brocade cloth, I saw four vigorous and powerful characters engraved on the heavenly book in front of me - Chen Mu's Records.

Seeing these four words, the First Emperor felt excited again!
Just from the alternating strokes of a dragon and a snake, you can see the sharpness of heaven and man.

From these four words, the First Emperor saw an all-encompassing feeling.

The anticipation in my heart for this heavenly book instantly increased by three points.

The First Emperor carefully chewed the meaning of these four words.

It suddenly dawned on him that the name of that heavenly being must be 'Chen Mu'.

This fairy book is the personal record left by the heavenly being named Chen Mu.

Which of these
What kind of magical method is hidden?

In an instant.

The First Emperor's eyes brightened.

However, the First Emperor was still the First Emperor after all, and he did not rush to read the Book of Heaven and Earth immediately.

Instead, with great perseverance, he moved his eyes away from the Book of Heavenly Beings and landed on Zhang Han.

The First Emperor praised with joy:
"Zhang Han, you are worthy of being the humerus of a man."

"You did a good job in this matter!"

"Later, I will reward you greatly!"

After hearing the First Emperor's words, Zhang Han hurriedly paid homage and said:
"The last general will not dare to take credit. This palace of heaven, man and earth has appeared in the imperial mausoleum of Lishan Mountain."

"This is the will of God. The heavenly beings in the underworld are also passing on the Dharma to our emperor through the heavenly beings and the earthly palaces."

Hearing Zhang Han's words, the First Emperor was greatly benefited.

The smile on his face became even stronger.

Then he said to Zhang Han in the audience:

"Zhang Qing, what was the situation in the palace of man and earth that day?"

"Are there any records about heavenly beings?"

The First Emperor finished speaking.

Zhang Han immediately recalled all the scenery he saw in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth, and the shock in his heart only showed on his face.

He said respectfully to the First Emperor: "Your Majesty, the underground palace of that day is under a rock."

"But it's like the entire Lishan Mountain has been hollowed out."

"The underground palace is as huge as our Xianyang Palace."

Zhang Han had just finished speaking.


There was a sudden gasp among the civil and military officials.

Everyone was shocked by the scene Zhang Han said.

I was thinking about how majestic an underground palace that was built after hollowing out Lishan Mountain would be.

Just think of those huge palaces, actually built underground.

All civil and military officials felt like thunder exploding in their minds.

The shocking emotion cannot be described in words.

Even the First Emperor was stunned for a moment when he heard the magnificence of the Heavenly Palace.

Judging from the majestic scale of the Celestial Emperor's Palace, it is evident that Celestial Being's magical powers are there.

The majestic building could not be built until the mountain was hollowed out.

It’s simply not something that can be accomplished manually!

After sighing at the vastness of the palaces of heaven, man and earth, the First Emperor urged Zhang Han with his eyes to continue describing.

Zhang Han immediately described to everyone what he saw and heard in the palace of heaven, man and earth in his mind:

"Because the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth is too huge, I will not be able to explore it in detail in the future."

"But around the underground palace, there are countless murals!"

"The murals are carved with what seems to be the era when heavenly beings lived."

"The plants and trees there seemed to be much taller than they are today."

"What's even more terrifying is that there are countless giant beasts running through the tall woods!"

"Using the hill in the mural as a reference, I suddenly discovered that any beast is as tall as a hill!"

"Moreover, some giant beasts look just like the ferocious beasts in mythology."

"Just looking at the carved appearance gives me a sense of fear."

Zhang Han finished speaking.

All the civil and military officials were shocked and speechless.

They could not imagine the fear that a giant beast the size of a small mountain would cause when moving.

In particular, its shape resembles the mythical beast!

Is the era when gods exist really the legendary mythological period?

Otherwise, why would a giant beast like a hill appear?

Just when everyone was shocked by the content of the mural that Zhang Han said.

Among all the civil and military officials, Xu Fu was the quickest to come to his senses.

At this time, Xu Fu, with excitement on his face, came out of the queue and respectfully said to the First Emperor:
"Your Majesty, since heavenly beings have such great power, they have built such miraculous and miraculous palaces."

"Then the book of immortals and immortals he left behind is very likely to contain the method of immortality!"

Xu Fun was the first alchemist in the Qin Dynasty. Under the orders of the First Emperor, he had been looking for the method of immortality.

At this moment, the Heavenly Man and the Earthly Palace appear in the world, Xu Fu only feels that immortal fate has arrived, and the fairy book left by the Heavenly Man must contain records of great supernatural powers!

Hear Xu Fu's words.

The throbbing heart of the First Emperor could not be restrained at all!

Facing the faces of all the civil and military officials, I gently opened the first page of the Book of Immortals.
(End of this chapter)

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