In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 3: Heavenly beings are riding on dragons!

Chapter 3: Heavenly beings are riding on dragons!

The First Emperor had just touched this book of celestial beings.

I just feel that the materials used in this heavenly book are as delicate as virgin skin.

It's as thin as a cicada's wings, yet as tough as animal skin.

I couldn't help but secretly sigh in my heart, it was worthy of being left by heaven and man.

Turning over the first page and looking at the vast number of handwriting on it, the First Emperor couldn't help but read out:

[This is my first day in Jurassic, and I have finally gotten used to it.]

The First Emperor had just finished reading this sentence.

All the civil and military officials under the dragon platform had doubts on their faces.

Through the first sentence of the Celestial Book, everyone roughly understood that the era when Celestials existed was the Jurassic Period.

But the problem is, they have never heard of 'Jurassic'!

The word 'Jurassic' directly hits the blind spot of their knowledge.

These knowledgeable ministers suddenly thought hard about which era of human history the 'Jurassic Period' was.

However, no matter how hard they racked their brains, they still could not find any records of the Jurassic Period in what they had learned in their lives.

The First Emperor also raised his head, revealing a pair of eyes full of doubts.

He looked at Li Si, the prime minister of the dynasty, and said:

"Li Si, you are compatible with hundreds of schools of thought. Why don't you tell me, which era is this 'Jurassic'?"

"How come I have never heard of a description of the 'Jurassic Period' in human records?"

Li Si was questioned by the First Emperor.

At this moment, his brows were furrowed. Even Li Si had heard of the word 'Jurassic' for the first time.

When the First Emperor asked, Li Si had to answer.

Facing everyone's gaze, Li Si bravely explained:
"Your Majesty, this 'Jurassic Period' is probably the era where heavenly beings live."

"Since giant beasts existed in the era of heavenly beings, it is very likely that it is older than the era of the Three Emperors!"

"Maybe it's the legendary ancient era!"

"It is also possible that the 'Jurassic Period' mentioned by heavenly beings is another recording method independent of the current calendar division method."

After saying this, Li Si was already sweating faintly on his forehead.

Surprised to be asked by the First Emperor about the gaps in his knowledge, Li Si couldn't help but panic, so he could only explain it this way.

Hearing this, the First Emperor nodded slowly.

With doubts in his heart, he continued to read the fairy book.

[In this era, although the natural environment is excellent, it still makes me feel lonely. 】

[In order to dispel the loneliness in my heart, I have recently developed a hobby that is extremely beneficial to my physical and mental health - raising pets! 】

[The first thing I noticed was the tallest Diplodocus. 】

[This kind of dragon will be fifteen feet long when it reaches adulthood. With its neck raised high, it is perfect for watching the scenery when you step on its head. 】

[Well, it’s a mobile viewing platform.The most important thing is that this Diplodocus has a docile temperament.I just tamed the dragon with physical skills and directly tamed the Diplodocus leader. 】

[The leader of Diplodocus has an exaggerated body that is twenty feet long.The weight, according to visual inspection, is about [-] kilograms. 】

[More importantly, after taming the Diplodocus leader.Its little brothers have all become my pets. 】

[Every time I wandered around in the primeval forest, I would be followed by a dozen Diplodocus with a body length of more than fifteen feet. It would be like a moving earthquake. 】【However, just having Diplodocus as a mount seems not enough. 】

[Although these Diplodocus are huge in size, they are not ferocious enough. They will always panic when encountering large carnivorous dragons.If I hadn't been in charge, I'm afraid these dozen Diplodocus would have run away. 】

[Looks like we still need to find some more ferocious carnivorous dinosaurs.It seems that Tyrannosaurus rex is pretty good. It is the largest carnivorous dinosaur of this era. It will be the next mount! 】

Seeing this, the First Emperor couldn't suppress the horror in his heart.

His eyes moved away from the book of immortals.

Because while reading, the First Emperor also read out the contents of the Book of Immortals.

So much so that all the civil and military officials in the hall heard the description in the book of gods and immortals.

At this moment, the entire court fell into a silence that could hear a needle drop!

The First Emperor and all the civil and military officials were all shocked by the contents of the book.

Even Li Si's eyes were widened at this moment and his face was pale.

Even Meng Tian, ​​who was the most courageous and skilled in fighting, was stunned out of his wits at this moment.

Xu Fu said loudly and enthusiastically:

"Dragon! Heavenly beings actually treat dragons as pets and mounts!"

"Oh my God! Every time the heavenly beings go on patrol, there are always dozens of fifteen-foot-long divine dragons standing beside them."

"What a magnificent magical power this is!"

At this moment, Xu Fu could no longer imagine that dozens of divine dragons were patrolling along with the heavenly beings.

What kind of fairy atmosphere will it be.

Everyone above the court is like this.

They don't know that the dinosaurs mentioned by heavenly beings and the divine dragons they imagined are not species at the same level at all.

I only knew that both of them had the word "dragon" in them, so I subconsciously thought that the dinosaurs conquered by the gods were the dragon totems they enshrined.

Unconsciously, I pictured in my mind the majestic scene of that day with people standing high on the dragon's head and patrolling!
Did that scene of blocking out the sky and causing the earth dragon to turn over really happen in this land?
After Xu Fu finished speaking, Meng Tian also said unconsciously:
"This Diplodocus, which is fully twenty feet long, seems to be despised by heaven and man for not being brave enough to fight."

"I wonder what a ferocious and terrifying dragon the Tyrannosaurus rex wants to be conquered by heaven and man."

"Since this dragon has the word 'Overlord' in its name, it must be extremely brave and unparalleled in combat power."

Hearing Meng Tian's words.

The First Emperor suddenly felt curious in his heart, and quickly focused his attention on the Book of Immortals.

[The temperament of Tyrannosaurus rex is much more ferocious than Diplodocus.Seeing me coming to subdue them, they even opened their bloody mouths. 】

[Good guy, he is indeed the largest carnivorous dinosaur of this era.This big mouth full of teeth opens a foot wide. 】

[But after I punched it, this Tyrannosaurus Rex became honest after all. 】

[Knocked out ten Tyrannosaurus rex in a row, and I added another species to my list of pets. 】

[The size of Tyrannosaurus rex is not as huge as Diplodocus.But this skeleton is solid enough, almost harder than stone. 】

[Especially this big head, which is one foot thick, is full of violent aesthetics. 】

Seeing this, the First Emperor was shocked again.

In his mind, he sketched a ten-foot-long dragon head with an open mouth full of sharp teeth.

Coupled with the body that was harder than stone, whenever he thought of that scene, a chill came out of the heart of the First Emperor.

Especially, seeing that such a terrifying Tyrannosaurus rex is not the enemy of a heavenly being with just one punch!
The First Emperor's admiration for heaven and humans became even stronger!
I quickly turned to the back page of the Book of Immortals.
(End of this chapter)

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