Chapter 4 Heavenly Being!It's possible! ! !

At this moment in the court hall.

All the civil and military officials of the Qin Dynasty were like children receiving elementary school education, looking longingly at the First Emperor on the dragon throne.

He listened carefully to the First Emperor and read the records in the Book of Immortals.

[A pet like Tyrannosaurus rex is a lot more troublesome than Diplodocus. 】

[Diplodocus only needs to eat plants to grow as tall as blocking out the sun, but not this Tyrannosaurus rex. 】

[Looking at the ten subdued Tyrannosaurus rex, I suddenly had an idea, why not train them to hunt in groups. 】

[A Tyrannosaurus Rex, although one-on-one, is almost invincible.But these Jurassic dinosaurs are more clever than the last. 】

[Whenever you encounter a threat, you will run away immediately.With a big head on top of the Tyrannosaurus rex, the efficiency of pursuit is really not very good. 】

[Under my iron fist education, these Tyrannosaurus rex, who were born to hunt alone, were forcibly educated to fight in groups. 】

[Tsk, tsk, ten Tyrannosaurus rex preying on each other, that scene is simply cruel! 】

[Even if you encounter a group of Triceratops, you can directly confront them! 】

[Dozens of triceratops charged together, enough to flatten even a hill. 】

[But faced with the threat of ten Tyrannosaurus rex roaring together, the Triceratops immediately fell into chaos. 】

[After a hunt, the blood shed by the Triceratops group directly dyed the river next to it red. 】

[Hey, after having a group of Tyrannosaurus rex as pets, I finally have enough power to travel. 】

[When you want to see the scenery, jump on the long neck of Diplodocus. 】

[However, when I saw the pterosaur flying high in the sky, I suddenly felt that I was missing a pet that could fly. 】

[Pterosaurs that can carry people flying are not so easy to choose.I threw baskets of fruits into the sky one after another. Among the dozens of pterosaurs that were knocked unconscious, I selected the one that looked the most powerful and majestic. 】

[Another slap wakes up the most majestic pterosaur.I stepped on its back and tried to let him fly. 】

[Hiss, the process of pterosaur manned flight is complicated.In short, under the deterrence of my iron fist.This most majestic pterosaur has finally learned how to be a flying mount. 】

【It’s done!At this point, my pet collection list now includes a pterosaur that can fly for nine days!]

Seeing this, the First Emperor was filled with envy!

He didn't expect that the methods of heavenly beings could be so sophisticated!
Can drive ten Tyrannosaurus rex to kill another type of dragon.

Although the fairy book does not describe the battle in detail.

But as long as the First Emperor thought about it a little, he would be able to imagine that such scenes must be like the earth being stained with blood, and the earth covered with tears!
The battle between dragons in ancient times.
It turned out to be caused by the interest of heaven and man, and it was created casually.

Especially, when he thought that the gods could control the ten Tyrannosaurus rex at will, the First Emperor was jealous.

Today, the Qin Empire has millions of cavalrymen.

If there are ten more Tyrannosaurus rex among them.

The territory of the Great Qin Empire could be more than doubled!
With ten Tyrannosaurus rex as the vanguard, the barbarians in the north can also be wiped out with their hands!

The Qin Dynasty no longer has to waste people and money to build the Great Wall.
And the pterosaur that can carry people soaring for nine heavens!
Although the Celestial Being did not give a detailed description of its appearance.

But based on the word 'wing' in front of the dragon, the First Emperor had automatically imagined a dragon with two wings on its back!

That image is exactly like the mythical Yinglong!

Heavenly beings can control the terrifying Tyrannosaurus Rex, and can even knock out the mythical Yinglong with fruit.

Such heaven-reaching means have exceeded the limit that the First Emperor could imagine at this moment!

After sighing in his heart, the First Emperor also understood.Only the methods of heavenly beings can subdue the ten terrifying Tyrannosaurus rex and let them drive them.

Even though he is the only emperor of China, he is still a mortal, and he can only think about such things.

After the First Emperor finished sighing, he focused his mind on the Book of Immortals.

However, there is only the last sentence left on this page.

The First Emperor slowly wrote the fairy book and read out the last sentence.

[I have been to the top of the mountain, and I have also been to the bottom. I have benefited a lot from both! 】

As soon as he finished reading, the First Emperor frowned.

He couldn't figure out why a god would leave such a sentence at the end of this page.

When I first read this sentence, it seemed simple, but it felt full of profound meaning.

The First Emperor tasted it carefully for a long time, but still did not understand the true meaning.

He raised his head and glanced at the officials in the audience.He opened his mouth and said:

"My lords, what is the meaning of these last words recorded by heavenly beings?"

When all the officials heard this, they all frowned and fell into thinking.

The person who came to his senses the fastest was Li Si, the prime minister of the dynasty!
Li Si raised his face slightly, glanced at the officials who were still thinking hard, and said respectfully to the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty, I have some humble opinions regarding the words of heaven and being."

After hearing this, the First Emperor suddenly became interested: "Oh, Li Si, tell me quickly."

Li Si straightened up and explained to everyone:
"The mountain tops and the valleys, both benefit heaven and man a lot."

"Then there must be important treasures in these two places!"

"This precious treasure is so precious that even such majestic beings as gods and humans can benefit a lot from it."

"I'm afraid that as long as I and other mortals get a little bit of it, it will be enough to bring blessings to the ages!"

As soon as Li Si said these words, everyone in the hall was brightened up!

Everyone was speculating in their minds as to what kind of rare treasure this treasure could be that even heavenly beings could benefit from!
On the face of the First Emperor, Li Si's words also gave rise to some desire.

How could the First Emperor not want to acquire a treasure that could benefit heaven and man a lot?

The majestic eyes of the First Emperor suddenly shone with light, and he hurriedly said:

"Li Si, in your opinion, where are the top of the mountain and the bottom of the valley today?"

Following the words of the First Emperor.

All civil and military officials in the hall also focused their attention on Prime Minister Li Si.

I hope that this leader of the Qin Dynasty can guess the two places where rare and valuable treasures are hidden.

Li Si had also expected that the First Emperor would ask this question.

Therefore, based on what I just thought of, I stated to the First Emperor:
"The majesty of heaven and man has surpassed the scope of our understanding."

"The mountain tops and valleys that people talked about that day must be the highest mountains and the lowest valleys in the world!"

"Therefore, I can conclude that the mountain tops and valleys mentioned by heaven and man refer to Changbai Mountain and Bashu land!"

Li Si finished speaking.

All the civil and military officials in the hall were in an uproar.

The highest mountain in China is indeed Changbai Mountain.

And the lowest valley is indeed in the land of Bashu!

The First Emperor slowly chewed what Li Si said.

His index finger tapped lightly on the dragon platform. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that what Li Si said was very possible!

The next moment, the First Emperor's eyes widened, and he ordered to Meng Tian and Wang Ben on the side of the general:

"Meng Tian and Wang Ben come out!"

"I ordered you two to investigate Changbai Mountain and the Bashu land!"

"Look through all the land in these two places carefully, and we must find clues to the treasures left by the gods!"

"This matter is related to the destiny of our country, Great Qin. You two must not slack off!"

The majestic words of the First Emperor had just fallen.

Meng Tian and Wang Ben immediately came out of the queue, knelt down on one knee towards the First Emperor, and said respectfully:

"The final general will definitely fulfill his mission!"

Looking at the determined expressions of Meng Tian and Wang Ben, the First Emperor nodded slowly.

Just in time.

An urgent report that was eight hundred miles away was delivered all the way from outside the palace.

The same news from Lishan!

"Report! Report! Report!"

"Your Majesty, a hanging coffin was found deep in the Celestial Emperor's Palace!"

"Heavenly beings are very likely to be sleeping inside!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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