In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 221: Trapping Confucius?It’s the warlock who’s cheating! ! !

Chapter 221: Trapping Confucius?It’s the warlock who’s cheating! ! !

When Li Si came to Zhangtai Palace, he saw the first emperor with a solemn expression on his face.

Li Si's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately realized that the First Emperor must have something important to do when he summoned him this time.

The king and his ministers have been together for decades, and even during the conquest of the six kingdoms, Li Si has never seen such a solemn look on the face of the First Emperor.

After Li Si bowed respectfully.

The First Emperor showed a pair of tiger-like eyes and said aloud:
"Li Si! I have an important matter that needs you to handle!"

"This matter is related to the fate of our country, Great Qin, and even the rise and fall of the human race!"

"You must try your best to complete this matter!"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, Li Si also looked serious and said:

"Your Majesty, please speak frankly. Even if I have to go up a mountain of swords and go down into a sea of ​​fire, I will definitely live up to your Majesty's trust!"

At this moment, Li Si had realized how serious the situation was.

Otherwise, the First Emperor would not have stated it to him in this tone.

The First Emperor took a deep breath and blurted out the crazy plan in his heart to Li Si:

"I have asked you to collect books from all over the world."

"Gather in Xianyang and burn!"

The First Emperor struggled to pronounce the last word "burn", but he spoke it very clearly.

When it fell in Li Si's ears, it was as if he heard the sound of thousands of thunders in Li Si's mind, and his eyes were empty for a moment.

After being stunned for several breaths, Li Si looked at the First Emperor with extremely bewildered eyes.

Li Si seemed to think that he had heard the wrong order, and said in a questioning tone:

"Your Majesty, are you asking me to collect books from all over the world and burn them in Xianyang?"

Seeing Li Si's look of disbelief, the First Emperor's eyes became more determined and he nodded seriously.

Out loud:
"You heard that right, Li Si!"

"I asked you to search for books all over the world, the more the better!"

"Gather all the books that carry the treasures of China for thousands of years in Xianyang and place them in the blazing fire!"

When the First Emperor said the last words, a fierce look like a ferocious beast appeared on his face.

After fully hearing what the First Emperor said, Li Si felt as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer in the chest.

The whole person showed a state of disbelief that he could not believe the reality.

After a full moment, Li Si came back to his senses, with a haggard look on his face, and said to the First Emperor:


"Your Majesty promotes imperial examinations and overhauls the world's schools, isn't it to spread knowledge throughout the world?"

"Isn't it so that the people of Great Qin can be wise from now on and not be monopolized and oppressed by clans?"

"Why should all the carriers of Chinese knowledge be burned?"

"Does Your Majesty really want to cut off the path of progress for all living beings?"

"Still, Your Majesty needs a world full of stupid people."

At the end, Li Si's voice became lower and lower.

As the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty, this was the first time that he had questioned the First Emperor like this after spending decades with him.

Just because of the First Emperor's decision, Li Si, who was a Confucian scholar, really couldn't accept it.

The First Emperor sighed softly and slowly said the threat hidden in the Qin Dynasty:

"I am doing this just to save all the people in the world!"

"Do you know what I just saw in the Book of Heaven?"

"There is a group of strangers who claim to be warlocks, and they are hiding among our human race!"

"They were bewitched by the great demons of the outer world, and they were all twisted monsters with lizard heads and human torsos!"

"They can also freely disguise themselves as ordinary humans and move freely within the territory of our Great Qin!" As soon as the First Emperor said these words, Li Si's mind was shocked again!

Ren Lisi never imagined that there would be aliens in the world!

Even if Li Si briefly sketched the image of a lizard head and a human torso in his mind, a chill would fill his heart.

That image, even among legendary monsters, is considered extremely ugly and ferocious.

After Li Si suppressed the racing thoughts in his heart, he frowned again and asked the First Emperor:

"Those strangers are really like monsters."

"Does this have anything to do with burning the world's books?"

The First Emperor continued:

"The gods said in the fairy book that although the strangers are hiding in secret, they can still be destroyed with the power of our Great Qin."

"But that great demon from heaven who extends his tentacles to the human world is the existence that is most feared by heaven and man."

"Moreover, the one who wants to end the destiny of our country, Great Qin, is the mysterious way of heaven."

"Now, there is another great demon from outside the world, casting his eyes on our Great Qin."

"The means prepared by heavenly beings for our Da Qin can only be hidden by the great demons outside that day if they are hidden deeper."

"When the world's books are burning, in the blazing fire, we can naturally see the true salvation method of heaven and man!"

After hearing this, Li Si finally understood!
There are so many terrifying enemies surrounding Da Qin.

Even heavenly beings can only hide all kinds of salvation methods in such weird ways when they have no choice but to do so.

Li Si's brows furrowed tightly.

He knew that if he wanted to continue the fate of the Qin Dynasty and save all the people in the world, the books in the world had to be burned!

Thinking of this, Li Si pondered for a moment and slowly analyzed:

"Your Majesty, if you want to burn the world's books, you will definitely arouse opposition from students all over the world."

"In addition, we have promoted the imperial examination. After the overhaul of the academy, although everyone in our Qin territory has not been able to read and write, the number of students has been several times greater than before."

"Under such circumstances, the imperial court will definitely face tremendous pressure from public opinion, and His Majesty will be the first to bear the brunt."

"Moreover, after gathering the world's books in Xianyang, we also need to record and copy those books to prevent the treasures of knowledge accumulated over thousands of years from being completely lost."

Hearing this, the First Emperor nodded slowly.

The First Emperor didn't care much about his own reputation.

I'm just afraid that not enough books will be burned to allow the true Dharma of gods and humans to emerge.

The First Emperor slowly spoke:

"This matter has a great impact. Everyone in the world is talking about it. There are only a few people who are shouldering the responsibility. Just go ahead and do it."

"But remember to be careful. Although most of those strangers have disappeared underground, they may not have left spies among the people."

"You need to act secretly and try to avoid the situation from escalating."

Upon hearing this, Li Si quickly accepted the order respectfully.

After realizing the trouble this time, Li Si seemed to see Da Qin's unprecedented predicament.

Even if the books are on the same page and the cars are on the same track, there will never be this difficulty!

Although the writings of the six previous countries were all evolved versions of the ancient writings of gods and humans.But when it was spread to the Six Kingdoms, there were some differences in how some characters were written.

And the standards of measurement are even more diverse.

But the Qin Dynasty completely defeated the six kingdoms with its powerful iron cavalry.Under the power of power, the people of the six previous countries had no choice but to agree with the new standards promulgated by Da Qin.

But now, what the First Emperor wants to do is burn all the books in the world!

This move, if you don't know the inside story, would be even more unreasonable than King You of Zhou's beacon-fire play on the princes.

Although this matter has not yet begun, Li Si has already realized how difficult it will be on the road ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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