In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 222 The whole country of Qin was shocked! ! !

Chapter 222 The whole country of Qin was shocked! ! !

The next day, a decree was issued from the imperial court.

The First Emperor personally sealed the seal, and Prime Minister Li Si was personally responsible for delivering the news.

The streets and alleys of Xianyang are filled with announcements from the imperial court!
The news spread faster than the last imperial examination!

And the content in it is even more absurd and bizarre than if everyone in the world can read and write!

The announcement contained only a few words.

[The imperial court wanted to collect all the books in the world and burned them in the palace. 】

[To commemorate the great fortune of the Qin Dynasty that lasted for thousands of years! 】

Just two lines of words are like two sharp knives, piercing the hearts of students all over the world!
Those poor students who were able to learn knowledge because of the First Emperor's major renovation of the academy, but after seeing these two lines of announcements.

They were all trembling, their faces were struggling, and they looked like their faith was about to collapse.

In the past, because they lived in poverty, they had no extra money to pay homage to Gaomen's mansion.

Naturally, it is impossible to learn the vast knowledge and the unique skills of the saints.

But after the First Emperor overhauled the academy, he really did it, so that students from poor families like them could also read those exquisite books.

Wen Tao, who has traveled extensively to the world, has a glimpse of the treasures inherited from Chinese culture. A profound person knows what this world is like.

The First Emperor opened the imperial examination, opening a path for promotion to the imperial court for poor families in the world.

But now.
The First Emperor actually ordered that all the books in the world should be collected and burned.

Although the announcement stated that the purpose of burning the books collected from the world was to commemorate the national destiny of the Qin Dynasty.

Is this really the case?
No one believed it.

Including these students from poor families, they were completely desperate at this moment, thinking that His Majesty was cruelly closing the Dragon Gate that he had just opened again.

Moreover, the door that was closed this time was even more closed than before the Daxiu Academy!

Its scope of influence includes all students in the world!
The first reaction of those Confucian scholars and students in high-level mansions when they saw the announcement was to be shocked!
They are not like students from poor families. Even if the imperial court does not have a major repair academy, they can already read endless books passed down by their families.

As for the Daxing Imperial Examination, not all of their changes have been positive feedback.

Although after the imperial examination, in addition to the recommendation of their elders, they had an additional path for promotion.

However, due to the participation of many students from poor families, their competition has become more severe.

Generally speaking, the rise of imperial examinations can be regarded as a mixed blessing for Confucian scholars and high-ranking disciples.

But now!

The First Emperor actually announced to the world that he would collect the world's books in Xianyang and burn them for sacrifice? !
All the Confucian scholars and high-ranking disciples were stunned!

Next, is anger!
Even if this announcement is stamped with the imperial seal of the First Emperor, even if the First Emperor is the first emperor of China in eternity, even though the First Emperor has unified the world and has supreme authority.

At this moment, they still expressed strong doubts and incomparable anger towards the First Emperor, who was sitting on the supreme throne!
In an instant, countless students from poor families, rich families, Confucianists, Taoists, and almost all schools took to the streets in unison.

Holding high the book of sages in their hands, they walked towards the palace in unison.

On this day in Great Qin, all the schools that sprouted up like bamboo shoots in various places were suspended!
The students had no intention of further study, and the teachers no longer had the intention of reciting the words of the saints. The tiger in their hearts was awakened by the imperial announcement.

Although he is just a white body and a student in this world, he still has blood in his heart!
But when countless students gathered outside the Xianyang Palace, all the main roads in the palace were blocked.

These students did not vent their dissatisfaction wantonly, and did not allow their anger to flourish.

They just held up the books of sages in their hands. Under the leadership of someone unknown, all the students sat on the ground outside the palace.

He recited loudly the classics left by the saints.

Because they respect the First Emperor in their hearts, they are not strong enough to do anything too drastic now.Since there was no choice to directly attack the imperial laws, countless students spontaneously chose this method.

Ask the First Emperor for help!

On this day, the sky above Xianyang was filled with the sound of Lang Lang reading.

I want to wake up the great sun and illuminate the vicissitudes of the world again.

The Qin court was almost paralyzed due to the actions of students from all over the world.

And Li Si, the prime minister, was even more anxious at this time.

Not only the students in the world don't understand, but also the ministers in the court can't figure out the matter of collecting the books from the world and burning them as sacrifices.

Since the First Emperor took control of the Qin Dynasty, his upright and majestic image has long been engraved in the hearts of every minister.

In their view, even the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in ancient times were far from being able to compare with the First Emperor's wise demeanor.

Therefore, they were even more unable to understand the decree issued by the First Emperor!

They couldn't figure out why the once great and sage Emperor Shi Huang would do something even more absurd and bizarre than King You of Zhou.

Li Si, who was planning this matter, was immediately surrounded by ministers.

All the ministers asked Li Si why the emperor did this.

But how could Li Si say that since the First Emperor said that aliens existed in the world, Li Si had a profound understanding that what Da Qin would face would be a group of inhuman monsters!

Those monsters are even very likely to be hidden in the court.

How could Li Si dare to reveal the real reason why the books collected from all over the world were gathered in the palace and burned?
I had to use words to deal with the ministers.

above the hall.

All civil and military officials had strange expressions on their faces, either puzzled, angry, or sad.

The First Emperor, who was sitting on the dragon chair, had a panoramic view of all these expressions.

The eyes of the First Emperor had not changed since the moment he stepped into the court.

At the beginning of the early dynasty, a Confucian minister came out.

His white beard clearly shows his seniority in Confucianism.

The Confucian minister, with a miserable look on his face, said to the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty, why do you want to collect all the books in the world and burn them?"

"Wouldn't this move end the inheritance of knowledge among the people in the world?"

"This is knocking out the marrow of my Chinese clan."

"Even if it's a human sacrifice, it's a thousand or ten thousand times better than using the world's books to sacrifice, Your Majesty!"

Speaking of this, the white-bearded Confucian veteran knelt down and said sadly:

"Please, Your Majesty, please take back your life and don't cut off the world's people's path to education!"

Upon hearing the bloody and tearful accusations from this Confucian veteran, the First Emperor's eyes flickered for a moment.

During the Shang Dynasty, human blood was often used to sacrifice the national destiny.Its influence was so bad that King Wen of Zhou directly gained support from all the princes in the world for his crusade.

But the old Confucian minister just now said that he would rather use human sacrifices than use the world's books.

From this point of view, how big the impact of burning books all over the world can be.

(End of this chapter)

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