In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 223 "The Ji family's trivial words"

Chapter 223 "The Ji family's trivial words"

After this old Confucian minister spoke, all the ministers in the court knelt down in an instant.

He agreed with tears in his eyes:

"Your Majesty, please take back your order. This move may shake the foundation of the country!"

"Even the deceased pilgrim will not be at peace if he hears this."

There are all kinds of requests for life.

Even those officials most loyal to the First Emperor knelt down together.

They were simply worried that the First Emperor's wrong decision would drag the entire Qin Dynasty into the abyss.

In the court, Li Si was the only one who did not kneel.

Because in the court, he was the only one who knew the real reason for burning the books.

The situation in the court made Li Si sigh inwardly.

The First Emperor, who was sitting on the Dragon Throne, glanced at the ministers with his sharp eyes. His eyes were extremely firm and showed no sign of wavering.

A majestic voice came down:
"This matter does not need to be discussed further!"

"The imperial court will keep a handwritten copy of the collected books."

"Sacrificing books to the fate of the Qin Dynasty is something that cannot be changed!"

"I am doing this for Great Qin!"

"It's for this world where all living beings live!"

The First Emperor spoke the last words with force, and his voice was like thunder, resounding throughout the court.

After retreating.

Li Si came to Zhangtai Palace.

With a solemn expression, he reported to the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty, the students gathered outside the palace have not left even now."

"Some of them even made plans to go on a hunger strike to express their determination."

"Moreover, many of those poor students have not even had a sip of water."

Speaking of this, Li Si frowned, his face full of bitterness, and said:

"Your Majesty, this is already the case now. If we wait until it is actually burned."

"I'm afraid those students will choose to throw themselves into the fire to clarify their ambitions."

"By then, I'm afraid we still don't know how much turmoil it will cause."

After hearing what Li Si reported, I also felt worried about the future.

There was also a trace of fatigue in the eyes of the First Emperor.

The First Emperor naturally knew the despair in the hearts of those poor students.

The experience of being a hostage in the State of Zhao made the First Emperor understand better that when a person immersed in darkness suddenly has light, the light is covered up bit by bit by others.
That process was so disappointing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that my heart feels like death.

If it comes time to officially burn books, I'm afraid someone will actually burn their bodies with fire in protest.

Just when the First Emperor was in a dilemma.

Li Si opened his mouth and said firmly:

"Your Majesty, why don't you tell the current great sage the true reason for this matter."

"Let them come forward to calm the emotions of students all over the world."

"And tell us how to return the recorded books to the world after burning them."

"In this case, I hope those students will not spill their blood on Xuanyuan because of this matter." After hearing this, the First Emperor thought about it for a while, and then slowly nodded in agreement.

Collect all the books in the world and burn them.After all, this matter has wide implications. If it is not handled well, it will shake the country.

If you think about it carefully, you can only calm down the emotions of the students all over the world first.

This side of Jixia Academy.

Xunzi, Guiguzi, and Beimingzi immersed themselves in the sea of ​​books all day long, exploring the secrets hidden by heaven and man.

Being almost completely isolated from the outside world, it was natural that the First Emperor had no idea that the First Emperor had ordered that the collected books from all over the world be gathered in Xianyang and burned.

While constantly browsing, Bei Mingzi accidentally found another book that recorded strange and weird things - "Ji Jia Zuo Yu".

In this era, there were very few books recording stories about ghosts.

The most widely circulated is naturally the Classic of Mountains and Seas that people talk about.

But where is this place?
Jixia Academy!

In the place where deities preached in the past, saints once again competed with each other to reach the top of the hierarchy.

In this kind of holy place, two strange books appeared in succession, recording ghosts and ghosts.

Bei Mingzi immediately realized that this "Ji Jia Zuo Yu" was very likely to be like "Collected Yiji", recording some secret past events of heavenly beings!
"Hey, you two come here quickly!"

"Here, here is another book recording absurd and bizarre things!"

"There must be clues about the secrets of heaven and humans in it!"

After hearing Beimingzi's voice, Xunzi and Guiguzi ran over like a gust of wind.

Several people first looked for the author of "Ji Family Suoyu", but they couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

Just like the "Collected Notes", this "Ji Jia Zuo Yu" is also unknown as to who wrote it.

When the three of them checked the contents, they found that it was even weirder than the "Original Notes"!
The strange thing about "Records of Lost Relics" is that that kind of phenomenon that transcends common sense frequently appears in places where mortals gather.

Those kinds of weird situations were not the work of ordinary people, so when the three of them watched, they just felt a sense of curiosity.

But this "Ji Jia Zuo Yu" has a sense of blood that goes straight into people's hearts. The various contents presented in it almost challenge the bottom line of people's hearts!
The content of this book is also presented from the personal perspective of the author.

The three of them stared at the bloody scenes described in the book.

[I once accidentally came to a remote mountain village, and every villager there was extremely weird!No, I should say it’s weird]

[They all live and live like puppets, and will express the feedback that villagers should have to every outsider. 】

[But they never work, and their fields are covered with weeds]

[But there is a clean piece of meat on their table every day. 】

[They all eat raw meat quietly, never cooking it, just swallowing it in big mouthfuls, and then slowly chewing the shredded meat in their mouths.]

[But where did they hunt meat when they had no work during the day? 】

[One dark night, I watched these villagers quietly in the dark.I found that they were all neatly standing together at the old banyan tree in the center of the village. 】

[I still remember the appearance of the banyan tree, like a neck sticking out of the ground!The branches and leaves with arrogant teeth and claws are the long hair flying wantonly.When I came up with this idea, I even found that the crown of the banyan tree looked more and more like a huge and extremely ferocious head! ! ! 】

[I originally thought that the villagers in this mountain village were going to hunt together at night. 】

【But I thought wrong】

【They don’t need to hunt.】

【Their prey is themselves.】

[Every night, a villager cuts off his own flesh and blood and distributes it to the villagers as meat for the next day. 】

[I clearly remember the expressions on the villagers' faces as they cut off their own flesh and blood. It was a look of fanaticism!happiness!Even the face of bliss!He seems to be enjoying it.]

(End of this chapter)

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