Chapter 224: Eat yourself? ? ?
[Perhaps it feels good to cut off the flesh on your body one by one]

[When I couldn't help but try it, the heavenly being appeared. 】

[The gods told me that these villagers have been contaminated by alien high-latitude creatures. 】

[The heavenly being also said that I have also been mentally polluted by that alien high-latitude creature. 】

[But I am obviously very normal, but whatever the heavenly being says is whatever he says. He is a heavenly being anyway. 】

[However, I still want to cut off a piece of my own flesh and try what it feels like]

[Maybe it would be more comfortable to take a bite of your own meat.Hiss~~~I really want to try it. 】

When Xunzi and the others saw this, they all raised their heads suddenly.

After looking at each other, they found shock in each other's eyes!

Now they all have the same idea in their minds, the author of this book must be crazy!
Xunzi took several deep breaths and said:
"Since this book can appear here, it proves that the person who wrote this book must be our ancestor."

"But this ancestor's mental state seems a little bad."

Bei Mingzi also expressed his thoughts:

"He must have been influenced by the alien high-altitude creature that descended into the human world, and his spiritual will was probably just as the heavenly being said."

"But it seems that he was saved by heavenly beings."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't have seen the book at all."

Guiguzi on the side heard the discussion between the two and quickly urged:
"Stop talking about this, hurry up and see what happens next."

"That alien high-latitude creature is so terrifying. If it were still in the human world, it would be really troublesome."

As soon as Gui Guzi said these words, both Xunzi and Beimingzi's hearts sank.

If this is the case, no one can stop such a creature without the help of heavenly beings!

Several people continued to devote their attention to this ancient book called "Ji Jia Suo Yu", hoping to explore what happened next.

Xunzi, Beimingzi, and Guiguzi were all made to feel numb by the weird self-narration in the book "Jijia Suoyu".

To them, the sage who wrote this book seemed to be teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown.

A murmur between sanity and irrationality.

And they never expected that the next content would shock them even more!

[When I sucked my own blood for the first time, I finally understood why those villagers did not farm. 】

[The gods say that I am crazy, but I clearly feel that I am not crazy! 】

[I thought, kept thinking, and I thought of it!Maybe it’s not me who’s crazy, but the world! 】

[Because I seem so normal in this crazy world, from the perspective of heaven and man, I am the madman in this world. 】

[Haha~~Everything in this world except me is crazy~~~]

[Of course, heaven and man will not go crazy, heaven and man are the only principles of this world. 】

【The gods used certain methods on me.】

[The gods did not restrain my body, but I just can't taste the flesh on my body anymore, even a little licking, I can't do it]

[I asked the heavenly beings what magical powers they had used on me.The gods said, this is the rule.God used rules to rewrite my cognition. 】【My delicious hands are clearly right in front of you.But I can’t even take a bite, I’m so miserable]

[I asked the Heavenly Man again, are there still those people who are bewitched by alien high-latitude creatures? 】

[When I asked this question, I had some expectations.Because I feel that the villagers and I are half-comrades.But I am more advanced than them.】

[The heavenly being said that there are almost none left on the ground.Then the Heavenly Man pointed to the ground and said: There are many more under the ground. 】

[I can't understand what the gods mean, why can people live underground? Can they still grow meat after being planted on the ground? 】

[I was amazed by my idea. If I planted myself in the ground, wouldn’t there be endless meat? 】

[I long for it so much, I want it so much.]

[It’s a pity that no matter how much saliva flows, I can’t bite my own flesh.]

[Strange, why do I use the word 'saliva'? 】

[The heavenly being saw that I had a lot of saliva, shook his head, and did something to me again.I feel like my head seems to be clearer again.Well, the speed of thinking has become faster again! 】

[I ask the heavenly being, will that high-latitude alien creature eventually "contaminate" the entire human race in the world? 】

[The heavenly being said that it really wants to do this, but with me in this world, it can’t do it to this extent. 】

[Next, the heavenly beings made a lot of extraordinary preparations in order to save the world. 】

[Even if I don’t understand each of the methods, it doesn’t affect my shock at all. 】

[Subsequently, the gods used that invisible and ubiquitous method - rules!Hide all these backhands in books. 】

[The power of heavenly beings is simply beyond description in words.I never thought that heavenly beings could hide their backhand in the concept of 'books'. 】

[Haha~~~Who in the world dares to believe that as long as the 'book' is burned conceptually, the incredible rules of heaven will be manifested in the world! 】

[I asked Heavenly Man, is this to deal with that alien high-latitude creature? 】

[Celestial beings say that this is a "trap", and the prey is far more than just the alien high-latitude creature. 】

[The gods also said that hunters should not get too close to the "traps" they set, otherwise they will scare away their prey. 】

[Finally, Tianren said he was leaving.I asked the gods where to go. 】

[The Heavenly Man pointed to the earth beneath his feet again.He smiled and said: Go to the true center of the planet - the center of the earth. 】

When Xunzi and others saw this, they couldn't help but look at each other in shock!

What they didn't expect was that there would be a center of the earth under the land they were on? ! ! !

[The heavenly beings said that in the world at the center of the earth, there are the tentacles of the alien high-latitude creatures, as well as countless inhuman people who have been polluted and alienated. 】

[The gods left, and I returned to the place where the gods once preached. 】

[I am not worried that heavenly beings will encounter crises after they go to the inner earth world.Because God is the only one of all known existences.But I have been savoring the word that the heavenly being uttered at the end]

[Looking at my own reflection in the water, I am an inhuman person. Or should I say, a stranger. Does that count for me now? 】

When they saw the ending, Xunzi, Guiguzi, and Beimingzi all took a breath!
They didn't know what happened to this sage, and they couldn't understand how that alien high-altitude creature polluted the spiritual will of ordinary people.

But they can be sure of one thing, this sage is definitely not normal!
(End of this chapter)

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