In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 226 The terrifying beast in the center of the earth!

Chapter 226 The terrifying beast in the center of the earth!
[All kinds of colorful precious gems can be seen everywhere in the inner earth world. 】

[The gold and silver that the world is chasing are just flowing metal rivers here. 】

[Because of the extremely high temperature here, the rich gold and silver melted into streams, even rivers of gold and silver wider than the Yellow River. 】

[I even feel that every breath of air breathed by creatures in the inner earth world is filled with flames. 】

[I am absolutely certain that these terrifying behemoths are definitely reproduced by this planet on its own. 】

[Because, those aliens contaminated by alien high-latitude creatures are completely at the bottom of the food chain here. 】

[They can only inhabit the outermost reaches of the earth's inner world. Any giant beast in the earth's center is enough to threaten their lives.They are just huddled together, huddled here. 】

[Under my secret observation, I discovered another problem with this group of strangers.Although they are all contaminated by alien high-latitude organisms, they seem to have formed an extremely special social system here. 】

[Moreover, their spiritual lines seem to be pulled by the alien high-altitude creature]

[I instantly understood that the mental pollution of alien high-latitude creatures must be maintained at a constant value.If all these aliens were wiped out, the strange mental pollution would most likely spread to normal humans above the ground. 】

[For this reason, I did not directly exterminate this alien group.Because I haven't found the identity of the alien high-altitude creature yet.Even, I'm not sure whether it still exists with matter as its carrier. 】

[I can only vaguely perceive its tentacles deep in the center of the earth. 】

[In my perception, there seems to be a big guy in the deepest part of the earth!I still can't describe its shape. I can only vaguely sense that the energy on it is very strong! 】

After reading this narrative, the First Emperor's face was filled with shock.

This content in the fairy book almost overturned the First Emperor's cognition!
From the past contents of the Fairy Book and the world map, the First Emperor reluctantly accepted the concept that the world was a huge sphere, and they were all living beings living on the surface of the sphere.

But Emperor Renshi could never imagine that the inner earth world would look like that!
The territory of its life is even wider than the surface of the earth.

There are giant beasts living inside?

The First Emperor could not imagine what the giant beasts that lived in the center of the earth looked like.But just from the description of heaven and earth, every breath was filled with flames, which was enough to make the First Emperor change his face in horror.

Even weird existences like aliens can only live in the outermost reaches of the earth's core!

How powerful should the creature in the center be, and how terrifying should the "big guy" in the deepest place mentioned by the gods be? !

The First Emperor did not know all this.

"Rare gems can be found everywhere, and gold and silver melt into rivers. What a magnificent world it is."

"Teacher, you haven't appeared in this world for so long. Are you still in the center of the earth?!"

"Or is it entangled by that alien high-dimensional creature, or the 'big guy' in the deepest core of the earth?"

While the First Emperor was full of doubts, he could not help but also have some worries about the safety of heaven and humans.

In the eyes of the First Emperor, although the inner world was extremely rich, the environment was also extremely terrifying!
The world filled with flames is more like the legendary underworld.

Especially the giant beasts running rampant in the center of the earth are simply more chilling than the evil ghosts.

On the other side, Liu Bang became a sworn sworn brother to Xiang Yu and shamelessly became the eldest brother.

After many in-depth conversations with Xiang Yu about the past, I discovered that Xiang Yu's identity as a noble of the Chu Kingdom actually had many uses.

The entire Xiang clan has a great reputation in the hearts of the old people of Chu State, not to mention Xiang Yu, who was born to be the overlord.

Moreover, there were many talented disciples in Jiangdong, so Liu Bang immediately recruited Xiang Yu and went to Jiangdong to gather his old friends from Chu State and try to make a comeback.

Liu Bang knew very well that the survivors of the Chu State could only submit to Xiang Yu, and their words had various meanings that Xiang Yu was the main one.But verbally, he said "virtuous brother" on the left and "virtuous brother" on the right.He looked like he was afraid that others wouldn't know that he was Xiang Yu's sworn brother.

Thanks to Liu Bang's strong communication skills, this group of Chu survivors also accepted Xiang Yu's sworn brother.

Just when Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were thinking about how to overthrow the Qin Dynasty.

Opportunity is coming soon!
On this day, the news that the First Emperor wanted to collect the world's books and gather them in Xianyang to burn them reached the ears of Liu Bang and Xiang Yu.

Liu Bang instantly realized that this was an opportunity!
He looked up to the sky and laughed and said:
"Okay! Okay! The First Emperor did such an unwise thing. He is giving us an opportunity!"

Immediately, Liu Bang turned around, opened his hands, patted Xiang Yu's thick shoulders affectionately, and said excitedly:

"Brother! This is the God-given opportunity I've been waiting for!"

"The First Emperor's move will definitely arouse dissatisfaction among the students all over the world. We can just use the hands of the students all over the world to directly shake the foundation of the Qin Dynasty!"

Seeing Liu Bang so excited, Xiang Yu seemed to be infected and echoed:
"Hmph, since the First Emperor is so arrogant and arrogant, he is destined to be destroyed by our Chu Kingdom!"

"Wait, what should I do next?"

Having said this, Xiang Yu looked at Liu Bang.After getting along with him for such a long time, Xiang Yu already knew that Liu Bang's thinking was extremely flexible, at least much better than him.

Xiang Yu still fights and has fearlessness in his heart.But for specific strategies, I have now become accustomed to asking Liu Bang.

When Liu Bang heard this, a playful smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said:

"Since now the students all over the world are indignant because of the First Emperor's burning of books."

"I'll add a little more fuel to the flames in the hearts of those students!"

"Let the anger in their hearts burn even more intensely!"

Hearing this, Xiang Yu slowly fell into deep thought.

Immediately, the two of them discussed a series of methods on how to expand the impact of the situation.

A few days away.

The situation in Xianyang City is getting worse!
At first, it was just students sitting cross-legged outside the palace, trying to use the sound of Lang Lang reading to persuade the First Emperor to change his mind and change his decision to burn books.

But gradually, many students appeared from nowhere, wearing serious Confucian shirts and appearing in every corner of Xianyang.

They were not like other students who gathered outside the palace to protest by sitting cross-legged and reciting books of sages.

Instead, he stood on high platforms in various busy cities and expressed his strong dissatisfaction by making loud declarations!
"Folks! You have worked hard all your life. Although you have never read a book, you have never thought about reading and writing."

"But have you ever thought about your children?"

"Are you willing to let your descendants, like you, work all their lives without knowing a word?"

"His Majesty the First Emperor, he is naturally great and deserves the respect of all of us. But no matter how great a person is, he will make mistakes."

"His Majesty the First Emperor took back all the books in the world and used them to burn and offer sacrifices. This is cutting off the path of education for our descendants!"

"We can suffer! We can be tired! But our descendants can't!"

"Fellow folks, what do you think we should do?"

(End of this chapter)

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