In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 227 The restlessness of the Confucian scholars!

Chapter 227 The restlessness of the Confucian scholars!

After these Confucian scholars finished their speeches, all the people in the audience burst out with excited emotions.

They all shouted loudly together:
"I can be miserable and tired, but my child can't be like this anymore!"

"I can farm for the rest of my life, but my descendants must not be illiterate!"

"I must ask Your Majesty to take back my life!"

"Yes! I must ask His Majesty!"

Loud speeches like this happened one after another in every corner of Xianyang City.

His language is extremely inflammatory!
Every sentence states the greatness of the First Emperor, and every sentence points directly to the First Emperor's mistakes in this matter!
I almost felt like tearing out my heart to prove that what I said was from the bottom of my heart.

The broad public opinion was instantly incited by these unfamiliar Confucian scholars.

And these strange Confucian scholars quickly disappeared into the crowd after finishing the rhythm.

The excited people at this time also forgot who they were inciting.

All I know is that there is a sense of unwillingness in my heart, and I have to vent it out.

The situation outside was getting worse and worse, making Li Si very busy.

As the prime minister of the dynasty, Li Si was the only one among all the officials who knew the true purpose of the First Emperor.

In order to deal with those strange existences in the dark, Da Qin must burn all the books in the world in order to let the true method of heaven and man emerge.

Facing the frowning inquiries from the ministers of the DPRK and China, Li Si dealt with one wave after another.

When he found that public opinion was boiling again, Li Si immediately realized something was wrong!

He quickly came to Zhangtai Palace and reported to the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty! I noticed that there seems to be a group of strange Confucian scholars outside with suspicious traces!"

"They lingered in every corner of Xianyang, inciting the people with their very bewitching words."

"The resentment in the hearts of the people is getting bigger and bigger."

"Now, the people outside the palace are almost surrounded by complaining people, and the waterside pavilion is blocked."

After hearing Li Si's report, the First Emperor's eyes suddenly lit up with determination.

Public opinion has always been like the waves in a big river, which can carry or capsize a boat.

But those who try to manipulate people's hearts and subvert the Qin Dynasty will be cut into pieces!
The First Emperor said coldly:

"Zhang Han! You heard what Li Si just said."

"Catch out those people who are secretly inciting public opinion!"

"You must not miss a mouse!"

Zhang Han on the side heard the words and quickly accepted the order respectfully.

In addition to cold murder weapons, Black Ice Platform also has hidden piles scattered throughout the streets and alleys.

On weekdays, they hide in the city under various ordinary identities, but in fact they collect all kinds of intelligence.

When the entire Black Ice Platform was operating at full capacity, the group of Confucian scholars who were loudly demagogueing people everywhere were quickly found.

Zhang Han discovered that those unfamiliar Confucian scholars came from the same team.

After they loudly confuse people in one place, they will immediately disguise themselves and go to another place.

There was also the First Emperor who mingled with the angry crowd and guided everyone to direct their resentment at the palace.

Overtly or covertly, Emperor Yan Shi was old and dim, and had a tendency to transform into a tyrant.

While Zhang Han was secretly investigating, he deeply realized the sharp methods of that group of people.

Often just a few words can arouse the resentment in others' hearts.

Although Zhang Han discovered traces of these people, he did not arrest them and hurriedly reported the situation to the First Emperor.

"Your Majesty! I discovered that the group of people who incited people's emotions definitely have a strict organization!"

"They acted with extreme caution and worked well with each other to hide their identities."

"That method is not like that of ordinary people."

When the First Emperor heard this, he raised his eyebrows.There was a look of thought in his eyes. How many enemies are there who want to overthrow Da Qin?

Whether they are reincarnated people from the nine-wheel disaster star, or those aliens who are bewitched by alien high-altitude creatures.

It is possible for them to do this.

If they were the remnants of the Six Nations under the Nine Wheels of Disaster Star, it would be easier to deal with.

But if it's a stranger.
When he thought of those strangers with ferocious lizard heads, the First Emperor felt a pressure in his heart.

I don’t know what means those aliens have to survive in such an extremely harsh environment in the inner earth world.

Thinking of this, the First Emperor said seriously to Zhang Han:

"Don't publicize this and monitor them secretly."

"First see clearly which side they are from, and then figure out how to deal with them!"

Zhang Han heard the words and respectfully accepted the order.

In the next few days, the situation in Xianyang City became more complicated.

It wasn't just the students who screamed loudly, wanting to go on a hunger strike to accuse the First Emperor of cutting off the world's education path.

The people were also very angry, and they all commented on the First Emperor's move, which was even more violent than that of King You of Zhou Dynasty.

In this chaotic situation, Xunzi, Beimingzi, and Guiguzi returned to Xianyang with all the books in Jixia Academy.

When they saw the chaos in Xianyang, the three of them were stunned.

And those students saw that the three great sages had returned to Xianyang.

They even gathered around the three great sages, bursting into tears, and stated that the First Emperor wanted to collect all the books in the world and burn them for sacrifice.

Those sad and choking tones were almost as if they were about to shed tears of blood.

All the students were crying, mourning, or going crazy with hatred, all praying to the three great sages to make the decision.

Xunzi, Guiguzi, and Beimingzi heard that the chaos in Xianyang was caused by the First Emperor's intention to burn the world's books.

In an instant, a flash of lightning flashed across the hearts of the three of them.

All three of them came up with an idea!
'Your Majesty already knows that heaven and man hide their backhand in the concept of books.And has already begun to work to make the supreme means of heaven and man manifest! '

After the three of them looked at each other, they all understood what each other meant.

Xunzi said loudly to the students who were crying around the three of them:
"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient."

"Please make way for us to wait for the three of us to meet the First Emperor before we discuss anything else."

"Don't worry, everyone, I and the other three believe that the First Emperor is definitely the wise king of all ages!"

"Students, please remember not to believe the words of villains."

As soon as Xunzi said this, the students who were crying quickly made way spontaneously.

Their eyes were all red, looking at the three great sages with hope.

Imagine that the three great sages could make the First Emperor regain his life.

Zhangtai Palace.

After Xunzi, Beimingzi, and Guiguzi appeared in front of the First Emperor.

Dang even told the First Emperor all the discoveries he had made in Jixia Academy.

Later, Xunzi handed over two more books, "Shiyiji" and "Jijiasuoyu".

After a cursory glance, the First Emperor was shocked by the strange things recorded in these two books.The First Emperor never expected that the alien high-latitude creatures would be so weird.

The aliens polluted by their spirit are not only no longer human in appearance, but also their spirit and biological nature are changing bit by bit like inhumans.

Xunzi waited for the First Emperor to finish roughly flipping through the two books, and then he said:

"Your Majesty, you collect all the books in the world and gather them in Xianyang to burn them."

"But we want the backup plan left by the gods to Da Qin to emerge from the blazing fire?"

(End of this chapter)

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