In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 234 Could it be that there is someone from outside the world above this thing? !

Chapter 234 Could it be that there is someone from outside the world above this thing? !

"The feathered man is perched on it, and the immortals are rinsing it with dew."

"Could it be that the huge light group is an aircraft that is beyond ordinary people's understanding, and there are feathered people living on it?!"

"Are the so-called Yuren aliens?"

"No! That's not right! Judging from the fairy books, the alien high-latitude creatures that the gods said invaded this world should be a single and powerful individual."

"Then where did the feathered man on the aircraft come from?"

"Is it another wave of alien creatures???"

The First Emperor's brows furrowed tightly. The aircraft that had just streaked across the sky, combined with the records in "The Supplementary Notes", directly made the current situation even more bizarre.

There are also alien high-dimensional creatures around, and other alien aircraft have already passed through the sky in this world. What kind of world is this? !

There are so many things hidden in the secret that Da Qin has never discovered.

Just when the First Emperor was thinking hard, suddenly the First Emperor remembered something, and his mind suddenly became bright!

The First Emperor read records in the fairy books that when the human world was first invaded by the Keplerians, the heavenly beings used their powerful strength to destroy those Keplerians who invaded the human world.

But there are still many wreckage of the Kepler spacecraft left in the world.

The Celestial beings also extracted the spacecraft technology of advanced civilizations from the wreckage of the Kepler starship.

At that time, after the death of Fuxi, Nuwa and other human ancestors, an ancient human race borrowed the spacecraft technology of these advanced alien civilizations.

He flew away from this world and was placed in the vast starry sky by the gods, always ready to protect the safety of the human race at critical moments.

It can be regarded as a trump card left by the gods to the Chinese people.

The First Emperor took a deep breath, looked at the vast night sky, and murmured:

"That spaceship just now came from the ancient human race Hou Yi."

“Or is it a new intruder???”

The First Emperor clenched his fists and his eyes were as sharp as needles. This feeling of being unable to grasp the real situation made the First Emperor very unhappy.

Later, the First Emperor asked Zhang Han to send a large number of elites from Black Ice Platform.

Investigate the matter in the direction the spacecraft just left.

If he could not grasp the traces of this spaceship, the First Emperor would have no way of knowing whether it was an enemy or a friend.

Once there is a new invader, the empire must expand its military strength again and find weapons that are sufficient to deal with advanced alien civilizations.

If he is a descendant of the ancient human race, then he will undoubtedly have a strong support for today's Great Qin!
A few days later, the little sage Zhuang Zhuangliang, one of the three heroes arranged by heaven and man for Da Qin, finally arrived in Xianyang.

Above the court, Zhang Liang, wearing a white Confucian shirt, walked slowly in.

His body and bones are as strong as willows, his eyes are not squinting, and he has the air of a scholar, which attracts all the civil and military officials to focus on him.

As one of the three owners of Xiaoshengxian Village, Zhang Liang has a reputation that spreads throughout the world.

At this moment, he was summoned to the court by the First Emperor. It was obvious that the First Emperor intended to use Zhang Liang.

All the officials naturally looked at him with scrutiny.

Among them, Li Si looked at Zhang Liang with an extremely complicated look.

Both were born in Confucianism, so Li Si can be regarded as Zhang Liang's contemporary.

However, the two had different opportunities. Li Si and Han Fei left the mountain and entered the court early to do the things of the dragon.

However, due to fate, Zhang Liang stayed in Confucianism to take charge of the overall situation.

Zhang Liangdai came to the front and rear of the dragon platform, bowed to the First Emperor on the dragon throne in a moderate manner, and said respectfully:
"Confucian scholar Zhang Liang pays homage to the First Emperor. I wish my emperor long life."

The First Emperor, who was sitting on the dragon throne, cast his scrutinizing eyes on Zhang Liang.

For Zhang Liang, the First Emperor's senses were extremely complex.

After Zhang Liang was a nobleman of the Six Kingdoms, his ancestors were all prime ministers of Korea for three generations.In terms of talent, Zhang Liangding is quite good.

But his bloodline identity made the First Emperor have to have a little doubt about his loyalty.Even though Zhang Liang was appointed by heaven and man to assist the Qin Dynasty, the First Emperor still decided to test Zhang Liang.

In the court hall, the First Emperor locked his eyes on Zhang Liang and said calmly:

"Be flat."

After the First Emperor's majestic words fell, Zhang Liang's slightly bent waist slowly straightened up again.

Like a green pine that stands firm in the strong wind.

A sharp light appeared in the eyes of the First Emperor, and he spoke slowly:
"I have always asked you about Zhang Liang's great talent. Now that I have seen it, although he has not shown his talent, his character is not bad at all."

"I wonder if your talent and learning are worthy of this character!"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, the eyes of the officials on Zhang Liang became more and more complex.

Some were waiting to see Zhang Liang make a fool of himself, some were worried about Zhang Liang, and some were waiting for Zhang Liang to show his amazing talent.

All civil and military officials knew that at this moment, the First Emperor wanted to test Zhang Liang's true talent and learning.

If Zhang Liang can pass the test, he will rise to prominence from now on!

If Zhang Liang was not satisfied by the First Emperor, Zhang Liang's current reputation would be lost in an instant!
Under everyone's gaze, a hearty smile slowly appeared on Zhang Liang's lips and he said:

"If your Majesty wants to consider Zhang Liang's talent and learning, Zhang Liang has nothing to say."

"Please show your majesty."

The First Emperor stared at Zhang Liang's face and spoke majestically:

"Since the Spring and Autumn Period, China has been divided into seven kingdoms."

"When it comes to national strength, even if our Great Qin has three generations of heroes, it is still far behind the six countries."

"Why, when I led my troops to attack, the six countries were completely defeated, without even a decent resistance."

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, all the officials were immediately discouraged.In the eyes of the civil and military officials, this question was too easy to answer. It was as if the First Emperor was deliberately letting Zhang Liang go through the motions.

It is nothing more than the First Emperor sending powerful men from heaven to inherit the country from heaven and unite the world as ordered.

According to this approach, just keep praising the First Emperor's great achievements.

In this way, he could not only answer the First Emperor's questions, but also flatter the First Emperor.

This is simply the best answer right now.

Among the hundreds of officials, only Li Si's expression moved slightly and he looked at Zhang Liang with slightly narrowed eyes, looking forward to Zhang Liang's answer.

Having been with the emperor and his ministers for decades, Li Si naturally knew that the answer the First Emperor wanted was not to praise his virtues.

The students outside the palace have almost exhausted all the words of praise and praise. The next time they listen to them in the court, they are just for their own entertainment.

With the courage of the First Emperor, he would not care about this.

Just when the officials thought that Li Si was casually going through the motions with his passionate words.

But I heard Zhang Liang slowly say:
"The six kingdoms were destroyed, not only because of the disadvantages of the army, but also because of poor fighting skills, and the disadvantage was due to bribing Qin!"

"Bibbing Qin and losing its strength is the way to destruction."

As soon as Zhang Liang said this, all the officials were dumbfounded and looked at Zhang Liang in disbelief!

Why is this answer completely different from what they thought? !

No, just go through the motions!

And this answer, 'The disadvantage lies in bribing Qin', is so bold!

Li Si looked at Zhang Liang, his fellow student, with two strange colors in his eyes.

Just when the officials' expressions changed because of Zhang Liang's answer, the First Emperor raised his eyebrows.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he carefully looked at the expression on Zhang Liang's face.

(End of this chapter)

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