Chapter 235 The horror in the inner earth world!
"The six kingdoms perished one after another. Is it all because of bribing Qin?"

When he said these words, a strong imperial aura enveloped Zhang Liang.

It was like the ancestral dragon in Chinese history, carrying the fortune of China accumulated over ten thousand years, slowly pressing on Zhang Liang's shoulders.

Facing the sharp eyes of the First Emperor, Zhang Liang continued:
"Those who do not bribe will lose by bribing them. They will lose strong support and cannot finish it alone. Therefore, the disadvantage lies in bribing Qin!"

Then, Zhang Liang's eyes were deep and his spine was like a jade pillar holding up the sky, and he stated sonorously:

"In addition to conquering, Qin also captured towns if they were small, and cities if they were large. Compared with Qin's gains, those gained from victory were actually a hundred times as much!"

"The death of the princes is actually a hundred times that of those who died in defeat. The great desire of Qin and the great trouble of the princes are not in war."

"The grandfather of Sijue, exposed to frost and dew, cut thorns to make a place of size."

"The descendants will treat it with little pity and give it to others, just like discarding grass and mustard. Cut off five cities today and ten cities tomorrow, and then you can sleep in peace overnight."

"As we look around the four borders, Qin's troops have arrived again. However, the territory of the princes is limited, and their desire to violently attack Qin is insatiable. As the number of enemies increases, the invasion becomes more urgent."

"Therefore, the victory of the strong and the weak without a fight has been determined. As for subversion, it is reasonable to do so."

But after Zhang Liang finished speaking these words eloquently, all the civil and military officials looked in awe!

Even Li Si, the Prime Minister of the current dynasty, looked at this fellow disciple with extremely surprised eyes.

Since the Qin Dynasty unified the world, no one has ever been able to analyze the reasons why the Qin Dynasty conquered the world in such a comprehensive way.

Zhang Liang’s great talent is on full display at this moment!
The First Emperor's eyes when looking at Zhang Liang were not so sharp at this moment, but more appreciative.

In the eyes of the First Emperor, Zhang Liangzhi's talent for governing was truly eye-opening.

Even compared to Li Si today, he may be even more free and easy.

But thinking of Zhang Liang's ecstasy, the First Emperor frowned slightly, pointed to the key point of the problem, and said to Zhang Liang:
"Your ancestors were all prime ministers of Korea, but Korea died at the hands of the Qin Dynasty."

"If you are an official in Da Qin, can you do your best for Da Qin?"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, all the officials who had not been amazed by Zhang Liang's talent and learning just now were all excited.

Their eyes were focused on Zhang Liang, waiting to see how this Confucian scholar with astonishing talents would overcome the greatest difficulty.

Li Si's eyes looking at Zhang Liang at this moment were also full of complexity.

Zhang Liang, who was watched by everyone, took a deep breath and looked at the First Emperor with extremely magnanimous eyes.

Out loud:
"In this world, there is the subjugation of the country, and there is the subjugation of the world. The two are not the same concept."

"The change of surname and name is called the subjugation of the country. But the people of Korea in the past were all in the Qin Dynasty. Neither Zhang Liang nor his ancestors had any grudges against the Qin Dynasty."

"If you are full of benevolence and righteousness, and you lead the beasts to eat them, people will eat each other! This is called the destruction of the world!"

"Those of us who study have established their minds for the heaven and the earth, established their lives for the people, inherited their unique knowledge from the saints, and created peace for all generations."

"In the past, a white-haired elder taught Zhang Liang something that Zhang Liang never dared to forget."

"Now that the world has returned to the Qin Dynasty, Zhang Liang should do his best to protect the Qin Dynasty forever, so that the world will not be destroyed from now on."

Zhang Liang's sonorous words resounded in the court like thunder.

Although the sound was not deafening, it fell in the ears of all officials, but it felt brighter than the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder!
At this moment, all Da Qin officials, including Li Si, were impressed by Zhang Liang's talents.

As for what Zhang Liang said: "Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the people, carry forward the unique knowledge for the saints, and create peace for all generations." All the officials were chewing it carefully in their hearts.

The more you taste it, the more you feel like you have found the true meaning of reading and learning!

The First Emperor also listened with fascination, especially the difference between "subjugation of the country" and "subjugation of the world" stated by Zhang Liang, which completely dispelled Zhang Liang's doubts about whether he would be loyal to the Qin Dynasty.And the words of heaven and man dictated by Zhang Liang made the First Emperor feel the righteousness of heaven and man!

When the First Emperor looked at the talented Zhang Liang, he was simply looking at a collection of beautiful jade from a turbulent time. This was a great talent trained by heaven and man in the Qin Dynasty!
The First Emperor slowly spoke:

"The white-haired elder you are talking about must be a heavenly being without a doubt."

"It's no wonder that you, Zhang Liang, have such an astonishing talent!"

"The great Qin Dynasty has another Optimus Pillar!"

Hearing the words of the First Emperor, Zhang Liang's face was filled with shock!
For a moment, he stood blankly in the court hall.

Zhang Liang never thought that the white-haired elder who taught him when he was young was actually a heavenly being who had existed in the world since ancient times!

No wonder!No wonder he can understand astronomy and geography, and his courage is far stronger than that of a saint!
The First Emperor looked at the stunned Zhang Liang and declared solemnly:

"Zhang Liang's great talent can protect our country and the country of Qin!"

"Seal Zhang Liang as a guest!"

When the First Emperor said these words, Zhang Liang woke up immediately.

After hearing that the First Emperor named him a guest of one of the Nine Qings, Zhang Liang hurriedly said respectfully:
"My lord, Zhang Liang, thank you for your kindness!"

Looking at Zhang Liang's graceful thank you.

All the officials looked at him sideways. Zhang Liang, one of the Nine Qings, was undoubtedly a rising star in the Qin Dynasty with his great talent.

In the future, he might even inherit the position of prime minister that Li Si resigned from.

After retiring from the dynasty, the First Emperor was also delighted that Qin had gained another amazing talent.

The three heroes are indeed designated by heaven and man, and they all have powerful abilities in different fields.

The First Emperor sat quietly at the desk and opened the fairy book again, hoping to explore the next steps of the heavenly beings.

[Before entering the inner earth world, I originally thought that the inner earth world would be a spherical space so huge that the edges could not be seen. 】

[But after setting foot in this world, I realized how outrageous my thoughts were! 】

[The inner earth world is a huge space divided into layers, like a huge onion. Each layer has a unique landform environment. 】

[The topography of the outermost layer is not much different from the surface. There are also mountains and rivers.It's just that mountains are gems that have been destroyed to the extreme, while water is various precious metals that have been melted by high temperatures. 】

[The creatures that live in the outermost layer are naturally the weakest.Inhuman people like aliens struggle to survive even on the outermost level. 】

[You can only stay in a tight hug to avoid being swallowed up by other creatures. 】

[When I entered the next floor, I found that the gravity of space increased dramatically!According to the physical sensation, it seems to be more than five times the amount! 】

[Moreover, the deeper you go into the center of the earth, the gravity of space increases geometrically! 】

[I haven’t completely entered the central layer, but I already feel the gravity attached to my body, which is a hundred times greater! 】

[This situation is like the human beings on the surface, each carrying a boulder a hundred times their own weight! 】

[Moreover, that powerful force not only acts on the surface of the body, but also constantly tears at the internal organs! 】

[This is the first time I have experienced a hundred times gravity.Under the influence of this gravity, the weight of the heart is probably equivalent to a tripod. 】

(End of this chapter)

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