In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 236 Is Kun hiding under the Zheng Guo Canal? ! !

Chapter 236 Is Kun hiding under the Zheng Guo Canal? ! !

When the First Emperor saw the description here, his eyes were filled with surprise!
"Everyone is born carrying a boulder a hundred times his weight?!"

"Even the weight of the heart of flesh and blood is equivalent to a cauldron!?"

"If ordinary people entered the world at the center of the earth, wouldn't they be crushed into a pile of rotten flesh in an instant!!!"

At this moment, the First Emperor was filled with shock.

He couldn't imagine how terrifying the creatures living in such an extremely dangerous environment would be.

What kind of strong body is needed to survive in such purgatory?

"I'm afraid that the creatures deep in the earth's inner world will stand still even if they are standing still."

"Da Qin doesn't have any weapons, so it can't hurt them in the slightest."

At this moment, the warning signs in the Emperor's heart rose to the extreme.

He was afraid that the creatures deep in the inner earth world would suddenly appear on the surface.

In that case, it would be tantamount to a catastrophe in the world!
After the First Emperor gathered his thoughts, he continued to read the fairy books, hoping to explore how heavenly beings faced those creatures in the inner earth world.

[This planet is so weird. I have never felt weird before! 】

[According to Einstein's theory, even inside the planet, the gravity cannot increase geometrically! 】

[This is once again my wonder at how extraordinary this planet is. 】

[But the more dangerous the place, the more it aroused my curiosity.It's been a long time since I've had this kind of passionate feeling! 】

[There is no difference to me between a hundred times gravity and a thousand times gravity.But in this environment that completely subverted physics, many strange substances were born. 】

[I was originally going to collect some, but looking at the giant beasts that can run rampant under the influence of this terrifying gravity, I found that I was distracted again. 】

[There is no weird material that can compare to these ferocious beasts themselves. 】

[I found the pleasure of being a hunter again, and the passion for using my fists! 】

[Sure enough, this kind of punching to the flesh attack method suits my heart. 】

[While I was hunting along the way, I suddenly felt a malicious gaze cast from the center of the inner earth world! 】

[It’s the big guy who opened his eyes!Its gaze made me feel a little "dangerous"? 】

[A feeling that has never appeared since my arrival arose in my heart.I searched my mind and found that only the word "danger" could explain it. 】

[That's right, the existence in the deepest part of the earth's core can actually make me feel danger! ! ! 】

[This long-lost feeling makes my blood boil even more! 】

[I can feel its terror, but I also look forward to meeting it. 】

[After all, I have been lonely for too long]


When he saw this, the First Emperor suddenly raised his head.Sweat was pouring from his forehead, and his face was full of surprise!
"What exactly is the existence of the inner earth world?!"

"It can actually make heaven and humans describe it as 'terrible'"

The First Emperor gasped for breath. In the eyes of the First Emperor, the existence of heavenly beings was already above the will of heaven!

Even the extraterrestrial beings who came to the world with various extraordinary weapons were easily destroyed and slaughtered by the heavenly beings.

But what the First Emperor didn't expect was that the underground world was even stranger than the vast starry sky!
There will be an existence that even the heavenly beings will be threatened by!
The First Emperor gasped for breath, and reading this record in the fairy book was tantamount to opening the door to a new world for the First Emperor.

When I think of the extremely extreme environment in the inner earth world and the various terrifying creatures that inhabit it.

The First Emperor felt as if there was a mountain peak pressing down on his heart, and the heavy pressure made it difficult for him to breathe. "Huh~~~~"

"The reason why heavenly beings have not appeared for a long time is because they encountered danger in the inner world of the earth."

At this moment, the First Emperor's eyes showed two traces of worry.

Not only are they worried about the safety of heavenly beings, but they are also worried about the terrifying creatures in the inner earth world that will suddenly come to the human world.

If that's the case, I'm afraid it would be difficult to deal with that kind of catastrophe even if we put all the energy in the world together.
In the land of Zheng Guoqu, Meng Tian led his army to set up camp.

He always takes people with him to patrol the Zheng Guo Canal, which is like a long dragon, in order to discover some magical places.

On this day, Meng Tian was riding his horse along the river bank as usual to observe the situation.

Suddenly, a soldier on a fast horse rushed to Meng Tian and shouted:
"General! Something serious has happened!"

"On the north bank of the Jing River, on the stretch of river where our army is stationed, something extremely strange suddenly happened!"

After hearing the soldier's report, Meng Tian's resolute face showed a look of joy!
Finally, there is movement. As long as a vision appears, it is no longer possible to find the miraculous place of heaven and man.

Meng Tian looked towards the soldier and said excitedly:

"Speak quickly! What kind of weird thing happened?"

The soldier quickly reported:
"A large number of bubbles suddenly appeared on the water surface of Zhengguo Canal!"

"Moreover, there seems to be the shadow of a huge creature under the water!"

"The black shadow is huge, like a fish. It is sixty feet long and four feet wide!"

When he said these words, the soldier's face was full of horror.

It seemed that as long as the huge black shadow he saw appeared in his mind, the fear in his heart was enough to swallow up his reason.

After listening to the soldier's report, Meng Tian's expression froze.

A lot of bubbles appeared on the surface of the river, and there was a fish-shaped black shadow sixty feet long and four feet wide under the water.
These are connected together, and Meng Tian can only think of the word 'behemoth' in his mind.

"Is it Kun?! Isn't Kun in Beiming?"

"Let's go! Lead the army back to camp!"

Meng Tian looked alert and quickly led his team to ride back to the camp.

When Meng Tian led his team to appear in that strange stretch of river.

Sure enough, I saw large areas of bubbles rising on the surface of the water.

Under the water, there seems to be an unimaginably huge shadow lying quietly.
As soon as the soldiers on the shore saw the giant shadow under the water, their legs almost became weak with fear.

They are all soldiers who have fought in hundreds of battles, elites who have waded through mountains of corpses and seas of blood together with Meng Tian.

But looking at the strange scene on the river, who can deal with it safely?
Especially the huge shadow lying quietly deep in the water clearly resembles a giant beast!
Meng Tian dismounted and walked slowly towards the shore.His face was full of stiffness, looking at the large bubbles appearing on the water, and then staring at the huge black shadow under the water.

Meng Tian's heart was full of struggle, until he approached the shore, the fear in Meng Tian's heart became more and more intense.

Living creatures in this world, facing creatures that are thousands of times larger than themselves, no matter how superb their martial arts skills are, they will still have uncontrollable fear!

Wrapped in the thick river water, Meng Tian could not see the specific details of the giant shadow.

Just from this long body shape, you can picture the appearance of a giant fish in your mind.

"Is it really Kun?"

"According to the Yin Yang family, Kun seems to be the former pet of Heavenly Man."

(End of this chapter)

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