In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 240 Gong Shuqiu’s exclamation: It is indeed the work of heaven and man!

Chapter 240 Gong Shuqiu’s exclamation: It is indeed the work of heaven and man!
His Majesty was able to draw this route in such detail and include all the lands of the Six Kingdoms. It was obvious that he had already prepared to patrol the world.

But before, there was no news about the First Emperor at all.
Li Si couldn't help but asked curiously:

"Your Majesty, have you already made plans to take this route?"

"Is there any profound meaning in this?"

Hearing this, the First Emperor slowly spoke:

"This route is the route that my mentor used to open the Dragon Veins of China!"

"Moreover, my mentor has buried many methods in this path, waiting for me to discover them!"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, Li Siru was struck by lightning!

Li Si could never have imagined that the First Emperor, who wanted to patrol the world, actually wanted to return to heaven and open the dragon vein of China!
Since the heavenly beings have laid down various legacy along this route, if they all fall into the hands of the empire, how powerful will Great Qin be?

Li Si couldn't imagine it, but he was certain that the gains from this would be enough to change the world of Great Qin today!

It shows an appearance that has never been seen before!
After Li Si was so excited, he couldn't help but think deeply about the route of this route. The hometowns of the Six Kingdoms seemed to be on this route.

Thinking of this, worry appeared on Li Si's face again, and he said after careful consideration:

"Your Majesty, since heavenly beings have laid a legacy on this route."

"But if you only need to send a large army to follow this route, why do you need your Majesty to visit the world in person?"

"Now among the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, there are still many people who have not given up their thoughts on destroying the Qin Dynasty."

"If Your Majesty takes such a long route, something might happen."

"If anything goes wrong with His Majesty's safety, the country of Great Qin will be afraid..."

In the middle of Li Si's words, the First Emperor reached out his hand and suppressed the rest of Li Si's words.

The First Emperor's eyes were full of determination and he said:

"Heavens are my masters. Heavenly beings may have buried those legacy with the intention of letting me open them myself."

"If I am not in the east patrol team, I am afraid that the means hidden by the gods will not show up."

"I must come in person for this trip!"

"You don't have to say any more."

Seeing the First Emperor's attitude, Li Si had no choice but to give up his thoughts of admonition.

Prepare to make full preparations for the First Emperor to inspect relevant matters in the world.

After a few days, Gong Shuqiu and others finally arrived at Zheng Guoqu's location.

Meng Tian was overjoyed when he saw that the First Emperor finally sent someone over.

During these days, Meng Tian directly formed an underwater exploration team. They were all soldiers with excellent water skills selected from the army. They went into the water many times to explore the unimaginably large underwater artifact.

But even a person with excellent water skills could not spend more than three sticks of incense in the water. In such a short time, he could not find any way to activate the underwater artifact.

Meng Tian could only place his hope in the troops sent by the First Emperor.

Meng Tian saw that the commander-in-chief, General Jiang Zuofu's Gongshu Qiu, and the three great sages Bei Mingzi, Xunzi, and Guiguzi came to this place and hurriedly greeted him.

"Master Gongshu and the three great sages came here, and they really solved my big problem!"

"The underwater artifact floats quietly in the water, and its entire body is like gold and iron. Not even a single crack can be found."

"Even if we want to study the miraculousness of this behemoth, we can't find any gaps."

Hearing Meng Tian's words, Gongshu Qiu also said: "I have never heard of artifacts of such terrifying size. I thought that the armored warship was magical enough."

"I didn't expect that the artifact that appeared this time could actually float in the water with such a huge size!"

"Such wonderful ways of studying things only make us sigh that the ways of heaven and man are extraordinary."

Bei Mingzi's face was filled with excitement at this time, and he urged directly:
"Let's just chat about some gossip on the way."

"General Meng, please hurry up and take us to the water area where the artifact is docked, so that we can see the beauty of the divine artifact!"

Seeing Bei Mingzi's urging, Meng Tian stopped talking and took a few people directly to the section of the river where the Celestial Artifact docked.

At this time, the shore had already been blocked by Da Qin soldiers.

Teams of warriors full of vigor covered the river bank where the Celestial Artifact was parked, lest anyone know the true situation here.

When Gong Shuqiu and others stood on the bank of the river, staring at the huge black shadow under the water.

Even though they had already known the terrifying size of this celestial artifact when they came, they were still frightened by the huge black shadow under the water!

Bei Mingzi looked at the fish-shaped outline and frowned slightly.

After all, "Xiaoyaoyou" is very old, and now Bei Mingzi is not sure whether the Kun depicted in it is a living creature or a beast-like creature.

But just looking at the huge black shadow under the water on the shore, Bei Mingzi felt that it would not be too inconsistent to say that this thing was the Kun described in ancient books.

Gong Shuqiu frowned tightly as he looked at the huge black shadow under the water.

Thinking of the First Emperor's decree to transport this magnificent artifact back to Xianyang, Gong Shuqiu felt a headache.

After a while, Gong Shuqiu said:

"I want to go into the water and observe the details of this artifact up close."

"Only then can we formulate a detailed plan to transport this artifact back to Xianyang."

As soon as Gong Shuqiu said this, Bei Mingzi immediately expressed his willingness to go into the water together.

As the leader here, Meng Tian naturally accompanied them.

All of them have impressive martial arts standards.Especially Bei Mingzi, Xunzi, and Guiguzi, their martial arts are almost at the peak of the world.

And Gong Shuqiu, who seems to be old and specializes in the agency, is still accompanied by good martial arts.

If you fight with others, you may be afraid of breaking all your bones, but going into the water to explore is much better than those elite soldiers.

Afterwards, several people entered the water together.

After crossing the warm river, several people saw a huge machine-shaped structure floating like water plants in the river.

The eyes are all wide open!
Staring at such a giant creature at close range in this dark river would be a mental shock for anyone!
This is especially true for Gong Shuqiu, who desperately stimulates the inner energy in his body and constantly shuttles around the artifact to study the specific structure of this huge creation.

In fact, Gong Shuqiu even surfaced several times to take a breath.After several investigations, Gong Shuqiu finally figured out the situation of this huge celestial artifact.

On the river bank, several people all changed out of their wet clothes and once again stared at the huge creation floating quietly under the river.

Gong Shuqiu's face was full of deep thought.

This artifact does not have any mechanism similar to an anchor, which is a good thing for Gong Shuqiu.

Otherwise, the weight of this underwater machine, which weighs tens of thousands of kilograms, and the anchor must also be a terrifying figure.

It is difficult to exert force underwater, and they may not even be able to pull out the anchor.

(End of this chapter)

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