Chapter 241 What if this thing can be activated?
But similarly, Gong Shuqiu has never found any way to activate this behemoth underwater.

The entire underwater artifact made of gold and iron blends into one body.

Gong Shuqiu couldn't find any gaps, so naturally he couldn't study the method of activating the artifact underwater.

After taking a deep breath, Gong Shuqiu said to the people around him:

"It seems that in order to transport this artifact to Xianyang, it must be brought to the surface of the water first!"

As soon as Gong Shuqiu said these words, everyone who heard his voice frowned.

They all tried to push past the behemoth under the water, but the result was something that even the word "mayfly shook the tree" was not enough to describe it.

No matter how much inner energy they exerted, they still felt that the huge thing was as if it were in the sky and could not be pushed by human power.

Meng Tian considered it and said:

"Lord Gongshu, what do you think?"

"I have tried it before, sending nearly a thousand soldiers into the water to push this celestial artifact."

"But this artifact is like a mountain protruding from the bottom of the water. There is no movement at all."

Facing the questioning looks of several people, Gong Shuqiu slowly said:

"I already have an idea about this matter!"

"However, in order to pull this behemoth out of the water, we still need to prepare a lot of mechanisms."

Meng Tian and others heard that Gong Shuqiu had a way to bring the huge underwater artifact to the surface.

Everyone's faces were full of surprise, Meng Tian said excitedly:

"Master Gongshu, what are you going to do?"

"That underwater artifact weighs tens of thousands of kilograms!"

"Is it really so magical to be able to transport a giant object of this size to the water?"

Seeing that everyone was surprised and confused, Gong Shuqiu slowly explained:
"If this thing were on land, it would be as heavy as a mountain."

"But it sinks in the water and bears the buoyancy of the current. Only one percent of its tens of thousands of kilograms of weight is left at most."

"We only need to have the power to shake a million pounds. I think it should be enough to bring this artifact to the surface."

As soon as Gong Shuqiu said these words, Meng Tian, ​​Beimingzi, Xunzi, and Guiguzi were all discouraged.

There seems to be no difference between a million catties and tens of thousands of catties to them. Anyway, they are both levels beyond the reach of human beings.

Bei Mingzi looked at the river bank, frowned and said:

"Master Gongshu, you don't want to use machine gears and then use ropes to carry the heavenly artifact."

"Use the power of the army here to pull up that huge beast forcefully."

"Although there are a lot of manpower here, I'm afraid it's still difficult to shake them."

After hearing Bei Mingzi's words, Gong Shuqiu said with a proud face:
"This is the greatness of Gwuyiyi!"

"If we just rely on machine expansion and manpower here, it will naturally not reach the weight of one million kilograms."

"But have you ever thought about it, there is another thing that can help us!"

Facing the doubtful eyes of several people, Gong Shuqiu slowly said:

"Have you ever heard of waist boat?"

As soon as Gong Shuqiu said these words, the four of them fell into deep thought again, and the doubts on their faces still remained.

The waist boat is originally a gourd like gourd tied around the waist. The buoyancy of the water helps people cross the river.

Therefore, it is called Yaozhou by the world.But this waist boat, a small gourd, what effect does it have on lifting the giant underwater thing?
Just when the four of them were deep in thought, Gong Shuqiu directly stated his plan and said:

"One waist boat can only provide about ten kilograms of strength. Three or two waist boats tied to the waist can help people float on the water!"

"But what if there are [-] waist boats? Can such a huge underwater creature still move?"

"We will tie the boats one by one to the huge underwater monster with ropes."

"Only tie one at a time, and when there are enough, the giant thing will always float up!"

As soon as Gong Shuqiu said these words, there was a roar of thunder in everyone's mind!

Everyone suddenly became enlightened, and they all understood the method of public defeat!

Gongshu Qiu continued:
"What can be used to make a waist boat is naturally not only gourds such as gourds, but also driftwood in the mountains and fields."

"We need a lot of ropes first to tie up that huge thing!"

"Secondly, build large-scale gear machines on both sides of the river to coordinate with the expansion and contraction pulled by the army here to fix the position of the behemoth."

"The main force that pulls that huge thing to the surface is naturally the countless waist boats!"

After Gong Shuqiu thoroughly explained his plan, everyone's faces showed a look of sudden surprise!

Bei Mingzi, Xunzi, and Guiguzi were all shocked by the magic of Ge Wuyi, and they all praised in unison:
"This method is wonderful!"

And Meng Tian also had an excited look on his face.

Quickly arrange manpower to raise what is needed.

Within a few days, both sides of the river were covered with rows of gear machines.

Each gear machine has a long rope dragged on the ground for the soldiers to grab and use.

The other end of the rope was tied to the huge creature under the river.

On both sides of the river, driftwood of all sizes was piled up.There is a rope tied to each driftwood to tie it to the giant underwater creature.

Then, under Meng Tian's orders.The pieces of driftwood were carried into the water by the water-savvy soldiers in the army, and carefully tied to the giant underwater creature.

At this moment, the underwater artifact has been entangled with ropes one after another, and every piece of driftwood is not afraid of untied points.

This majestic process of tying the waist boat has only begun for half a day.

Finally, the huge black shadow under the water shook slightly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, everyone was so excited!
Gongshu Qiu shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Pull the switch!!!"

As the command flag flashed across the field, the rope on the gear machine on the shore was pulled straight by tens of thousands of soldiers!
Coupled with the action of the many driftwoods, the huge underwater creature floated toward the surface of the water little by little!

Gongshuqiu, Meng Tian, ​​Xunzi, Guiguzi, and Beimingzi stared at the huge black shadow under the water, watching the huge thing emerge from the water.

Everyone felt an extremely shocking feeling in their hearts!

After seeing the full picture of the Celestial Artifact, everyone stood frozen on the spot.

After a long while, Gong Shuqiu murmured:
"This artifact is like a mountain floating on the water."

"If this artifact can be activated, how much power will it unleash?"

"The majesty of heavenly beings is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people like us!"

After everyone digested the shock in their hearts, they hurried to the artifact to observe and study it.

After this behemoth surfaced, all its structures were clearly visible under the sunlight.

Without the oppressive feeling of the deep water, Gongshuqiu and the others actually discovered some differences after continuous research on the artifact!
(End of this chapter)

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