Chapter 242 The mysterious old man appears! ! !

On the side of the huge artifact, there seems to be the shape of a mechanism door.

But it was just a shape. Although the splicing of the two pieces of metal could be seen, the metal mechanism, even though Guan Gongshu Qiu tried several times, could not be opened at all with his ability.

However, a few people did not dare to destroy it with brute force, so they froze there for a while.

Meng Tian frowned and said:

"If you can't find a way to activate this thing"

"How can we transport it back to Xianyang?"

Gongshu Qiu's eyes flashed with thought as he watched this huge thing floating on the water like an armored warship after adding driftwood.

Can't help murmuring:
"The current appearance of this artifact looks a bit like an armored warship."

"It's just that the appearance is quite strange."

"If you give me a little time, you will be able to think of a way to transport it back to Xianyang!"

When Meng Tian heard this, he could only place his hope on Gong Shuqiu.

After all, except for the other party, no one else here really has any attainments in studying things.


On this day, the First Emperor and Li Si were dressed in ordinary attire, riding in a carriage and going on tour incognito.

Prepare to personally explore the specific conditions inside and outside Xianyang, and then consider whether it is appropriate to tour eastward at the moment.

The First Emperor slowly inspected the people's livelihood in the capital of Qin through the window.

Seeing the crowds of vendors and pedestrians in Xianyang City, looking prosperous, I felt a little more relaxed.

Since Tianren's various crops were fully promoted and harvested, the entire Qin Dynasty became more and more prosperous.

Restaurants abound, and the clothes worn by the people are not as shabby as before.

The ordinary faces were filled with happiness and peace.

As the carriage gradually drove to the bamboo forest of Orchid Pond outside Xianyang City, the First Emperor's nose twitched slightly and he felt the fragrance of fine wine wafting towards him.

The fragrance is long and lingering, making people think of the richness of the wine when they take a sip of it.

The First Emperor couldn't help but said:

"There is such a fine wine here?!"

"Li Si, get out of the car and go explore with us."

After the First Emperor and Li Si got off the carriage, the First Emperor followed the guidance of the smell of wine and slowly walked into the rotten pond bamboo forest.

Looking towards the place where the smell of wine was strongest, I saw the wine placed in front of a white-haired old man.

The old man had white hair and a childish face, and it was impossible to guess his exact age, but his eyes were as bright as stars, as if he had seen through everything in the world.

What made the First Emperor even more confused was that when he saw the old man's face, he felt an extremely familiar feeling in his heart!

It was as if he had seen this old man in the past years.But after the First Emperor thought deeply for a few moments, he couldn't remember the details.

Under the influence of this strange feeling of familiarity, the First Emperor thought deeply for a while and then slowly walked towards the old man.

Until the old man came closer, the First Emperor looked at the old man's completely unfamiliar face and frowned tightly.

Although the old man's face was extremely unfamiliar, the feeling of familiarity in the heart of the First Emperor could not be erased.

After thinking for a while, the First Emperor simply asked the old man directly:

"Old man, where have we met before?"

When asking this question, the First Emperor carefully looked at the outline of the old man's face and carefully watched the changes in his expression.

The old man seemed to be awakened by the First Emperor's question. He raised his head and glanced at Li Si, then his eyes fell on the First Emperor.

Those shining eyes, after looking at the Emperor's face for a long time, showed a trace of joy.

Then he smiled and said:

"When I was young, I traveled all over the country. Now I can hardly walk anymore, so I settled in the capital of the Qin Kingdom in order to be exposed to the dragon's luck and maintain my health." "Perhaps, in my long years, we have seen it somewhere. indefinite."

Hearing what the old man said, the First Emperor also temporarily put aside his doubts.

His eyes fell on the wine that was constantly exuding a refreshing fragrance in front of the old man.

Even as the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, the First Emperor had never smelled such a refreshing aroma of wine.The taste of the wine is like a living thing, following the taste buds and only entering the body.

Moreover, the color of the wine was emerald green, like a rare gemstone.

When people look at it, their appetite will be whetted.

When the old man saw the greedy look on the Emperor's face, the smile on his face grew stronger and he said:
"Life is so long, and it is fate to meet again."

"Why don't you sit down and talk together and drink this cup together?"

Faced with the old man's invitation, the First Emperor was not reluctant at all. He first thanked the old man and said:
"In this case, it is better to obey than to be respectful."

"To be honest, this aroma of wine is unlike anything I've ever smelled."

"Stepping into this orchid pond and bamboo forest was attracted by the aroma of wine."

After the First Emperor sat down, the old man also placed a wine glass in front of the First Emperor.

Most of the wine glasses of this era were made of bronze and had three legs, similar to tripods.

But the old man in front of him pushed the wine glass.But it is a warm white color all over, as if it is carved from jade.The shape is round and looks very elegant.

When the old man poured the green wine into the white jade cup, the rich fragrance immediately enveloped the First Emperor.

After the old man filled the cup in front of the First Emperor with wine, he picked up his own glass of wine, smiled at the First Emperor and said:

When the First Emperor saw the old man like this, he also picked up the wine that had just been filled and faced the old man and said:


As people toasted to each other and drank together, the atmosphere suddenly became more harmonious.

When the green wine flowed through his throat, the First Emperor felt a warmth all over his body, as if what he had just drank was not wine but the elixir of immortality.

After putting down the wine glass, the First Emperor couldn't help but asked in surprise:
"Old man, what is this wine for?"

"With such a wonderful taste, why have I never heard of the name of this wine?"

In the eyes of the First Emperor, the glass of wine he just drank was simply the most delicious wine he had ever drank in his life.

This kind of lingering taste would make people forget to leave, if a restaurant opened in Xianyang and sold this wine.

I'm afraid it won't take long to become rich enough.

Even if you don't want to take care of worldly property, even if you just sell this wine on consignment, it will be enough to live an extremely wealthy life.

But the reality is that the First Emperor has never heard of wine anywhere in the world that has such a wonderful taste like the wine in front of him.

Moreover, even its gem-like appearance is enough for this wine to become famous.

Hearing the First Emperor's question, the old man smiled and said:

"This wine is what I have gained through years of accumulation and understanding."

"When I was young, I traveled far and wide and saw a lot."

"When I grow old, I will live in this orchid pond and bamboo forest, and integrate the insights of my life into this wine."

"This is how I brewed this wine that reminds people of the past. I named it 'Yue'."

"I just want to drink a few sips in my spare time to recall the feelings of my youth. I don't intend to make money from it."

"Now, it is a beautiful thing that someone can accompany me to taste the wine of the years."

As the old man spoke, he filled up the wine glass in front of the First Emperor.

When the First Emperor heard what the old man said, he felt deeply and praised:
"Years? What a name! It goes well with the taste of this wine."

(End of this chapter)

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