Chapter 246 Turning a deer into a horse!

After the old man took a slight breath, he slowly said:
"There once was an extremely powerful empire. After the death of that generation of heroes, the eunuchs in the palace became more powerful."

"Push the most naughty son of the hero to the throne and call him the second son."

"After the second emperor sat on the throne of God, he indulged in pleasure and gave all his power to the eunuch who promoted him to the throne."

"That powerful eunuch, carrying the title of Second World, cut off dissidents in the court, and his power is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Even having power over the entire government is no longer enough to describe his power."

"One day, someone brought a deer to the court as a tribute."

"The second generation was very happy and called the deer magical. But the eunuch said that this was not a deer, but a horse!"

"I don't believe it, so I asked the officials. When the officials saw that the eunuch said it was a horse, they all said that the deer was a horse."

"Finally, with everyone's swearing, II admitted that he was wrong. Pointing to the deer, he said, This is a horse."

After the old man finished telling the story of calling a deer a horse, the First Emperor immediately became furious!
The First Emperor thought of himself. Of course he could be considered a hero, but after his death, would the second emperor become like this?
His face instantly turned red and he shouted angrily:

"This second emperor is so stupid! He can't even tell the difference between a deer and a horse!"

"Such qualifications are simply a disgrace to the emperor!"

Seeing the First Emperor being so furious, the old man smiled and said:

"The Second Emperor will naturally not doubt his own judgment."

"But when all the officials in the court said so."

"The second emperor naturally thought that his judgment was wrong and agreed with the judgment of his ministers."

"And the reason why the courtier said that the deer was a horse was all because of the eunuch's words."

"The eunuchs are powerful, and anyone who disagrees will face the consequences of having their families confiscated and exterminated. The courtiers are afraid of the eunuchs' power, so they can only respect the eunuchs' words."

By the time the old man finished speaking these words, a real murderous intention had already arisen in the First Emperor!
The First Emperor thought of the situation in Great Qin!
If he died suddenly, would something like this happen to Da Qin in the future?

In an instant, the First Emperor's eyes were filled with sharp light.

Li Si on the side was already sweating profusely.

The old man's story just now is about eunuchs being powerful, coercing hundreds of officials, and oppressing the second emperor.

But in other words, are eunuchs the only ones with great power?

He, the Prime Minister of the Qin Dynasty, is more qualified to castrate the powerful!
Especially when he felt the real murderous intention in the First Emperor, Li Si was sweating profusely!

What if the First Emperor, thinking of his own death, suspects that he, the prime minister, has deceived the emperor and has done things like calling a deer a horse?
With his face pale, Li Si looked at the old man suddenly. He felt that the old man's story seemed to have some meaning.

Can't help but ask:
"My husband, your story is really shocking."

"Where did you hear such bizarre things?"

" made it up yourself?"

Facing Li Si's questioning gaze, the old man smiled and said:

"I was still young when I heard this story."

"At that time, the person who told me this story was also an old man."

When the old man in front of him, who had had two drinking experiences together, told him that the story of "referring to a deer as a horse" was also told to him by an elder.

A flash of light suddenly appeared in the eyes of the First Emperor, remembering that Xiao He and Zhang Liang were also inspired by heaven and man in this way when they were young.The First Emperor immediately wondered whether it was a heavenly being who transformed into an old man and told the old man in front of him the story of "turning a deer into a horse".

If this is the case, then the credibility of this story is extremely high!
It is very likely that the gods used this old man's mouth to convey to themselves the hidden dangers of Great Qin in the future.

Thinking of this, the First Emperor hurriedly asked the old man in front of him:

"Old man, what reputation did the old man who told you this story have left behind?"

Hearing what the First Emperor said, the old man smiled and spoke again.

Instead, he leaned back comfortably on the chair and slowly closed his eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep.

When the First Emperor saw this, he knew for a moment that he could no longer ask further.

After having enough wine and food this time, he also listened to a story that was most likely related to the hidden dangers of the Qin Dynasty. The First Emperor was extremely satisfied.

He bowed respectfully to the old man who had fallen asleep on the chair and said:

"Thank you very much, husband, for your hospitality this time."

"If there is anything I want to help with in the future, I will do my best."

Afterwards, the First Emperor took Li Si and slowly left.

The old man also seemed to feel the movement of the First Emperor's departure, and his tight eyes slowly opened.

Looking at the back of the First Emperor, he was lost in thought for a long time, and a look of unbearability slowly filled his eyes.
On the way back, the First Emperor sat in the car without saying a word, carefully pondering in his mind the story that the old man said, "turning a deer into a horse".

Like a silent volcano, it slowly exudes pressure to the surroundings.

Li Si, who was riding in the same car, naturally knew what the First Emperor was thinking.

Even more unsure of how to speak, there were faint hints of worry in his eyes.

Li Si didn't know how the First Emperor would arrange the empire's successor after hearing the extremely bizarre and absurd story of "turning a deer into a horse".

But Li Si knew very well that the First Emperor would definitely be wary of those who held great power in the empire!
If the First Emperor was still there and suppressed by the Ancestral Dragon Qi, these imperial ministers would naturally not dare to move at all.

Therefore, the First Emperor never thought about suppressing the authority of any meritorious official.

But if a prince succeeds to the throne and becomes the second emperor of the empire, no matter which prince he is, he may not have enough prestige to motivate the ministers.

Especially after hearing the bizarre stories of "turning a deer into a horse" and other powerful officials trying to manipulate the government, Li Si did not dare to think about what the First Emperor would do in order to leave a stable government policy for the Second Emperor!
I'm afraid that if the First Emperor really raises his butcher's knife high, even himself may be affected.

Thinking of this, the worry on Li Si's face became more intense.

Along the way, the First Emperor and Li Si returned to the palace in silence.

After putting on the dragon robe that represented the supreme authority in the world, the First Emperor glanced at the huge Xianyang Palace.

After taking a deep breath, Ruoyou said to Li Si thoughtfully:

"Li Si, do you think that after my death, there will be strong ministers who will come out to wield power and bully the second emperor?"

"If so, who is that person most likely to be?"

Hearing the First Emperor's words, Li suddenly felt frightened.

If Li Si is a sinister person, he can naturally turn his finger on those ministers who have grudges against him.

But the problem is, he, Li Si, is the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty!
(End of this chapter)

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