In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 247 Zhao Gao!Have you ever heard of the allusion of referring to a deer as a horse? ! !

Chapter 247 Zhao Gao!Have you ever heard of the allusion of referring to a deer as a horse? ! !

Once the First Emperor dies suddenly and the Second Emperor succeeds to the throne, no matter which minister wants to gain power in the dynasty, it is impossible to spare him as the prime minister.

In fact, it is most likely that he, Li Sicai, is the powerful official who "took a deer for a horse"!

If it hadn't been for the old man who clearly stated that the powerful official in the story "calling a deer a horse" was a eunuch.

Li Si even felt that the old man was deliberately trapping him with such bizarre things.

Feeling the coldness gradually emanating from the First Emperor's body, Li Si quickly shook his head and said:
"Your Majesty, no humble minister dares to make a conclusion on this matter lightly."

"As for who might become the powerful official who 'turns a deer into a horse', I can't even guess."

"Your Majesty has put so much pressure on the court that all the officials have surrendered. I think that except for those who are naturally anti-Qin, no one would dare to bully the second emperor like this!"

Hearing what Li Si said, the First Emperor's eyes moved and he said:
"A person who is born to be anti-Qin? Are you talking about the reincarnation of the nine-wheeled disaster star!!!"

"That's right, there are reincarnations of the Nine Wheels of Disaster Stars who might have sneaked into the Great Qin Palace!"

"If the widow dies, that person will seize power through conspiracy."

"But it is possible that even the second emperor will be controlled by him!"

Thinking of this, the eyes of the First Emperor were like a deep pool brewing murderous intent.

At this moment, the CRRC Mansion ordered Zhao Gao to come to the First Emperor and respectfully report:

"Your Majesty, Young Master Hu Hai has been studying the classics of various schools of thought recently."

"Now, I have memorized most of the Confucian Analects."

"The meaning of the classics in the Analects of Confucius can be explained in every detail."

When reporting on Hu Hai's study, Zhao Gao's face was full of praise as a teacher. He was worried that the First Emperor would think Hu Hai was unmotivated, so he deliberately praised Hu Hai with words.

In fact, with Hu Hai's stubborn temper, even if he had to study hard, he could never understand the meaning of the Analects of Confucius. Even memorizing most of it was mixed with a lot of water.

But Zhao Gao had no choice but to do his best to make Hu Hai show his face in front of the First Emperor.

After hearing Zhao Gao's report on the situation of his son Hu Hai, the First Emperor, who was thinking about the internal situation of the Qin Dynasty, waved his hands impatiently and said without looking back:

"I know, I know, at this age I can only memorize most of the Analects!"

"If you tell me, you will still lose face!"

"Look at the young master Fusu who went to the frontier. How old was he to memorize the entire Analects of Confucius?"

"Hu Hai still has you by his side to teach you, Lian."

When he said this, the First Emperor suddenly stopped speaking!

The First Emperor suddenly remembered something. In the story of "turning a deer into a horse" told by the old man, the minister who manipulated the government with power was a eunuch!
The most powerful eunuch in the Qin Dynasty was Zhao Gao, the magistrate of Zhongche Mansion and Hu Hai’s master!
In an instant, the murderous intent deep in the eyes of the First Emperor suddenly surfaced, and his eyes were as sharp as swords.

Slowly turning around, his extremely sharp eyes fell on Zhao Gao.

Looking carefully, he saw this servant who had been by his side since he returned to Qin from Zhao.

Zhao Gao's ability to be the number one eunuch today was definitely not due to his flattery and deliberate flattery.

Instead, following Ying Zheng, who had just returned to Qin and was still in a state of decline, he inherited Qin step by step until he was now the minister of Conglong who unified the world!
Zhao Gao's current status is ultimately due to his loyalty to the First Emperor and his outstanding execution ability.

After all, everything Zhao Gao has is a tribute given by the First Emperor!

Looking at this chamberlain who had been with him for decades, the First Emperor slowly narrowed his eyes.
Since in the story of "turning a deer into a horse", the person who bullied the second emperor was a eunuch, then why not be cruel next time and kill all the eunuchs in the Xianyang Palace! ! !
Zhao Gao originally came to report to the First Emperor about the study of the young master Hu Hai, and to try to get the young master Hu Hai to show his face in front of the First Emperor.Suddenly, I felt that the First Emperor's eyes seemed to be looking at me with a fierce murderous intent!
In an instant, Zhao Gao felt a sense of panic, as if he was surrounded by a world full of murderous intent.

Zhao Gao didn't know that what he said was wrong, but it suddenly aroused such strong murderous intent from the First Emperor.Zhao Gao's eyes flashed continuously, and his mind was quickly recalling all the things that had happened in recent days.

Even though he was sweating profusely thinking about it, Zhao Gao still didn't know what he had done wrong to trigger the First Emperor's murderous intention.

The First Emperor looked at Zhao Gao's pale face and said slowly:
"Zhao Gao, have you ever heard of the story of 'turning a deer into a horse'?"

After hearing the words of the First Emperor, Zhao Gao quickly thought about the content related to "referring to a deer as a horse" in his mind.But even if Zhao Gao empties his brain now, he still can't find any traces related to "calling a deer a horse"!

Even Zhao Gao could only understand the meaning of "referring to a deer as a horse" literally.

But with just these four words, Zhao Gao had no idea what the First Emperor wanted to express.

Facing the First Emperor's vague murderous intention, Zhao Gao's face, which was now pale, could only keep shaking his head and thinking:
"Zhao Gao has never heard of this story of 'referring to a deer as a horse'"

"Please also express your majesty."

The First Emperor recalled all the details of the old man's story about "turning a deer into a horse" and slowly stated to the frightened Zhao Gao in front of him:
"There once was a great hero. With his powerful courage, he created an unprecedented empire."

"When that heroic lord was alive, all the capable ministers and generals in the world looked up to him for his majesty."

"All the people from all over the world will surrender to the heroic lord!"

"Many students in the world all praise that hero!"

When Zhao Gao heard this first sentence, he immediately understood that the story told by the First Emperor was a metaphor for himself.

What the First Emperor will say next is probably the situation in Great Qin.

It was also the source of the murderous desire of the First Emperor!

Zhao Gao hurriedly continued to listen attentively, and at the same time, his mind was fully mobilized, and he quickly thought about ways to eliminate the murderous intention of the First Emperor.

Only the voice of the First Emperor was heard:

"When the hero is alive, the world will naturally be stable. But God's will is like a sword, and the hero will also fall asleep one day."

"When the hero died, a powerful eunuch tried his best to promote the second emperor to the throne!"

"The second emperor came to the throne because of that eunuch's actions, so he has great trust in that eunuch!"

"By controlling the power gained by the second emperor, the eunuch eliminated dissidents in the court. As long as someone makes a different voice, the family will be confiscated and the whole family will be exterminated!"

"Slowly, that eunuch became more and more powerful in the court, reaching the point where he could cover the sky with one hand!"

"Until one day, someone brought a deer as tribute to the Second Emperor."

"And in the court, the powerful eunuch pointed at the deer and said, this is obviously a horse!"

"The second emperor hesitated, but when the eunuch heard the eunuch say that the deer in front of him was a horse, all the civil and military officials in the court said without hesitation that it was a horse."

"Faced with the unified civil and military policies of the entire dynasty, the second emperor still felt that something was wrong, but he gradually accepted the view that the deer in front of him was actually a horse."

After telling this story, the First Emperor's sharp eyes looked at the expression on Zhao Gao's face and said:

"Now, you know what it means to call a deer a horse."

(End of this chapter)

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