In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 25 Mohist organs, wood and stone walk; Bronze opens its mouth, ask Gongshu!

Chapter 25 Mohist organs, wood and stone walk; Bronze opens its mouth, ask Gongshu!

Mojia Organ City.

When the remaining disciples of the Mo family returned, the giant couldn't help but frowned when he saw the tragic image of Tie Chui who was seriously injured and dying.

This time, all the masters of the Mohist family came out, and they also brought the white tiger, the sacred beast of the mechanism.

With such heavy losses, they failed to recapture the Yinghuo Star.

This situation is enough to make the giant feel unhappy.

After a fight, the pale-faced Stealing Stone saw the serious expression on the giant's face and immediately knew what the other person was thinking.

Robber Shi smiled and cursed and said:

"That Wang Jian is indeed the No. 1 general in the world."

"None of us could have imagined that he has as much fighting power as you."

"Thankfully everyone was smart this time, otherwise, I'm afraid they all would have stayed there."

Hearing this, the giant frowned and sighed:
"Hey, I didn't think well this time."

"If I had known earlier that Wang Jian's troops had such amazing combat power, I would have taken action myself."

"Now, even though Da Qin has become wary, we have not won the Yinghuo Star."

"This matter, after all, is a huge loss without any merit."

When Gao Jianli and Xue Ge heard this, their expressions darkened subconsciously.

Tie Hammer, who was seriously injured, did not even dare to face the brothers of the Mo family.

If he hadn't been too arrogant this time, he wouldn't have lost his combat effectiveness from the beginning.

As a result of the heavy losses suffered by the Mohist disciples, he, Tie Hammer, as the leader, has to bear the heavy responsibility.

Robber Shi saw that the atmosphere in the venue was solemn.

He immediately laughed out loud and said:

"Who said there was no merit this time?"

"The Yinghuo Star, although I didn't get it back."

"But I can clearly see the instructions left by the gods above!"

As soon as Stealing Stone finished speaking, the Mohist giant and all the commanders looked at him.

The giant opened his eyes wide and said loudly:

"Is this true?"

"Then what kind of message did the heavenly beings leave on Yinghuo Planet?"

Facing everyone's expectant eyes, Robber Shi's face raised slightly, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes as he said:

"The First Emperor died and the world was divided. The one who destroyed Qin was Hu Ye!"

When Robber Shi said these words, it was like a thunder was dropped on the scene.

Everyone who heard this was in great shock.

Even the breathing of Juzi and other Mohist leaders subconsciously became a little faster.

The next moment, Juzi looked around and said excitedly:

"Good! Good! Good!"

"This must be a message from heaven to us!"

"The violent Qin Dynasty is indeed unpopular with heaven and man!"

"Everyone, our chance has come!"

Following the giant's words, all the Mohist leaders became excited.

After Master Xu thought for a moment, he said:
"I suggest that you can reveal the heavenly beings on Yinghuo Planet."

"Announce it to the world, so that all anti-Qin people in the world can share this great news."

Master Ban also spoke in agreement:

"I think so too, there are warnings from heaven and man."

"Those patriots in the world who are willing but unable to resist Qin will surely revolt one after another!"

"A single spark can start a prairie fire!"

"This huge empire may not be able to collapse from within!"

After hearing this, Juzi nodded slowly, his eyes moving as he said:
"Then let's do this!"

"We must spread the instructions of heaven and man to the entire world."

"I saw how the First Emperor cleaned up the chaotic situation."

After the entire Mohist hierarchy reached a unified consensus.

Regarding the Yinghuo Star, it appears that "the First Emperor died and the world was divided. The one who destroyed Qin was Hu Ye!" ’ is revealed by heaven and man.

At an extremely fast speed, like a strong wind, it blew across the entire territory of Great Qin.

In an instant, rumors spread all over the world!

After Wang Jian repelled the Mohist army's surprise attack, he encountered no other obstacles along the way.

After the army moved quickly, they finally arrived in Xianyang.After transporting Yinghuo Star to Xianyang Palace.

Wang Jian met with the First Emperor again in Zhangtai Palace.

At this moment, the only people in Zhangtai Palace were the First Emperor, Li Si, Zhao Gao, and Xingyue Shen.

Wang Jian first knelt down on one knee to the First Emperor and reported:

"Your Majesty, the general encountered a sneak attack by the Mohist team on the way to Yinghuo Star."

"The people of the Mo family used a powerful sacred beast. As soon as the sacred beast appeared, thousands of sharp blades burst out from its body."

"During the commotion, Thieving Stone was able to read the content on Yinghuo Planet."

Having said this, Wang Jian lowered his head again and apologized:

"Although the general tried his best to protect Yinghuo Star, he allowed the contents on it to spread."

"This is the general's dereliction of duty, please forgive me!"

After hearing Wang Jian's words, the First Emperor first showed anger!
He didn't expect that the Mo family would be so courageous.

He dared to intercept Yinghuo Star halfway.

A fierce light emerged in the eyes of the First Emperor, "Mo Family! Sooner or later, I will kill them all!"

After the piercing murderous intention filled his body, the First Emperor looked at Wang Jian again and said warmly:
"Wang Qing, please rise. You have made great contributions to me."

"I can't blame you for this."

"However, is the sacred machine beast you said the Mo family used really so powerful?"

The First Emperor knew Wang Jian's abilities very well.

If they were just martial arts masters, with the combined efforts of Wang Jian and his black-armored soldiers, no one would be able to get close to Yinghuo Star.

When Wang Jian heard this, he thought of the white tiger, the sacred beast of mechanism, blooming on the battlefield, and nodded vigorously:

"That machine holy beast is as big as a small elephant."

"The whole body is as strong as gold and iron, and the arrows can only leave a trace on his body."

"What's even more terrifying is that when it attacks, sharp blades will burst out from everywhere on its body!"

"That sharp edge can pierce armor and break bones. Its power is terrifying!"

"It's simply a killer weapon born for the battlefield!"

"It was the appearance of this sacred beast that caused a flaw in the battle formation under the general's command, allowing the stone thief to take advantage of it."

Hearing this, the First Emperor's face dropped like water!

If the Mo family were just some martial arts masters, they would naturally not be able to withstand the cavalry of Great Qin.

But if there were more of these kind of mechanism holy beasts.If Great Qin wanted to attack the Mohist family, it would probably suffer huge losses.

The First Emperor's face showed an extremely fearful look, and he frowned deeply, thinking hard about how to deal with the Mo family's sacred beast.

Xu Shi saw the difficulty of the First Emperor, and the Star and Moon God spoke softly:

"Your Majesty, the Mo family can have such a powerful machine holy beast, it is most likely that it was inherited from heaven and humans."

"But I know clearly that among the twelve disciples of Tianren, there is one person who is extremely good at clever tricks and tricks, and that is Lu Ban!"

"If you want to deal with the sacred beast of the machine, you must ask the public loser to take action."

In Zhangtai Palace, Xingyue God said these words.

The First Emperor immediately looked surprised.

With his eyes flickering, he said in surprise:

"The ancestor of Gongshu Jia, Lu Ban, was also one of the twelve disciples of Heavenly Man?"

"The ingenuity inherited by the Gongshu family is definitely no less than that of the Mo family!"

What Li Sijing Xingyue God said just now made sense of the joints in an instant.

At this moment he said:
"Your Majesty, if the Mo family is the queen of heaven, so is the public loser!"

"Using ingenuity against ingenuity, as long as the public loser can be invited to take action, the gap between Da Qin and the machine beasts has been smoothed."

"How can the Mo family resist our Great Qin cavalry!"

"Furthermore, with Gongshu's profound ingenuity, those heavenly and human weapons may be able to find ways to use them!"

When the First Emperor heard this, his face became excited!
Today's Great Qin has no shortage of elite soldiers and capable ministers.

But the only thing missing is someone who is proficient in the tricks of the mechanism.

If the public losers can be driven by Great Qin, then the empire will definitely become stronger!
Once the heavenly weapon finds the correct way to use it.

The First Emperor believed that no force in the world could be the enemy of the combined weapons of heaven and man.

Thinking of this, the First Emperor immediately ordered Li Si:

"Li Si, I will order you to take full responsibility for this matter!"

"We must bring the public losers into our Great Qin."

Li Si respectfully accepted the order.

(End of this chapter)

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