Chapter 24 The Four Sacred Beasts—White Tiger! ! !
"Enemy attack!!!"

The Mo family's troops showed up in surprise to attack, although the Qin cavalry was slightly panicked.

But soon, under the command of the general.The black-armored soldiers wearing black armor showed their weapons one after another and fought with the Mo family's troops!
Wang Jian's eyes were burning with war. He had already expected that the transportation would not be peaceful.

However, I didn't expect that the person who jumped out first would be a member of the Mo family.

"Mo family! You are so brave!"

"How dare you come and caress my tiger beard of Great Qin!"

In an instant, Wang Jian was full of fighting spirit, holding a big halberd and killing the hammer like a dragon!
Without him, among the masters from the Mo family this time, the most conspicuous one was the hammer with a bald head.

Under the violent smash of his thunder hammer, a gust of wind formed within ten feet!
Even Great Qin's most elite black-armored soldiers rarely get close to him.

But Wang Jian is different!
As the No. 1 general of Da Qin!

What Wang Jian relies on is not just his excellent war command ability.

His battlefield killing ability is also the best in the world!

Wang Jian's whole body's true energy surged like a tide, and all the energy was transferred from his body to the big halberd in his hand.

On the ferocious halberd's front, a layer of blood-colored aura instantly solidified!

Iron Hammer, who was killing wantonly and venting his anger, immediately felt a great terror coming into his heart.

Turning around, he saw Wang Jian coming towards him like an evil dragon emerging from his nest.

Iron Hammer was so shocked that he only had time to use Thor's Hammer in his hand as a shield to block his chest.

With the whole body's true energy running at full strength, thunder even burst out from Thor's hammer.


A huge sound of the intersection of fine iron spread throughout the entire venue!
The hammer that was just like a demon descending from the sky suddenly turned into a broken sack and flew backwards.

The body flying in the air spurted blood from everywhere.

In the previous blow, Wang Jian used the big halberd to slam the Mjolnir back into his chest.

After just one fight, the hammer felt as if it had been directly hit by a meteorite.

The muscles and bones all over his body were broken in countless places.

He was seriously injured and fell far away, not knowing whether he would live or die.

Such changes immediately caused Robber Shi, Gao Jianli, Xue Ge and others to be stunned for a moment!
They never expected that Wang Jian's strength would be so terrifying.

Just one move, a hammer that was used to practice kung fu, was defeated!

With such strength, he is worthy of being the No. 1 general in the world!

Gao Jianli and Xue Ge did not dare to quarrel with other Great Qin soldiers.

They looked at each other and both used their special skills to entangle Wang Jian with their strength.

If a vicious man like Wang Jian was allowed to kill wantonly on this battlefield, all the Mohist disciples would probably die under his big halberd.

Gao Jianli held the famous sword Shui Han, and slowly attacked Wang Jian with extremely cold internal energy.

But they were all blocked by Wang Jian's fighting spirit, three feet away from his body.

Xue Ge's hands floated out of two colored ribbons, one blue and one pink.

He stepped on mysterious steps and performed the dance of flying swallows.

Gao Jianli and Xue Ge are lovers, and the exercises they practice have even more complementary effects.

With the combined efforts of the two, they managed to entangle Wang Jian in a short time.

Although Wang Jian has the power of a dragon, when attacking Xue Ge, Gao Jianli would stab the water in his hand at a weird angle.

When attacking Gao Jianli, they will be disturbed by the ribbons floating out of Xue Ge.

After sudden attacks from the left and right, Wang Jian found that he couldn't take down these two people for a while.

There was a hint of murderous intent in the corner of Wang Jian's mouth, and he said coldly:
"You don't think that by entangling me, you can take away Yinghuo."

"Are you too underestimating the power of my great Qin soldiers?"

After saying these words, Wang Jian's fighting spirit became stronger by three points, and a sense of iron and blood spread to the entire battlefield.

He yelled angrily:
"Great Qin's subordinates, set up the formation!"

"Keep all these ne'er-do-wells here!"

Wang Jian finished speaking.

The black-armored soldiers who were fighting each other with the Mohist disciples immediately seemed to have received a signal.

Under the command of the commanders of each team, the battle formations evolved according to the daily drills.

In an instant, Da Qin's headquarters, which was a little messy just now, turned into a huge millstone covered with sharp blades.

With the cooperation of each other, the lives of Mohist disciples were constantly harvested!

In this era, there are large-scale battles on the battlefield.

It always depends on the invincible fighting spirit in the heart and the tacit understanding between each other!

When Da Qin's troops gathered their strength in a battle formation.

The Mohist disciples suddenly became like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, their lives constantly being harvested!Seeing this, Robber Shi exclaimed in his heart that the Qin soldiers were so powerful that they were indeed the sharp blades that destroyed the six kingdoms.

But the Mo family is also prepared this time!

Robber looked up to the sky and shouted loudly:

"Use the Mechanism Holy Beast!"

"Please come out, General White Tiger!"

As soon as Robber Shi finished speaking, an extreme sense of sharpness appeared on the battlefield.

A mechanical white tiger with a body as strong as fine iron and a body like a small elephant appeared on the battlefield.

The White Tiger leads the army in killing, and it is said that it is an impromptu creation by heavenly beings imitating the monsters that were rampant in ancient times.

It has also been studied and improved by the Mohist sages of the past dynasties.

That’s why we have today’s holy beast, the white tiger!

The most deadly weapon on the battlefield!

In the wilderness of Dongjun, in the battlefield of the valley.

After the white tiger, the machine sacred beast, appeared, sharp blades continued to burst out from its body.

In the first moment, it caused quite a disturbance in the Great Qin battle formation.

No matter how powerful the white tiger is, it is not a real monster.

It is not a real creation of heaven, but a battlefield weapon improved by the Mohist sages based on the gadgets left by heaven.

Stealing Stone knew that the white tiger would not be able to show off its power for too long, once the sharp blade in its body was finished erupting.

The Mohists will once again be in the same situation as before, ready to be slaughtered.

Robber Shi immediately used his body skills with all his strength, taking advantage of the great Qin battle formation to fall into turmoil.

The figure turned into a ghost again, running towards the carriage carrying Yinghuo Star at an extremely fast speed.

He suddenly opened the thick cloth covering the Yinghuo Planet.

Stealing Stone finally saw the writing engraved on Yinghuo Planet.

[The First Emperor died and the world was divided. The one who destroyed Qin was Hu Ye! 】

Just this sentence made Robber Shi's face show an extremely excited look!

"No wonder! No wonder!"

"No wonder Wang Jian protects this Yinghuo star so closely!"

"The First Emperor died and the world was divided! Okay! This must be a message left by the gods!"

"This Great Qin will definitely collapse!"

After being agitated, Robber Shi grasped the Yinghuo Star with both hands, and the true energy in his body circulated like a galloping horse.

However, he discovered that the Yinghuo Star only moved slightly under his full strength.

At this moment, Stealing Stone knew that this Yinghuo star would probably weigh more than two thousand kilograms.

If he takes this Yinghuo Star with him, he will definitely not be able to escape from this place.

But Stealing Stone was not discouraged. Knowing the instructions from heaven and man on Yinghuo Planet was enough for the Mo family.

Feeling that Da Qin's soldiers had surrounded him, Thief Shi immediately jumped away from the encirclement like a flying swallow soaring into the sky.

By the way, he issued a retreat order to all the Mohist disciples.

Gao Jianli and Xue Ge were already struggling to support themselves under Wang Jian's fierce offensive.

Seeing that Robber Stone had given the order to retreat.

The two looked at each other, and all the energy in their bodies surged out!

Gao Jianli took out his guqin, and Xue Ge played the jade flute.

One person plays 'Yangchun' and the other person plays 'White Snow'.

The world's best combination skill - Yangchun Baixue, has now shown its unparalleled youth.

A glacier like a condensed cold air spread toward Wang Jian from in front of Gao Jianli and Xue Ge.

Facing that cold force, Wang Jian had to deal with it with all his strength.

The whole body's true energy is erupting like a dragon, and the halberd is dancing in the hand, and the blood energy is bursting into the sky.

It keeps melting and colliding with the extremely cold air.

When the cold air dissipated, Gao Jianli and Xue Ge were no longer in sight.

In addition to the corpses of Mohist disciples that could be seen everywhere on the ground, even the white tiger, the sacred beast of the machine, was taken away by the two people who escaped.

Anger swirled in Wang Jian's eyes, although he wished he could pursue and kill these people from the Mo family.

But thinking of the importance of Yinghuo Star, Wang Jian still suppressed the murderous intention in his heart.

Continue to transport Yinghuo Star to Xianyang.

(End of this chapter)

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