Chapter 23 The secret of immortality! ! !

Xuanji Pavilion, the headquarters of the Yin Yang Family.

The God of Stars and Moon reported to Taiyi the prophecy left by the heavenly beings on the star of Yinghuo.

The entire Yin Yang family is tied to the great ship of the Qin Empire.

The First Emperor said before that he could not easily reveal any information about the Yinghuo Star.

Of these, Taiyi is naturally not included.

When you hear the prophecy of the gods, 'The First Emperor dies, and the world is divided. 'hour.

There were two rays of confusion in Taiyi's eyes!

At present, the First Emperor has obtained the magic of immortality left by heaven and man, and has half a foot on the road to immortality.

Under such circumstances, can't life expectancy be greatly extended?

Taiyi slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and said to Xingyue Shen:
"What you see is the greatest enemy of Great Qin, the Hu people in the north."

"And what I care more about is the First Emperor himself."

"If the First Emperor Shouyuan is not here, I am afraid that even if the enemy is not strong, the Qin Empire will most likely collapse from within."

Hearing this, a look of horror appeared in Xingyue Shen's beautiful eyes.

Now that the world has just been unified, if something unexpected happens to the First Emperor at this moment.

Then this newly unified world will definitely fall apart!
Only then did Xingyue God understand that the key to that prophecy was not at all who was the one who destroyed Qin!

The question lies in whether Zulong is still alive!

Star Moon God immediately panicked and said:

"Your Excellency Donghuang, Your Majesty has obtained the immortality treasure technique left by heaven and man."

"So, can't we fully embark on the road to immortality in a mortal body?"

Upon hearing this, Taiyi slowly explained:
"After these days of research, I have discovered that the immortality skills left behind by heavenly beings are only used to lay the foundation for our descendants."

"It's equivalent to giving us a boat in the vast river of eternity."

"As for how to cross the river, we still have to rely on our own methods!"

After Taiyi finished speaking, a flash of understanding flashed across Xingyue Shen's eyes. Only then did she understand how difficult it was to achieve complete immortality.

After Taiyi was silent for a moment, he suddenly spoke again:

"As for the rest of the chance of immortality, they have long been preserved in this world."

"In fact, most of the key factors are in the hands of the First Emperor himself!"

When Xingyue God heard this, he immediately showed a look of surprise and hurriedly said:

"What?! The First Emperor had already grasped the chance of immortality?"

"What do you mean?"

Taiyi looked at Endless Cangming and slowly explained:

"Have you ever heard of Canglong Qisu?"

"Before the great unification of the Qin Dynasty, the world was divided into seven kingdoms!"

"The seven kingdoms all inherit a box. This is the legendary Canglong Qisu!"

"There is a legend that the secret of immortality is hidden in the seven places of the Canglong."

"Part of the reason why Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms was to snatch the Canglong Qisu inherited from the Six Kingdoms."

"At this moment, it is estimated that all Canglong Qisu will fall into the hands of the First Emperor."

"It's a pity that the key to unlocking Canglong Qisu, the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, never showed up from beginning to end!"

"Without the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, even if the First Emperor possessed Canglong Qisu, he would not be able to obtain the secret of immortality."

Having said this, Taiyi slowly turned around, looked at Xingyue God, and said seriously:

"According to my investigation, it is very likely that the Phantom Sound Treasure Box was secretly hidden by the Mo family!"

"Xingyue God, my Yin Yang family has completely sided with the Great Qin Empire."

"The First Emperor must not let anything happen to him!"

Taiyi finished speaking.

A sharp light appeared in Xingyue God's eyes.

If the Qin Dynasty is to be prevented from collapsing, the First Emperor must have nothing to do.

The phantom sound treasure box that unlocks the secret of immortality must be snatched from the hands of the Mo family!

Xingyue God said sonorously:

"Subordinate, I understand what to do!"

...In the land of Dongjun, a star has descended on the earth.

Although Wang Jian tried his best to conceal it, no one could pry into the specific situation of Yinghuo Star.

But Wang Jian could not cover up the vision of flames streaking through the sky no matter what.

Therefore, many forces in the world know that the Yinghuo Star has fallen in Dongjun.

Moreover, it was guarded by Wang Jian with elite black armor soldiers and slowly transported to Xianyang.

The Mohists believed that the arrival of this evil spirit on the earth was a sign of the collapse of the Qin Empire.

On that star of Yinghuo, there will definitely be a message left by heaven and man!
After some deliberation, the Mohist tycoon and all the commanders decided to rob Yinghuo Star!

At this moment, in the wilderness of Dongjun, Wang Jian was on his way to transport Yinghuoxing back to Xianyang.

The Mo family dispatched elite experts, waiting for the opportunity to snatch Yinghuo Star.

This time, the opponent was Wang Jian, a famous general of the Great Qin Dynasty. The soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty under his command were also elite black-armored soldiers.

Therefore, the lineup put out by the Mo family is also extremely luxurious!
There is already a stone thief who is unrivaled in the world.

He also has innate supernatural power, and practicing kung fu makes his whole body look like a fine iron hammer!

There is also a peerless couple, Gao Jianli and Xue Ge!
There are nearly a thousand disciples of the Mo family under his command, and they even carry the sacred beast White Tiger with them!

In this way, the White Tiger Holy Beast, who was responsible for the battle and killing, was invited out just to seize the Yinghuo Star and do his best!

On the cliffs on both sides of the East County Wilderness, the Mo family held their breath in concentration.

Staring at the only path in the valley.

Wang Jian wanted to transport Yinghuo Star back to Xianyang as quickly as possible, so he decided to pass through here.

A strong wind blew by, rolling up yellow sand all over the sky.

"Da da da~~~~~~"

Where the yellow sand drifted, a vast swath of Da Qin's black armored soldiers appeared.

Each of them showed their iron-blooded spirit, and they were obviously the best among the best soldiers!

The leader is Wang Jian, who is holding a long halberd and a horse-killing sword on his waist!
I saw Da Qin’s troops arriving.

The leaders of the Mohist family immediately showed excitement!
Robber Shi laughed softly:

"Hmph, after waiting for us for so long, Wang Jian finally brought Yinghuo Star here!"

"Looking at his previous behavior in Dongjun, I'm afraid there must be a big secret hidden on this Yinghuo planet!"

"Ha, this time, we have to thank Wang Jian for sending us this valuable treasure."

Gao Jianli looked at the large number of Da Qin soldiers with a solemn look and reminded them:
"Don't be careless, Wang Jian is the No. 1 general of Great Qin!"

"Its strength is absolutely unpredictable, and there are many elite soldiers on its side."

"If we think we can accomplish something easily, I'm afraid we will lose our lives!"

The man looked like a bald man with a strong hammer. He weighed the huge Thor hammer in his hand and said in a loud voice:
"No matter how many there are, these wolf cubs of Da Qin, sooner or later we will have to fight!"

"Kill more and you will make a lot of money on the road to hell!"

Tie Chui was originally a junior officer of the Yan Kingdom. He was outgoing and loyal, but he was irritable and irritable.

Since he had decided to rebel against Qin early, Iron Hammer had the strongest fighting spirit among the people.

Robber Stone also said again:

"Okay! Don't worry, when it comes to saving lives, none of you are as good as me."

"And don't forget, even a sneak attack can't defeat us."

"I can still steal"

After saying that, Thief Shi tapped the rock beneath his right foot, and soared into the sky like a wild goose.

They rushed towards the Da Qin cavalry that was marching in the valley.

The attack of Stealing Stone seems to be a signal.

The people of the Mo family who were ambushing here burst out the true energy in their bodies and appeared to kill Da Qin's troops.

After the stolen stone fell to the ground, his hands immediately showed the instant flywheel.

This device is shaped like a small wheel, thin, delicate and sharp.It can be held in the hand for offensive and defensive operations, and it can also be used as a hidden weapon to attack distant enemies. It can break through the air and make people unable to guard against it.

There is even a mechanism inside. After being fired, it can be divided into four parts and attack a flat surface. The trajectory is similar to the outline of a four-leaf clover, and then the combination flies back.

This instant flywheel, combined with the world's best lightness skill for stealing stones, immediately turned into a killing weapon on the field.

The stone thief looked like a ghost, and as soon as he appeared, he slit the throats of several Da Qin soldiers.

Under the bloody atmosphere, a war begins!

(End of this chapter)

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