In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 22 Heaven and man declare: Hu Ye is the one who destroyed Qin! ! !

Chapter 22 Heaven and man declare: Hu Ye is the one who destroyed Qin! ! !

Zhangtai Palace.

The God of Stars and Moon appeared at this moment and first bowed respectfully to the First Emperor.

Afterwards, there was a solemn atmosphere in the venue filled with doubtful feelings.

Xingyue Shen didn't know what major event had happened to cause the First Emperor to feel like he was facing a formidable enemy.

But Xingyue God thought for a moment and thought of going up to Yinghuo Star.

After all, the Yin Yang family monitors the stars for the Qin Empire, and the First Emperor would not be so eager to summon her for other major imperial events.

When the First Emperor saw that the Star and Moon God had arrived, he handed the black dragon scroll on the desk to the Star and Moon God for inspection.

After seeing the content on the Black Dragon Scroll clearly, a look of incomparable horror appeared on the delicate face of Xingyue God!

The First Emperor pondered for a moment, then slowly said:

"Although I know that Yinghuo is coming to the earth, it will definitely be accompanied by unknown things."

"I never thought that the prophecy of my Great Qin would be directly engraved on the Yinghuo Star!"

"God of Stars and Moon, what do you think of this prophecy?"

After thinking for a while, Xingyue God concentrated on speaking:
"Previously, His Excellency Judong Emperor looked through the records in ancient books."

"When the star of Yinghuo comes to the earth, it is very likely that heavenly beings will enter the world!"

"Now that I think about it, there is such a clear prophecy engraved on the Yinghuo Star."

"This is probably a prophecy from heaven to us."

As soon as Xingyue God said these words.

Everyone in the room immediately fell into thinking.

Since the Star and Moon God said it, the prophecy on Yinghuo Star is the omen left by the heavenly beings.

Doesn't that mean that Da Qin will eventually perish?
The First Emperor's expression immediately became gloomier.

After a period of silence, Li Si seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly opened his eyes wide and said to the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty! The writings on Yinghuo Star are signs left by heavenly beings."

"That means that our Great Qin's destiny is not unchangeable!"

"Otherwise, what is the use of this omen left by the gods to us?"

"With the magical power of gods, they will definitely not do such useless things!"

"Presumably, the gods want to use this method to prevent our Great Qin from collapsing!"

When the First Emperor heard this, a look of excitement appeared on his face again!

The omen sent down by the gods naturally made Da Qin start to save itself!
Even if the original trajectory was for the Qin Dynasty to collapse and the world to fall into chaos again.

But with the foretelling from heaven and man, the First Emperor could have made preparations in advance.

Nip the hidden danger that could cause the collapse of the Qin Dynasty in the cradle in advance!

The First Emperor immediately recited the prophecy and mentioned the most critical issue to everyone:
"The one who destroyed Qin was Hu Ye"

"Everyone, in your opinion, what does the 'Hu' that heaven and humans refer to mean?"

"I, I must kill the culprit who caused the collapse of the Qin Dynasty in advance!"

Hearing the word 'Hu', Zhao Gao instantly felt a knot in his heart.

In the current Qin Dynasty, Prince Fusu is the crown prince.

All the civil and military officials were close to the young master Fusu.

But the young master, Fusu, was pedantic and preferred Confucianism and Taoism.

His character is extremely inconsistent with Zhao Gao's ambition.

Therefore, unlike other courtiers of the Qin Dynasty, Zhao Gao invested in his son Hu Hai early.

At this moment, I heard the First Emperor ask what the word 'Hu' represented.

Zhao Gao's eyes moved slightly and he hurriedly said:

"Your Majesty, now the six kingdoms have been destroyed, the four seas have become one, and all the territory of China belongs to our country, Great Qin."

"In the territory of Great Qin, who can lead the army of Great Qin?"

"However, in the north of China, barbarians invade the border from time to time." "Those barbarians have never been educated and are the great enemies of our Chinese people!"

"Think about it, the 'Hu' mentioned by the gods should refer to the Hu people in the north."

Zhao Gao's words drifted into the ears of the First Emperor.

The First Emperor's face immediately became serious!
Thinking of the unification of China, the barbarians in the north would be like rats in the gutter.

Before the coldest winter, they would go south to plunder.

Once the Qin Dynasty gathered a large army to attack, those rat-like barbarians dispersed like birds and beasts.

Those uneducated peoples have no concept of taking root in their hearts.

In the bitter cold land, even a residence can be changed at will.

Once he found out that he was defeated by Da Qin, he immediately became like a mouse, hiding in dark places everywhere.

Eradication is extremely difficult!
The First Emperor had to continue the repair work of the Great Wall from his predecessors.

Judging from the current situation of the Qin Empire, the most important opponent must be the Hu people in the north.

The more the First Emperor thought about it, the more he felt that the "Hu" mentioned by heaven and man were the Hu people in the north.

A solid murderous aura spread from the First Emperor's body like a tide.

"These damn barbarians, if they hadn't always been hiding in the bitter cold, they would be as cunning as mice!"

"I will destroy them sooner or later!"

"To eliminate the hidden danger of the collapse of our Great Qin!"

In an instant, fierce murderous intent burst out from the First Emperor.

Zu Long unleashed his murderous intent, and the air in the field seemed to become somewhat solidified.

After Li Si thought for a moment, he said:
"Your Majesty, those barbarians in the north are the biggest threat to our Great Qin at the moment."

"But now, the miracle of heaven and man has appeared, and your majesty has obtained the magic of immortality from heaven and man."

"That barbarian, no matter how ferocious and savage he is, will never be able to defeat me, China's panic-stricken force!"

"It will only be a matter of time before they are destroyed by our great Qin cavalry."

Upon hearing this, the First Emperor's face brightened a little, and the anger in his heart calmed down a little.

Thinking that since the gods sent down the omen, it was naturally to prevent the Qin Dynasty from collapsing.

There are heavenly beings who are as ancient as the present, standing on the side of Da Qin.

The First Emperor did not believe how much trouble those northern barbarians could make.

After a few breaths of silence, the First Emperor gave a stern warning to the people in front of him:

"The predictions from heaven and man on the Yinghuo Star are related to the safety of our country, Great Qin."

"Wait, remember not to leak any information!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being so merciless."

During the scene, Li Si, Xingyue Shen, and Zhao Gao immediately swore on their lives that they would never leak any information about the prophecy of the Yinghuo Star.

Wait until everyone leaves.

The First Emperor still felt a little irritable in his heart, since heaven and man had such a warning.

That is enough to prove that the barbarians in the north can now threaten the entire empire!
With his eyes flashing, the First Emperor stood up and came to the weapons depot that was heavily guarded.

All the heavenly and human weapons that were previously moved out of the Heavenly Man and Earth Palace were placed in this weapons depot.

The First Emperor stared at these terrifying weapons of gold and iron, with two sharp rays of light appearing in his eyes.

"If so. We can use heavenly weapons."

"Even if the barbarians from the north are like wild beasts, what do we, the Qin Dynasty, have to fear!"

The First Emperor touched the mottled rust on the weapons of that day and felt the slightest coolness coming from the palm of his hand.

He was thinking in his heart, how to make these heavenly weapons from millions of years ago regain their fierce power.

Zulong must defend the foundation of Da Qin no matter what! ! !

 Readers, do you have any magical content or diary you want to read?If you wrote this diary, what would be the reaction if the First Emperor saw it?Everyone is welcome to review the book. I will read it every day and adopt everyone’s opinions.
(End of this chapter)

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