Chapter 21 The Black Dragon Scroll Appears!

above the hall.

The black armored soldier who had been rushing for eight hundred miles to deliver the order quickly entered the hall.

The civil and military officials on both sides were all laughing and laughing.

The First Emperor was also full of expectation, looking at the black armored soldier who delivered the urgent order.

He was waiting for the other party to announce Da Qin's third happiness today.

When the black armored man entered the hall for the first time, he saw the civil and military officials looking at him with joy.

Even the First Emperor, who was sitting on the dragon throne, was waiting for him to announce the good news.

The black armored man had a lot of confusion in his mind, his lips were tightly closed, and he did not dare to explain the situation at all.

He just slowly took out the Black Dragon Scroll written by Wang Jian himself from his arms.

That's right, this black armored soldier who was summoned eight hundred miles away was not from Bashu, but from Dongjun.

He still remembered when General Wang Jian handed him the black dragon scroll.

Zeng sternly warned him to remember to hand over this black dragon scroll to His Majesty.

Do not leak any information about Yinghuo Star in the court.

When the First Emperor saw the black armored man, he took out the black dragon scroll.

The look of anticipation on his face immediately froze.

The expressions of all the civil and military officials changed drastically in an instant!
It doesn't look like he is overjoyed when he uses a black dragon scroll to convey news.
In an instant, the expressions of the civil and military officials all changed.

Because they all know that the Black Dragon Scroll has extraordinary significance in Da Qin.

The Black Dragon Scroll is made by top craftsmen. Because the craftsmanship is extremely complex, it is almost impossible to imitate it.

Since the founding of the Qin Dynasty, the Black Dragon Scroll has appeared twice!
The first time was when the black dragon scroll had just been created.

Another time, it was when the six countries jointly attacked Da Qin, and the soldiers of the six countries all arrived at Hangu Pass!
And now, the Black Dragon Scroll appears for the third time! ! !
All civil and military officials realized that this news was definitely not simple, and it was probably not a happy event.
The First Emperor's eyes were sharp, his face was as black as ink, and he said seriously: "Bring up the Black Dragon Scroll!"

As soon as the First Emperor finished speaking, a chamberlain took the black dragon scroll from the black armored man's hand and handed it to Zulong respectfully.

The First Emperor slowly opened the Black Dragon Scroll with an uneasy feeling.

After seeing the content above clearly, the First Emperor's eyes widened, and two rays of fierce light burst out from them!

His complexion changed from warm spring to cold winter in an instant.

This black dragon scroll comes from the land of Dongjun. Wang Jian recorded all the situations of Yinghuo Star in detail.

When the First Emperor saw it, there was a seal inscribed on the Yinghuo Star: "The First Emperor died and the world was divided. The one who destroyed Qin was Hu Ye!" ' content.

Even the palm holding the black dragon scroll couldn't help but tremble!

At this moment, the First Emperor was like a volcano about to erupt.

Within his chest, a rage was brewing.

Even the beard and hair tend to stand up in an instant.

Li Si immediately noticed the great change in the First Emperor's expression.

The two had been monarchs and ministers for many years, so Li Si naturally knew the character of the First Emperor.

Just from the changed expression of the First Emperor, we can see that the black dragon scroll must have recorded a huge danger!
There was a trace of worry in Li Si's eyes, but he did not ask questions in court at this time.

Because Li Si knew that if the First Emperor felt it was necessary, he would definitely discuss it with the ministers before the court.

If I don’t express it at this moment, the danger must be extraordinary!

All the ministers in the court saw the sudden change in the Emperor's expression.

He is also secretly guessing, what exactly is reported in the black dragon scroll?
That would make the First Emperor feel so cold and cold.

Seeing the First Emperor's expression as cold as ice for thousands of years, the ministers in the court were even more afraid to speak nonsense.

They all subconsciously held their breath, waiting for the Emperor's next move.

A few breaths ago, the court was still filled with joy, and all the civil and military officials were looking forward to Great Qin's third happiness.After a few breaths, with the cold aura emerging from the First Emperor's body, the entire court suddenly became audible.

After a long moment of silence, the First Emperor put away the black dragon scroll and said calmly to the ministers:


After the First Emperor finished speaking, all the civil and military officials subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

With full of doubts, they left the court one after another.

At this moment, Zhao Gao quietly came to Li Si and whispered to him:

"Prime Minister, please stay."

Hearing this, Li Si frowned and looked at the handsome and cold Zhao Gao.

As the most important eunuch around the First Emperor, Zhao Gao almost served as the First Emperor's mouthpiece.

Li Si knew in his heart that if Zhao Gao called him at this moment, it must be that the First Emperor had other instructions.

When Zhao Gao saw Li Si stopped, he spoke again:

"His Majesty's secret decree is to ask the Prime Minister to go to Zhangtai Palace immediately to discuss important matters!"

When Li Si heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

I knew in my heart that the message on the black dragon scroll was indeed very necessary.

After suppressing the surprise in his heart, Li Si followed Zhao Gao and slowly walked towards Zhangtai Palace.

Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor sat on the main seat with a sinking face.

On the chopping board in front of him is the black dragon scroll that was rushed from the land of Dongjun, eight hundred miles away.

Li Si looked anxious, stared at the black dragon scroll on the chopping board, and said after careful consideration:

"Your Majesty, what major events happened in our territory of Great Qin?"

There was a hint of worry in Li Si's eyes.

Now the world is unified, although there are remnants of the Six Kingdoms hiding in Da Qin.

But the empire still holds sway, crushing it with absolute strength.

Li Si really couldn't imagine what kind of danger it was that would make the First Emperor take things so seriously.

Could it be that those various schools of thought have made some changes?

Just as Li Si was thinking about various possible situations.

The First Emperor's eyes were as sharp as swords, and he spoke in a cold voice:

"This black dragon scroll was written by Wang Jian himself!"

"The firefly star descends on the land of East County."

"On that disaster star, there is actually an inscription 'The First Emperor died and the world was divided. The one who destroyed Qin was Hu Ye!'"

When the First Emperor said these words, Li Si's expression immediately changed!
Although he knew that Yinghuo's arrival on the earth represented something ominous.

But I never expected that there would be such a clear warning engraved on the Firefly Star!
What's more important is that the Yinghuo Star seems to be connected with heaven and humans.

From this perspective, the content engraved on the Yinghuo Planet is enough to give people great terror.

Could it be that the Great Qin Empire, which had just unified the world, was about to fall apart?
When Li Si heard the First Emperor's words, the worry on his face became more and more obvious.

But when Zhao Gao on the side heard this, a different look flashed in his eyes.

The First Emperor continued:
"This matter has a huge impact on our country, Da Qin."

"I have summoned the Star and Moon God to enter the palace."

"Let's discuss it together later."

(End of this chapter)

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