In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 20 The heavenly being holds the sun and moon in one hand and can break the world with one pu

Chapter 20 The heavenly being holds the sun and moon in one hand and can shatter the world with one punch!
The next day, the sky was bright.

When the First Emperor came to the throne, hundreds of civil and military officials were arranged on the left and right.

Although yesterday, I was so shocked by the contents of the book of gods that I couldn't fall asleep half the night.

But at this moment, the First Emperor was still in high spirits.

Xu Shihuang believed that the greater the supernatural powers of heavenly beings, the more extraordinary the treasures they leave behind.

The various improvements of the Qin Empire will be more obvious.

Therefore, when you go to court, you always come with a happy mood.

As soon as the morning dynasty started, the seasonal farming order came out and reported:
"Your Majesty, here are the seeds that were brought out from the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth."

"Since being planted in batches, some of the crops have now sprouted."

As soon as this word comes out.

A look of surprise burst out on the face of the First Emperor, and Long Yan said happily:

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Since these crops have sprouted, by the time they bear fruit, they will be able to produce five thousand catties per mu, or ten thousand catties per mu!"

"The whole Qin Dynasty will no longer suffer from food shortages!"

The First Emperor looked excited and felt that the future of Qin was bright.

Although I believe in my heart, these crops are definitely as magical as those recorded in the books of gods and immortals.

However, the First Emperor had always had some concerns.

After all, these seeds had been left in the palace of man and earth for tens of millions of years.

Seeds that have been preserved from ancient times to the present day.

No one knows whether the seeds will still germinate.

At this moment, after hearing Shi Nong's report, the First Emperor's anxious heart finally relaxed.

Thinking about it, when the gods were preparing to leave this kind of seeds to future generations, they had already thought of ways to preserve them.

In the court hall, all the civil and military officials were enjoying themselves with the First Emperor.

A minister shouted loudly:
"Looking at the past and present of the human race, even the ancient sage kings have not been able to ensure that the people within the territory can feed and clothe themselves."

"But our Great Qin, in terms of territory and number of people, far exceeds the ancient dynasties."

"But it can not only make all the people full, but also solve the problem of the cold winter."

"It shows that our Great Qin Empire is far superior to the ancient dynasties!"

"Those so-called ancient sage kings are far inferior to His Majesty!"

The First Emperor was praised by his ministers in this way, and he felt more and more useful.

I just think that my title of 'Emperor' is really correct.

Among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, who can compare with me?
After being excited, the First Emperor looked at Shinon Ling and said seriously:
"You take good care of the seedlings of those crops."

"If there is anything wrong at all, you are the only one to ask!"

Just when the whole court was in a state of joy because of the crops.

"Report! Report! Report!"

An urgent message of eight hundred miles traveled quickly through Xianyang and all the way to the court!
The sound of this sound caused all the civil and military officials to look back.

I don’t know what kind of big event happened that made me rush to deliver the message [-] miles away.

The First Emperor also frowned and looked at the entrance to the court.

The person who conveyed the message was none other than the soldiers under Meng Tian's command.

After this person came to the court, he immediately knelt down and reported to the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty! General Meng discovered the miraculous place of heaven and man on the top of Changbai Mountain!"

"It is a heavenly palace built on the top of a mountain. Looking from a distance, it looks like it is floating among the clouds."

When the First Emperor heard this, surprise burst out in his eyes.

Recalling the records of heavenly beings in fairy books, the First Emperor immediately realized that the Yunding Heavenly Palace of heavenly beings was actually built on Changbai Mountain!

The First Emperor looked at the soldier and asked excitedly:
"Okay! The Heavenly Palace built on the top of the mountain must be the Yunding Heavenly Palace where heaven and humans rest."

"Tell me quickly, what else is there in Yunding Tiangong?"

The soldier was stared at by the First Emperor with expectant eyes.

Quickly follow up with the report:
"At the Yunding Celestial Palace, there is a clan that has been guarding the Celestial Palace since ancient times."

"According to what he said, monsters came in ancient times!"

"Countless terrifying monsters are rampant in the world and have almost driven the human race to extinction."

"In the end, it was the gods who took action and used their majestic magical powers to destroy the monsters in the world." "This allowed the human race to thrive."

As soon as the soldier said these words.

All civil and military officials took a breath of cold air!

Even if they were all knowledgeable, they would never have imagined that there was such a period of history in ancient times that had been completely covered up in dust!

Countless monsters have descended from the sky. How can human beings survive in such a situation?


In ancient times, heavenly beings were still on earth.

Just thinking about it, heavenly beings can kill countless monsters with one person's power.

All the civil and military officials drew up an image of incomparable majesty and majesty in their minds.

With such terrifying strength, he can be considered a god!
The First Emperor, sitting on the Dragon Throne, shocked the ancient times, but there was a history where monsters were rampant.

But it didn't shock Tianren's strength.

Because last night, he saw even more terrifying records in the book of immortals.

At this moment, looking at the civil and military officials in the hall who were filled with shock, the First Emperor said calmly:

"No need to be surprised, gentlemen. What does it mean to kill a few monsters with the methods of heaven and man?"

"In the book of immortals, I also saw a description of a heavenly being holding the sun and moon in one hand and shattering the heaven and earth with one punch!"

"If heaven hadn't taken action, this world would have been in an endless winter without any living beings."

After the First Emperor said these words, the civil and military officials' eyes widened even more!

The heavenly beings have killed countless monsters and beasts, reaching the limit they can imagine!

But what did the First Emperor just say?
Heavenly beings hold the sun and moon in one hand, and can break the heaven and earth with one punch!
This, this, heavenly being is not just a god, but he is also the god of creation in mythology!

This kind of method can almost reshape the earth, water, wind and fire!

In an instant, all the civil and military officials were in his mind, sketching the image of heaven and man.

However, no matter how I imagine it, I still feel that it is impossible to outline the brilliance of heaven and man.

The First Emperor looked at the soldier again and said:

"Doesn't the Yunding Heavenly Palace on Changbai Mountain have any valuable treasures left by heavenly beings?"

Hearing this sentence, the soldier hurriedly reported:
"Your Majesty, yes, yes."

"The tribesmen waiting at Yunding Heavenly Palace took out a map of the world and handed it to General Meng Tian."

"It is said that the map was deliberately left by heaven and man to my future dynasty."

The soldier finished speaking.

The First Emperor's eyes immediately lit up!
Although the First Emperor still doesn't understand what the usefulness of the world map is.

But this treasure was deliberately left to Da Qin by heaven and man!

The treasures left by heavenly beings must be heavy treasures!
Thinking of the seeds left by heavenly beings to future generations, the First Emperor felt that the map of the world must have endless uses.

The First Emperor looked excited.

All the officials were also happy.

Today, first the seeds sprouted, and then there were treasures left by heaven and man in Changbai Mountain.

Double happiness!

The entire court was completely immersed in a joyful atmosphere.

at this time!

"Report! Report! Report!"

"Eight hundred miles urgently!"

Outside Xianyang Palace, another urgent report came!

Hearing the urgent call, the smiles on Baiguan's face that had not faded became brighter again.

The previous emergency report was a great news, and this time it is estimated to be another great news!
Li Si couldn't help but said excitedly:
"Your Majesty, if you want to come to Daqin, I'm afraid I'm going to be blessed with three blessings today!"

The First Emperor also nodded slightly.

Previously, he sent Meng Tian to Changbai Mountain and Wang Ben to Bashu.

At this moment, Meng Tian has brought the good news of Changbai Mountain.

Come to think of it, this urgent report is the good news Wang Ben brought to Bashu.

I just don’t know what kind of miracles there are in the land of Bashu.

And what kind of treasure did the gods leave behind in Bashu?
(End of this chapter)

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