In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 19 The world is so big!The First Emperor will surely create eternal achievements if he gets

Chapter 19 The world is so big!The First Emperor will surely create eternal achievements if he gets this map! ! !
After the father-in-law handed the scroll to Meng Tian, ​​he explained aloud:
"General, the gods once said that this precious treasure is called the map of the world."

"It will be of great use to future emperors of China!"

World map?

After hearing what his father-in-law said, Meng Tian subconsciously unfolded the scroll.

I saw on the scroll that the entire human world was depicted.

And the area of ​​the Great Qin Empire only occupies a very small area on the world map!
All of a sudden!Meng Tian's brain felt like being hit by a bell!
The pupils shrank to the size of needles in an instant, and even his breathing became a little rapid.

In Meng Tian's original understanding, Da Qin's territory accounted for at least half, if not most of the world.

But the world map in front of him told Meng Tian how big the world was!

After the cold wind blew for a long time, Meng Tian recovered from the shock.

He quickly said loudly to the soldiers behind him:
"Quick! Hurry up eight hundred miles and send the news here to Xianyang!"


After the soldiers left.

Meng Tian used the most careful move in his life to put away the world map.

This time Meng Tian came to Changbai Mountain under the emperor's order, and finally gained a lot!
It not only revealed a corner of the dusty history of ancient times, but also obtained a valuable treasure left by heaven and man to future generations.

Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor was arranging for Wang Jian to search for the Yinghuo star that had fallen to the earth.

I have always been a little worried about Yinghuo.

After all, no matter which ancient book records it, the arrival of Yinghuo Planet on the earth represents an unknown event.

After thinking hard, the First Emperor decided to find the answer from the books of gods and immortals.

Slowly opening the book of immortals and immortals, the First Emperor tried to find some clues about the great changes in the world.

[The days of directing the dinosaurs to work every day continue like this.I am living quite comfortably, after all, I am the only overlord in this world. 】

[It’s just that, as time goes by, I will still feel a little lonely in my heart.]

[I also often stare at the night sky, wondering when the comet representing great destruction will descend on the earth. 】

[But Comet didn’t wait, so I felt something else was wrong. 】

[Why is the weather getting colder and colder?It's like winter all year round. 】

[Moreover, the temperature is getting cooler every year!Under such extreme temperatures, the dinosaur army under my command was gradually unable to adapt to the environment. 】

[They are getting more and more lethargic because there is not much hair covering their bodies.They only dare to gather together and keep each other warm. 】

[Until. Even the rivers everywhere were turned into glaciers by the cold temperature. 】

[I realized then that the Ice Age has arrived! 】

[The cold wind is like a knife, scratching the earth all day long.All things are slowly withering due to this continuous cold air]

[Both animals and plants are dying in patches. 】

[Everything I can see is a silvery white world.And, it remains unchanged all day long. 】

[At this moment, it’s not just me who feels lonely inside.Even this world is about to fall into deathly silence]

The more the First Emperor looked at this content, the more shock appeared in his eyes!
Following the contents of the Book of Immortals, I subconsciously held my breath.

He couldn't imagine what kind of world it would be like in a land that had been experiencing cold winter all year round.

Even the rivers turned into glaciers, and everything in the world was an unchanging white.

"The entire human world has turned into a Jedi."

"In such an environment, I'm afraid no living thing can live in it."

"How did Tian Ren survive this crisis?"

Although I know that the magical powers of heavenly beings are beyond the imagination of mortals.

But the First Emperor was still a little worried about the situation of heavenly beings and other people below.

In my heart, I wanted to know more and more what happened after the deathly silence was shattered.

East County.

Wang Jian led his cavalry and marched quickly.

According to the previous observations of the celestial phenomena by the Yin and Yang family, the Yinghuo star descended on Dongjun.

Therefore, Wang Jian rushed here as quickly as possible.

Simply speaking, the shining star arrived in the wilderness.

There were no people around to watch.

Wang Jian looked at the huge crater, with wisps of steam still rising.He immediately dismounted and jumped directly into the crater.

A huge meteorite is embedded in the earth.

Wang Jian took a closer look and was surprised to find that there were writings on the meteorite!

Slowly walking to the meteorite, Wang Jian saw the writing on the meteorite clearly.

Originally a pair of tiger eyes, they suddenly grew larger and the pupils shrank into needles!
There was a look of horror on his face.

I saw the following words engraved on the meteorite:

[The First Emperor died and the world was divided. The one who destroyed Qin was Hu Ye! 】

Wang Jian tried his best to suppress the panic in his heart and loudly said to his soldiers:

"Surround this crater!"

"If anyone dares to approach, kill them!"

Following Wang Jian's order, elite black-armored soldiers immediately surrounded the entire crater, three levels inside and three outside.

Not even a glimpse of the crater could penetrate the thick human wall.

After seeing the soldiers forming the formation, Wang Jian immediately wrote a secret letter, recording the situation of the meteorite in detail.

Let your confidants take this secret message and rush eight hundred miles to deliver it to Xianyang as soon as possible!

After doing this, Wang Jian looked solemn and his eyes flashed.

Looking at the meteorite in front of me, I wanted to destroy it directly.

After thinking about it for a long time, Wang Jian decided to mobilize a large army to transport the meteorite back to Xianyang and wait for His Majesty's fate.

Wang Jian knew very well that if the contents on this meteorite were spread out.

It will definitely cause chaos in the world!

In the land of China, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms lurking everywhere will probably show up and cause chaos.

This seems to be giving those anti-Qin forces a huge opportunity.

Therefore, there must be no mistakes when transporting meteorites.

Otherwise, the foundation of Da Qin will be shaken!

Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor continued to read the contents at the back of the Book of Immortals with great nervousness.

[The cold wind is like a knife, what can be done?Although the weather was cold, it hardly affected me at all. It was just that the sight of all the white snow made me a little tired of looking at it. 】

[Under the devastation of extreme low temperatures, plants can no longer grow.Herbivorous dinosaurs began to die in large tracts because they had no source of food. 】

[The next thing is the carnivorous dinosaurs.Because of the need for powerful bursts, the carnivorous dinosaur's cooling system is extremely developed. 】

[This also causes them to be extremely intolerant to freezing.But freezing to death seems to be no better than starving to death. 】

[Hey, my poor pets.You guys left too fast, leaving so much meat behind. How long do I have to eat it? 】

【Too much food is also a pain, I'm sure.】

[When I discovered that even the ocean began to be covered in ice in large areas.I still can't bear it anymore and I think I should do something. 】

[Otherwise, this planet will really turn into a large refrigerator.How can frozen meat taste as good as fresh meat? 】

[According to my observations, the advent of this ice age seems to be due to a slight shift in the orbit of the planet. 】

[As a result, the sun's rays hitting this planet are severely insufficient, which makes this planet become colder and colder. 】

[Now that the problem has been discovered, the rest will be easier to handle. 】

[I just need to restore the orbit of this planet to what it was before it shifted. 】

[As for how to restore?Is it difficult?Isn't it just a matter of punching? 】

[Under my serious punch, the continent was smashed by me, some turned into small islands, and some turned into smaller continents.A huge earthquake shook the entire planet! 】

[But under the power of my punch, the planet finally restored its deviated orbit. 】

[The sun’s rays have returned to their previous intensity.Wow, it feels so comfortable to bask in the sun. 】

When the First Emperor saw this, he was so shocked that he was speechless.

At this moment, the First Emperor only felt that what he was watching was a fairy tale!

This is the heavenly being! ! !

You can hold the sun and moon in one hand, and you can break the world with one punch! ! !
What is the difference between this and the great god who came out of the mythical world? ? ?
At this moment, the First Emperor felt that he was a little foolish for worrying about the situation of heavenly beings.

Such mythical figures were not something the First Emperor needed to worry about at all.

(End of this chapter)

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