In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 18 Genting Tiangong!A treasure preserved by heaven and man! ! !

Chapter 18 Genting Tiangong!A treasure preserved by heaven and man! ! !

The land of Changbai Mountain.

The climate here is already extremely cold.

Some common food crops simply cannot thrive here.

Therefore, the entire area is deserted and inhabited.

Meng Tian led an elite group of golden fire cavalry and arrived here in a mighty manner.

Previously, under the order of the First Emperor, I came to the highest mountain in the world to look for the treasure left by the gods.

Under the starry night, Meng Tian finally arrived.

Looking at the majestic Changbai Mountain reaching into the clouds, Meng Tian also felt a sense of vastness in his heart.

I just feel that only this highest place in the world is worthy of being left with a treasure by heaven.

Meng Tian looked at the elite cavalry behind him and ordered loudly:
"All the soldiers dismounted, leaving a team of people to look after the horses."

"The rest of you, follow me up the mountain!"

At the command, Meng Tian took the lead and was the first to start climbing Changbai Mountain.

Afterwards, the elite soldiers, after breaking away from their horses, followed Meng Tian towards the top of Changbai Mountain.

As we climb the mountain, the temperature drops further.

The soldiers' armor was already covered with icy frost.

My feet stepped on the frozen soil that no one had set foot on for who knows how many years.

The sound of "squeaking" resounded throughout this mountain range.

How could the iron army of Great Qin be afraid of the height of Changbai Mountain?

The soldiers climbed non-stop. When they were hungry, they ate the dry food they carried with them, which was as frozen as ice.

When I was tired, I rested against the pine tree with hanging ice.

When you are thirsty, just melt a splash of ice and snow with the palm of your hand, and then take cold water to quench your thirst.

Relying on perseverance and military spirit, under the leadership of Meng Tian, ​​Da Qin's subordinates got closer and closer to the top of Changbai Mountain.

But just when they were about to climb to the highest point of Changbai Mountain, Meng Tian, ​​who was taking the lead, stopped.

A pair of eyes full of incredible color!

Because, in Meng Tian's eyes, there is a palace in Changbai Mountain Palace.

On the top of Changbai Mountain surrounded by white clouds, there is a palace!
From Meng Tian's perspective, the palace seemed to be floating directly in the clouds.

"Why is there a palace on the highest peak in the world?!"

"Is this the residence of the heavenly being?"

In an instant, Meng Tian was shocked to the spot.

The Yunding Heavenly Palace in the distance had such an impact on Meng Tian's thoughts that he forgot to think.

After half a while.

Meng Tian took a sudden step and led his soldiers towards the Yunding Heavenly Palace at a faster speed.

As we get closer and closer to Yunding Celestial Palace, the exterior view of the Celestial Palace becomes clearer and clearer.

Only then did Meng Tian see clearly that the palace floating in the clouds was actually built on the cliffs at the top of Changbai Mountain.

There are also clouds and mist, which creates the visual effect of floating in the clouds.

Moreover, Meng Tian also discovered that there was a huge stone tablet standing in front of Yunding Heavenly Palace!

Meng Tian walked quickly to the stone tablet, staring at the content recorded on the stone tablet, and saw that it read:

[In ancient times, countless monsters suddenly appeared on the earth. 】

[The gods are on the top of Changbai Mountain, killing the Ice Dragon! 】

[In ancient times, humans all worshiped heaven and humans as gods, so they erected this monument. 】

After Meng Tian finished reading the above content, his face was immediately filled with shock!
He could never imagine that in ancient times, the earth would give birth to countless monsters!
How can humans live in such an environment?

Presumably, it was the heavenly beings who protected the human race with their supreme supernatural powers.

Only then did the people regard him as a god and worship him often.

Meng Tian murmured:
"What kind of monster is the Ice Dragon?"

"I wonder if I, the Great Qin Iron Cavalry, can defeat such ferocious beasts."

Meng Tian just said these words.

Not far from the stone monument, a voice came:
"The ice dragon has two wings on its back, and its whole body is like glass."

"It is said that as soon as the wings are spread out, the area within a radius of five miles will be filled with ice crystals!"

"If the general wanted to attack with manpower, the number of sacrifices would be terrifying."

Meng Tian frowned and looked at the person coming.

In the middle was an old man who looked like an ordinary villager, but his eyes were full of embarrassment.

But this is the top of Changbai Mountain. How can ordinary people appear in the extremely cold climate here.Looking at Yunding Tiangong not far away, Meng Tian suddenly had an idea in his mind and said immediately:

"My father-in-law, are you the guardian of this heavenly palace?"

When the old man heard this, he smiled slightly and said:
"We can't talk about protection. This Yunding Heavenly Palace is one of the mansions of heavenly beings, and it has its own formation to protect it."

"I'm just a descendant of the ancient human race who was saved by heaven."

"In order to worship the gods from time to time, we just thrive here."

When Meng Tian heard this, he immediately stood in awe!
The descendants of the ancient human race have lived here isolated from the rest of the world for generations. Their devotion to heaven and humans is enough to make Meng Tian admire them.

Thinking of the records on the stone tablet, Meng Tian asked doubtfully:

"My father-in-law, why did monsters suddenly appear in the world in ancient times?"

"Were all those monsters killed by heavenly beings in the end?"

Seeing Meng Tian asking this, the old man slowly exhaled a breath of white air and said:
"Why the monster beast appears is not clearly recorded in the ancient books of the clan."

"I only know that one day in ancient times, during the Tengu Period, the sun completely disappeared from the sky."

"The world has completely fallen into darkness."

"About half a month later, when the sun appeared again, countless ferocious beasts appeared in the world!"

"Those ferocious beasts are not only huge in size, but also possess all kinds of strange abilities."

"Some can breathe fire, some can breathe ice crystals, and some can wrap their claws around thunder! They are all truly ferocious beasts!"

Having said this, the old man still had a look of fear on his old face.

Meng Tian was also shocked for a moment.

His eyes widened, and he pictured in his mind the ferocious beast that was burning with flames and had claws wrapped around thunder.

In an era when countless monsters and beasts were rampant, would there still be room for human beings to inhabit?
I'm afraid, there is no other way out except becoming the food for monsters.

After Meng Tian was shocked for a long time, he heard his father-in-law's voice coming again:

"That was an era when humans could only be reduced to food rations."

"Even all the races are trembling and hiding here and there."

"The heavenly being has appeared, and with his majestic magical power, he has killed ninety-nine percent of the monsters in the world!"

"Even the most powerful monsters have been sealed in secret places by heavenly beings."

"This is how our human race can continue to thrive."

"The old ancestors felt the great kindness of heaven and man, so they thrived in the palace of heaven and man."

When Meng Tian heard this, he felt excited in his heart.


In that era when monsters were rampant, a heavenly being appeared to protect the human race.

Meng Tian looked at the majestic Yunding Heavenly Palace again, as if floating among the clouds, and asked his father-in-law:
"Old man, how come this palace of heaven and man can stand on the side of a cliff?"

"How do you lay the foundation for such a huge palace?"

Hearing Meng Tian's words, the old man turned to look at Yunding Tiangong and explained to Meng Tian:
“The building materials used by heavenly beings do not belong to any kind found in the mortal world.”

"According to ancient records, this building material seems to be called 'cement' and is extremely tough."

"It is with this cement that heavenly beings can build Yunding Tiangong on the top of the mountain."

As his father-in-law explained, Meng Tian carefully observed the foundation of Yunding Tiangong.

Sure enough, we saw that the foundation of the palace was made of gray, fine, hard materials.

At first glance, Meng Tian thought it was a rock formation, so he ignored it.

Meng Tian was filled with emotion again.

Heavenly beings are indeed very powerful. Not only in terms of strength, they can also destroy monsters and monsters in the world with one person's power.

In terms of wisdom, it is even more capable of creating magical building materials such as cement.

Just when Meng Tian was still sighing at the greatness of heaven and man.

The old man handed another scroll to Meng Tian and said:
"The gods have left words long ago. If someone from the temple finds this place in the future."

"Then give this thing to the people in the temple."

"General, this is a treasure left by heaven and man!"

As soon as the father-in-law said this, Meng Tian stared at the scroll handed over by the father-in-law.

My heart was in turmoil!

This time, Meng Tian was ordered by the emperor to search for the treasure left by heaven and man on the top of Changbai Mountain.

But what Meng Tian didn't expect was that Tianren had already predicted that they would arrive.

He also deliberately ordered the guardians here to hand over this important treasure to them.

The gods have spanned countless time spans, what exactly is the treasure they want to entrust to them?
Meng Tian's hand that caught the scroll trembled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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