In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 17 Shocked everyone!Bei Mingzi: I want to go out of the mountain to pursue the immortal!

Chapter 17 Shocked everyone!Bei Mingzi: I want to go out of the mountain to pursue the immortal!
This night, the bright star streaked across the sky.

It was not only the First Emperor who was alarmed?
In the Mohist government city, the leader of the Mohist family, Ju Zi, and other commanders are all present.

When the flame tail of Yinghuo Star cut through the sky, the giant summoned all the nearby Mohist leaders.

At this moment, all the masters of Mohism who were famous in the world were present.

There is Mo Ban, an expert in the Mo family's mechanical skills, and Shi Shi, who is unrivaled in stealing skills.

There is also the master swordsmith Xu Fuzi who is known as the "Sword Master".

The other great masters such as Gao Jianli, Xue Ge, Tie Zhui, Duan Mu Rong, etc. are all prominently listed.

Such a luxurious lineup shows that the Mohist family is definitely the most powerful among hundreds of scholars.

Juzi looked at the leaders of the Mo family and said excitedly:

"Everyone, now the star of Yinghuo has come to the world."

"The whole world is about to undergo great changes!"

"The seemingly indestructible Great Qin Empire is now unstable."

The giant's voice fell.

The leaders of the Mo family all have different expressions!

The Mohists were originally famous for their skill in mechanism.

Inherited Mozi's concept of "love all but not attack".

But so far, the Mohists have been dissatisfied with the Qin Empire due to various problems.

Even now the world has returned to Da Qin.

However, the Mohist family has always been vaguely on the anti-Qin side. Although it has not yet had a direct conflict with the Qin Dynasty, it has close contact with the survivors of the Six Kingdoms, both openly and secretly.

If it were a rich and powerful Qin Empire, the giants would naturally not dare to think otherwise in order to ensure the survival and inheritance of the Mohist family.

But now that the Yinghuo Star has appeared, it has brought a glimmer of hope for the giant to fight against Qin!

Mo Ban, whose hair was all white, pondered for a while, then said after careful consideration:

"Since ancient times, the world has experienced many ups and downs."

"But the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth has appeared in the land of Lishan. Will there be any sign from Heaven and Man on the Yinghuo Star?"

The emergence of the palace of heaven, man and earth is no longer a secret to the Mohist family.

There are tens of thousands of civilians and soldiers on Lishan Mountain.

Among them, some were spies sent by the Mohist family to Da Qin.

It was only under the orders of the First Emperor that the elite armor-piercing soldiers were stationed outside the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth.

Even if the Mo family wanted to pry into the underground palace, they couldn't find any chance.

Mo Ban's words seemed to have dropped a pebble on the calm lake.

At the beginning, everyone only thought that when Yinghuo came to the world, the world would probably be in chaos.

The Great Qin Empire was definitely hit the hardest, and that was the best opportunity for the Mohists to fight against Qin.

But he didn't expect that this star of Yinghuo would be connected with the instructions from heaven and man.

The ancient books inherited by the Mohist family are different from those of the Yin and Yang family.

Donghuang Taiyi can get hints from ancient books, but the Mohist family may not be able to.

Therefore, when Mo Ban made such a guess, everyone fell into thinking.

Master Xu, the master swordsmith, frowned and slowly said:

"The First Emperor was unruly and his violence against Qin was unpopular."

"If the heavenly beings knew about the affairs of the human world, they would definitely leave instructions."

"This Yinghuo Star is most likely the intention of heaven and man!"

The giant pondered for a long time, his eyes flickering like a night owl.

After several commanders expressed their opinions, they spoke:
"In any case, now is the best time to rebel against Qin!"

"And the coming star of Yinghuo is the starting point of the world's rebellion against Qin!"

"Everyone, get ready."

"This Great Qin Empire is not far from collapse."

"And we will be the vanguard against Qin!"

As soon as Juzi finished speaking, all the leaders of the Mohist family looked solemn.

They almost all regard the arrival of Yinghuo as the biggest opportunity since they have anti-Qin intentions!

A mighty war against Qin has begun.

The main altar of Taoist Tianzong.

Bei Mingzi, the contemporary head of the Taoist Tianzong, also responded to the appearance of the Yinghuo Star and laughed like a child!

At that time, Taoism was divided into three, and became the Yin Yang Sect, Tian Sect, and Human Sect coexisting in the world.In the ancient books of the Yin and Yang family, there are records of the arrival of Yinghuo, which represents the entry of heaven and humans into the world.

Naturally, Tianzong also has it!

At this moment, Bei Mingzi, as soon as he saw the flame tail cutting through the night sky, he immediately thought of the description in the ancient book.

The legendary heavenly being, the master of Tao Ancestor, is about to enter the world again!
That's why Bei Mingzi burst out with such hearty laughter.

Xiaomeng, the most outstanding disciple of Tianzong's generation, heard his master's hearty laughter.

He floated to Bei Mingzi's side and said softly:
"Master, isn't the arrival of Yinghuo on the earth a symbol of disaster?"

"Why are you laughing so hard?"

Hearing this, Bei Mingzi suppressed the excitement in his heart, looked at his most outstanding disciple, and said slowly:
"Disciple, you don't know something."

"There are records in the ancient books left by our Tianzong."

"The gods once said that after great destruction, there will be great vitality!"

"With every reincarnation, the world will open a new era!"

"And now, the palace of heaven, man and earth appears, and the star of Yinghuo comes."

"It's very possible that what the gods said, a new era is about to begin!"

"More importantly, it may not be long before the heavenly beings enter the world."

When Xiao Meng heard this, her eyes widened for a moment.

She never thought that when the Yinghuo Star came to the earth, it would involve the legendary heavenly beings!
For a moment, Xiao Meng was so shocked that he froze on the spot.

Bei Mingzi looked at the scenery outside the mountain, thinking in his mind, where would the heavenly beings be in the world slowly.

After looking at Xiao Meng, whose cultivation level was getting higher and higher, Bei Mingzi unconsciously made a decision.

He said seriously to Xiao Meng:

"Xiao Meng, since your senior brother's death, you have worked hard day and night to practice your swordsmanship."

"Your current cultivation level has surpassed that of Chisongzi's disciple back then."

"It's time to pass this position of head to you!"

When Xiao Meng heard Bei Mingzi's words, she was immediately awakened.

There was a trace of confusion on his little face, and he asked:
"Master, you. You are here to me at this time."

"Are you planning to go down the mountain to find heavenly beings?"

Hearing this, Beimingzi nodded slowly and said:

"Exactly like this, when gods come into the world, how can we and other descendants not be by their side?"

"Now that I entrust you with the position of head of Tianzong, I have nothing to worry about as my master."

"Xiao Meng, as for the fight between people that day, just do your best."

"But don't be like your senior brother Chisongzi. If you lose the fight, you also lose your life."

Having said this, Bei Mingzi tapped his foot for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, his figure was several feet away.

Xiao Meng looked at Bei Mingzi's leaving back, with a flash of sword intent in his eyes, and murmured:
"Master, I will not lose!"

"I will have the sword in my hand to take back Chisongzi's shame!"

After the Taoist family was divided into three, the Yin Yang family focused on Da Qin, and the other two families had little contact.

But Tianzong and Renzong fought with each other like enemies.

Tianzong believes that to practice the Dao, one should be selfless and merge into the world, and all things should forget their feelings and be ruthless.

Renzong believes that all living beings should be treated equally.

With their conflicting ideas, the two sects of Heaven and Humanity competed with each other for the orthodoxy of their Taoism!
The two sides agreed to compete every five years for the sword Xue Ji passed down by Tao Ancestor, and the winner would be able to control Xue Ji.

In the last battle between heaven and man, Chi Songzi, the then leader of the Heavenly Sect, was defeated by Xiaoyaozi, the leader of the Human Sect.

The next year, Chisongzi died of serious injuries.

This hatred has always been engraved in Xiaomeng's heart.

Therefore, I worked hard to practice Tianzong's methods in order to wash away the shame of Tianzong during this period.

Now, Xiaomeng has taken over the identity of the leader of the Tianzong, and will also represent the Tianzong against Xiaoyaozi, the human sect, in the next battle between heaven and man.

Xiaomeng glanced at the Tianzong Mountain Gate.

The thoughts in my heart are ups and downs.

The Yin Yang family relied on the Great Qin Empire to develop to its current level.

Should she, Tianzong, follow suit?
After this idea emerged, Xiao Meng's eyes became brighter and brighter.

He immediately stopped hesitating and headed down the mountain.

Master went down the mountain to look for heavenly beings, so she was also preparing to go down the mountain to Xianyang!
(End of this chapter)

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