In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 16 Nine rounds of disaster stars, Yinghuo comes to the world!

Chapter 16 The nine-round disaster star, Yinghuo, comes to the world!
Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor was still secretly making a subtle comparison between his own wisdom and that of the aquatic dragon.

While thinking about it, he felt that Li Si in front of him was looking at him strangely.

The First Emperor looked solemn, coughed slightly, looked at Li Si and said calmly:
"Li Si, since you are so tired, you should go back and rest early."

"Looking for the place where the gods left behind the miracles, you won't be able to find clues overnight."

"This time, our Great Qin Empire still needs to slowly digest the many gains we have brought out in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth."

"The entire empire cannot do without the mediation of you, the prime minister."

Hearing the words of the First Emperor, Li Si's energetic face immediately burst into joy.

To be able to hold on to this point, Li Si has really tried his best.

Quickly and respectfully excuse yourself.

After Li Si left, the First Emperor looked at the book of gods and immortals on the desk.

Observe carefully the details about how the heavenly beings commanded many dragons to build miraculous places everywhere.

Following the flickering candlelight beside him, Emperor Shihuang unconsciously felt a sense of exhaustion welling up in his heart.

After all, even if the First Emperor's body was stronger than Li Si's, it was still extremely limited.

The First Emperor couldn't help but feel sleepy as the group of people in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth stayed up late practicing the magic of immortality.

So he slowly lay down on the desk and entered a state of rest.

In the Xuanji Pavilion, Taiyi and other masters from the Yin and Yang family have returned.

This time in the palace of heaven, man and earth, Taiyi not only saw various traces left by heaven and man.

Even with the permission of the First Emperor, he could practice the magic of immortality.

Originally, according to the Taiyi's piety to the gods, one should burn incense and bathe, then have enough energy to practice the treasures of the gods seriously.

But late this night, Taiyi still couldn't fall asleep.

On the top of Xuanji Pavilion, Taiyi stared at the vast starry sky above his head.

A sense of whim kept impacting his mind.

The Yin Yang family is good at divination.

As the contemporary leader of the Yin Yang family, Tai Yi has become extremely skilled in divination.

This feeling of whim is definitely not groundless.

Taiyi frowned slightly and murmured:

"Why are you so upset today?"

"Could it be that something big is going to happen in this world?"

With a thought in Taiyi's mind, all the breath in his body was mobilized with all his strength, and a faint light appeared in his eyes.

Staring at the stars in the sky.

Since ancient times, the highest level of divination has been the art of stargazing.

Only through the changing trajectories of the stars in the sky can mortals get a glimpse of the secrets of heaven.

From Taiyi's perspective, countless stars shine brightly or dimly, just like usual.

The next moment, above the starry sky, weird shit rises!
Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang, the seven stars of the Big Dipper Palace are connected to the city!
The Tianshu star at the end of the south is parallel to the Taiyin star.The Yaoguang star at the end of the north echoes the Ziwei star!

In an instant, a nine-star pattern formed!

"Is this the Nine Stars Lianzhu?!"

"How could this happen? The world is obviously unified now, and there are still relics of heavenly beings appearing in the world!"

"Why are there such ominous signs?"

Taiyi saw a pattern of nine stars in the night sky.

A chill in my heart spread all over my body instantly!

From ancient times to the present, whenever there are nine stars in a row, there will be a great disaster in the world.

There was a vague look of panic in Taiyi's eyes.

He didn't wait for any other reaction.

Above the night, beside the nine stars.

Yinghuo Shouxin appears!
A glowing star with a strange light, its evil aura rushed straight towards the Ziwei Emperor Star.

Afterwards, the star Yinghuo dragged its long flaming tail across the night sky and plummeted towards the earth!

The arrival of the Yinghuo Star on the earth gave Taiyi an extreme warning sign in his heart.

"Yinghuo has come, and the world has changed!"

"At this moment, can there be any disaster?"

Feeling that something big was about to happen in the world, Taiyicang hurriedly entered the library of Xuanji Pavilion.

Crazyly flipping through the ancient books left by our ancestors.

Ancient books were thrown messily on the chopping board by Taiyi.

After reading all the ancient books, the uneasiness in Taiyi's heart had completely turned into a huge surprise!

The golden mask showed extremely shocked eyes!
Taiyi discovered that all the descriptions of Yinghuo's arrival in the ancient books pointed to earth-shaking changes that were about to take place in the world!In the entire history of the human race, Yinghuo has come to the earth a handful of times.

But no matter which time it happens, it's always followed by disaster!

In the human world, there are either flash floods sweeping across the earth, or volcanoes blooming everywhere, or the whole world being filled with the cold of winter!

The most terrifying time was after Yinghuo pierced the sky.

The earth unexpectedly ushered in an unprecedented eternal night, and everything in the world fell into darkness.

How the long darkness was dispelled in the end is not described in detail in the ancient books.

But these earth-shattering changes were enough to cause Taiyi to experience great terror.

But in the ancient books left by Daozong, Taiyi saw another guess about Yinghuo's coming.

That ancient book was left by the ancestor of Dao Zong!
It was precisely because of the guess of the Taoist sage that Taiyi did not completely panic at this moment.

Taozu described it this way in ancient books:

[When Yinghuo cuts through the night sky again and descends on the earth. 】

[Maybe it’s time for Master, the old man, to re-enter the human world. 】

Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor, who was lying on the desk and taking a nap, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Strange, how can I be so uneasy?"

His brows were slightly furrowed, with a look of confusion on his face.

Such sudden uneasiness only made the First Emperor suspicious.

With his eyes moving slightly, the First Emperor ordered the servant behind him:
"Go to the Xingyang Goddess of the Yinyang family and enter the palace immediately to meet with me!"

The chamberlain quickly respectfully accepted the order and left.

Looking at the flickering candlelight in front of him, the First Emperor's thoughts were extremely complex.

Xingyue Shen was originally the contact person of the Yin and Yang family in Xianyang, and acted as the monitor of the celestial phenomena for the First Emperor.

At this moment, Zu Long felt a sense of panic in his heart for no reason.

Naturally, the star and moon gods were summoned immediately to report on the stars.

Not a moment later, the graceful God of Stars and Moon appeared in front of the First Emperor, bowed respectfully and said:

"Yin Yang Family, Star and Moon God. Follow your Majesty's summons."

The First Emperor nodded slightly and asked the Star and Moon God:

"Tonight, I feel a sense of uneasiness in my heart."

"But the stars above Cangming have changed slightly?"

Hearing this, Xingyue God also had a complicated look in his eyes, and slowly explained:
"Your Majesty, there are nine stars above the sky at this moment."

"Then, Yinghuo appeared! Cutting through the sky, he has already descended on the earth."

Xingyue God said these words.

The First Emperor's complexion immediately changed!
With eyes like swords, he stared at the face covered by the veil of the Star and Moon God, and said loudly:
"Yinghuo comes to the earth?"

"Doesn't it mean that the world of few people is about to undergo great changes?!"

The First Emperor stood up suddenly.

Since ancient times, every time Yinghuo comes to the earth, earth-shattering changes will occur in the world.

This point is more or less recorded in many ancient books.

At this moment, the world is unified, and all the lands on earth are the land of Great Qin!

With such great changes coming to the world, wouldn't the entire Great Qin Empire be thrown into turmoil again?
The First Emperor suppressed the surprise in his heart, his eyes gradually calmed down, and he said:

"What did the Eastern Emperor say about the arrival of the Yinghuo Star?"

Xingyue Shen remembered what Taiyi said to her when they left the Xuanji Pavilion.

At this moment, he said truthfully to the First Emperor:
"Your Majesty, the arrival of the Yinghuo Star on the earth is not necessarily a bad thing."

"Your Excellency Donghuang, I found Daozu's message in the ancient books."

"The arrival of Yinghuo may mean that heavenly beings are about to return to the human world!"

When Xingyue Shen said these words, the First Emperor was immediately shocked.

When he first learned of Yinghuo's arrival, the First Emperor was worried that the Qin State would be damaged.

But now I know that this may be a sign of heavenly beings entering the world.

The panicked heart of the First Emperor was completely stabilized.

Combined with the appearance of heaven and man in the earthly palace, the First Emperor felt more and more that heaven and man were about to come to this world.

"Since heavenly beings are about to return to the earth, then the star Yinghuo will come to the earth."

"Is it God who is giving me a warning???"

Thinking of this, the First Emperor immediately summoned Wang Jian.

He was ordered to lead the elite black-armored soldiers to find the Yinghuo planet that had descended on the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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