In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 15: The First Emperor Comparing with Heavenly Pets

Chapter 15: The First Emperor Comparing with Heavenly Pets
The Prime Minister's Mansion.

Li Si has fallen asleep at this moment.

He was already middle-aged, and he practiced the "Thirteen Postures of Tai Chi" with the First Emperor for a whole night in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth.

After dragging his exhausted body back home, he immediately fell asleep with his head covered.

Unexpectedly, less than half an hour after falling asleep, he received a summons from the First Emperor to enter Zhangtai Palace late at night to discuss important matters.

Even if Li Si was unwilling to do so, he could only get off the warm bed with great perseverance.

After pouring three handfuls of cold water on his face, he cheered up.

Li Si packed up his clothes and followed the chamberlain to Zhangtai Palace.

In Zhangtai Palace.

When the First Emperor saw Li Si whose face was extremely tired, he frowned slightly and said:
"Li Si, you have to take care of yourself!"

"When the empire was first established, you, the Prime Minister, were indispensable."

"Remember to practice the Renbao technique that day!"

Hearing the words of concern from the First Emperor, Li Si felt mixed emotions.

He was so exhausted just because he practiced the magic of heaven and man with the First Emperor all night in the underground palace!

However, Li Si could never say these words.

At this moment, Li Si could only force out a trace of determination and said seriously:
"Your Majesty, please rest assured! For the sake of the empire, I will take good care of myself."

"Your Majesty trusts me so much and gives me the magic of immortality. I wish I could shed my blood for your majesty!"

Hearing Li Si's impassioned words, the First Emperor felt satisfied, but with a trace of reproach on his face he said:

"Sir, please don't say these words again. You, Li Si, are the humerus of a humble man. How can you talk about life so lightly?"

After saying this, the First Emperor raised his doubts again:

"Li Si, I read in the book of immortals and immortals and heard that the immortals still left other miracles in the world!"

"There is the Yunding Heavenly Palace hanging on a cliff thousands of feet high, and there are also temples hidden deep under the sea."

"But why have I never heard of these miracles?"

"Where do you think these miracles might be?"

When Li Si heard this, he thought quickly.

After a long while, Li Si slowly said:

"Your Majesty, according to what Donghuang Taiyi said before, Heavenly Man once accepted twelve disciples."

"Perhaps it is precisely because of these twelve disciples that they concealed the information about the miracles of gods and humans."

"It is very possible that these celestial beings' miracles are still being guarded by the twelve disciples of celestial beings!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The First Emperor's pupils immediately shrank!
After carefully considering Li Si's words, the First Emperor felt that this was most likely the truth!

Since those 12 people are disciples of the gods, they naturally know the various miraculous places left by the gods in the world.

In order to prevent these miraculous places from falling into the hands of others, the twelve disciples of Heavenly Man will definitely protect these miraculous places with great care!
They even tried their best to cover up all the news about these miraculous places, so that the First Emperor did not know the existence of these miraculous places until he obtained the Book of Immortals.

"If we want to find the place where the gods' miracles were left, it seems..." "We must first find the twelve disciples of the gods!"

The First Emperor's eyes flashed, and he immediately realized the crux of the problem.

However, except for the ancestor of the Dao Sect, the First Emperor really didn't know who the other eleven disciples of Tianren were.

The First Emperor frowned, and his eyes fell on the book of gods and immortals in front of him.

I quickly read through the book of gods and immortals again, trying to find some answers.

[Today when the Yunding Heavenly Palace was being built, three more pterosaurs fell to death.Hey, these dinosaurs are really stupid. 】

[Let them build the foundation against the cliff, instead of letting them hit it directly! 】

[If you fall, just fall to death. Just eliminate inferior varieties.Anyway, the number of the pterosaur group is still large enough. 】

[Even if you use dragon life to add more, this Yunding Heavenly Palace should be completed. 】

[Fortunately, aquatic dinosaurs like mosasaurs will not drown.However, the construction speed of the underwater temple is still too slow! 】

[Smooth Pleurodon was so stupid that it made people go numb. He actually swallowed the stones used to build the temple. 】

[I have decided to give up training Pleurodontosaurus. This kind of low-IQ and somewhat scary dragon species should be used as food honestly. 】

[Hey, I didn’t expect Jurassic infrastructure housing projects to be so difficult to implement.]

[The Air Force and Navy are unreliable. My Yunding Heavenly Palace and Undersea Temple are prone to thunderstorms. 】

[The army brigade is more reliable. I decided to build more things on land. 】

When the First Emperor saw this, his expression was a little stunned.

He originally wanted to find clues to the land of celestial beings and miraculous places, but he didn't expect that the entire article was filled with celestial beings scolding many dragon species.

When the First Emperor thought about it, even if the dragon species under the command of heavenly beings were not real dragons, they were still of the dragon genus!

With the blood of a true dragon, his spirituality should be far superior to that of ordinary people.

Maybe he can compare with the world's top academics.

How could such a being be considered stupid by heavenly beings?

The First Emperor immediately thought of himself!
Will I also be despised as stupid by heaven and humans?

Perhaps the reason why the Heavenly Being never showed up is because I am too stupid? !
When he thought of this, the First Emperor's expression tightened.

I read the content of the page in the fairy book again.

When I saw a dragon swallowing the stones used to build the temple into its belly.

The First Emperor breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"Fortunately. At least I won't swallow stones in my belly."

"At least I am smarter than that aquatic dragon species."

The first emperor's softly murmured words instantly made the sleepy Li Si beside him widen his eyes.

Li Si looked at the First Emperor in confusion.

He didn't know why Your Majesty would consider not swallowing the pebbles after reading the Book of Immortals.

I don’t even know why the First Emperor suddenly compared his brain power with Aquatic Dragons.
(End of this chapter)

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