Chapter 14 Genting Tiangong? ! ! !
The First Emperor's words shook the entire main room like a bell.

Although the civil and military officials were impressed by the grand words of the First Emperor, they did not know what was going on.

The First Emperor grabbed a handful of seeds from the coffin and said to the officials:

"My lords, these seeds are all left by heaven and man to benefit future generations like us."

"Among them, there is a seed called sweet potato, which can produce ten thousand catties per acre!"

"There is a seed called corn, which can produce five thousand kilograms per acre!"

"There is also a kind of seed called pepper. Once you plant a crop, you can eat it without fear of the severe cold!"

"My lords, tell me, do these seeds count as our great treasure of the Qin State?"

"When these seeds sprout everywhere in our Daqin territory."

"This is the moment when I, Great Qin, will usher in a prosperous age!"

"From now on, the common people in the world will no longer suffer from hunger, and they will no longer be forced by the cold winter!"

When the First Emperor stated the usefulness of these seeds.

Everyone who heard this felt like they had been baptized by a hurricane!

The shock in their hearts only made their bodies tremble subconsciously!

What a terrifying crop is this?

Ten thousand catties per mu!

You can eat without fear of severe cold!
Could this be a heavenly being, taken from the mythical world? !
With such a terrifying output, as long as cultivation is fully promoted, the grain output will be enough to feed the people of the entire Great Qin.

It's even possible that every household's granary is full and fat voles are being reared!

And that chili!
There is something magical about eating without fear of severe cold.

If there is such an exaggerated effect, then when the cold winter comes, there will no longer be any frozen bones in Daqin!

All civil and military officials were shocked by the wonders of these three crops.

Among them, several old ministers even burst into tears involuntarily.

In this era, ordinary people's homes, even those in the prime of life, can only eat six cents full.

The rest of the wives, daughters, husbands and mothers only dare to eat until they are three-thirds full, just barely enough not to starve to death.

Even so, after one year, there are still many people who are starving to death in Daqin.

Even some elderly parents, in order to save food consumption in the family.

Extinct in the valley.

Such tragic things happen almost every day.

Every time winter comes, people's lives become even more difficult.

Every so often, entire families freeze to death.
Just look for a random village and walk a few steps, and you will see people who have frozen to death huddled on the roadside.

This is the cruelty of the times, and it has always been like this throughout the ages.

But now it's different!

In the coffins of heaven and earth, there are seeds left by heaven and earth to future generations!

With these seeds, these tragedies will no longer happen in Great Qin!
All the people in the world have enough food and clothing, and are not afraid of the cold winter.

This is a scene that can only appear in big dreams!
When the First Emperor looked at the seeds in the coffin, he felt as if there were treasures in front of him that could not be exchanged for even a mountain of gold.

"Zhang Han, arrange for manpower to collect these seeds properly."

"If there is one missing grain, everyone will ask for your help!"

Zhang Han looked determined and said: "Here!"

The First Emperor raised his head, looking excited at this moment.

Although in this palace of heaven, man and earth, the true form of heaven and man is not seen.

But the harvest of this trip was so great that the First Emperor could not sleep for days and nights.

First, he obtained the weapons of heaven and man, and then from the murals, he obtained the magic of longevity from heaven and man.

Especially now, I have obtained a divine item that will benefit all people in the world!
Such a huge harvest made the First Emperor unable to be more satisfied.

But, when I think of heavenly beings.

The First Emperor couldn't help but wonder, since heaven and earth are not in this underground palace, where can they be?
At this moment, the First Emperor would not think that the heavenly being was dead.Donghuang Taiyi on the side is the Queen of Heavenly Beings.

The ancestor of his Yin Yang family was one of the twelve disciples of Heavenly Man.

This is enough to clearly show that heavenly beings have survived from the ancient times when giant beasts were rampant until hundreds of years ago.

With the majestic magical power of the gods, it is absolutely impossible for them to perish in these hundreds of years.

Thinking of this, the First Emperor was suddenly shocked again!
If heavenly beings have existed until now, wouldn't they have been watching me secretly?

Heavenly beings sit and watch themselves sweep the world and build the Qin Empire.

However, it was only now that I discovered the traces of heavenly beings.
The First Emperor slowly exhaled a breath, and he also became a little nervous due to the sudden idea.

Even the First Emperor had some ideas about this book of celestial beings hidden close to his body.

"Is this book of gods and immortals deliberately left to me by gods?"

"Do gods use this method to impart knowledge to ordinary people?"

The First Emperor's eyes were subtle. The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

Hundreds of years ago, a deity could accept twelve disciples.

Now, heaven and earth may not be able to accept another one!

The First Emperor believed that as the current human emperor, his own skills were definitely the best in the world.

Even compared to the twelve disciples of Heavenly Man, there is absolutely no difference!

The First Emperor's eyes gradually became firm.

After sorting out all the harvests in the palace of heaven, man and earth.

The First Emperor led hundreds of civil and military officials to leave the underground palace.

After returning to Zhangtai Palace, the First Emperor didn't even have the intention to rest.

This trip to the underground palace brought too much shock to the First Emperor.

In my heart, I became more and more in awe of the majestic supernatural powers of heaven and humans.

Out of curiosity, he placed the Celestial Book on the table in front of him.

Through the flickering candlelight, watch the subsequent deeds of the heavenly beings.

[After the three-pronged army of sea, land and air has been trained more and more effectively, I think it is time to let these dinosaurs do something big! 】

[The previous underground palace was considered a small test.Anyway, these dinosaurs have a lot of strength. I have to take them with me to build residential infrastructure. 】

[Well, there is an underground palace that hollows out the mountain.There must be no shortage of palaces standing in the mountains, and the effect must be that the entire palace is suspended.Anyway, I have so many pterosaurs under my command, I must build a Genting Heavenly Palace! 】

[Triceratops is quite a good hand at creating trough stones.The tall Diplodocus is suitable for being a porter.The Tyrannosaurus Rex Brigade is the bodyguard of the entire transport team.To prevent other carnivorous dinosaurs from jumping out and disrupting the rhythm of the infrastructure team. 】

[The final construction work is naturally left to Pterosaur. 】

[Only pterosaurs can reach the top of the cliff, which is thousands of feet high. 】

[Looking at the Yunding Tiangong slowly taking shape among the clouds, I wondered whether I should also build a palace under the sea. 】

[Anyway, there are quite a few aquatic dinosaurs under my command. 】

[Looking at the undulating endless sea, I immediately mobilized the aquatic dinosaurs in the navy and started the construction project of the underwater temple. 】

Seeing this, the First Emperor's eyes were already widened than bull's eyes!

The Heavenly Palace stands on top of the clouds, and the palace sits under the vast ocean.

To the First Emperor, these buildings were like miracles!
The First Emperor never imagined that the heavenly beings would not only build underground palaces but also hollow out the mountains.

There are still so many immortal traces left in this world!
"Yunding Tiangong. Deep Sea Temple"

"Since these miracles exist in the world, why have I never heard of them?"

The First Emperor frowned. During the journey to wipe out the six kingdoms, the First Emperor also obtained many secrets of the royal families of the six kingdoms.

But even so, there is still no record of the miracles of gods and humans.

The First Emperor's eyes flickered as he thought carefully about the problem.

After a while, the First Emperor decided to summon Li Si at night to discuss the matter together.

(End of this chapter)

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