In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 13 The secret treasure of heavenly beings! ! !Forever passed down to future generations!

Chapter 13 The secret treasure of heavenly beings! ! !Forever passed down to future generations!
In the main room of Tianren Emperor Palace.

After the First Emperor decided to open the coffin.

First, he bowed respectfully to the coffin and apologized to heaven and man:

"excuse me."

Then he raised his head and commanded majestically to the Da Qin soldiers behind him:

"Come here! Open the coffin!"

"Remember, don't have any distracting thoughts in your mind!"

"If you destroy the coffins of heaven and humans, I will kill all nine of your tribes!"

After the First Emperor finished speaking, Zhang Han immediately led a group of soldiers forward and said respectfully: "Here!"

Then, headed by Zhang Han, came a team of elite soldiers from Great Qin.

With an anxious mood, he shuttled between the nine dragon skeletons and walked slowly towards the coffin of heaven and man.

Using oil lamps as the light source, the nine huge skeletons cast extremely huge shadows.

Being so close to the gray and mottled white bones, this team of elite soldiers from Great Qin couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

Even Zhang Han, who had seen countless blood, looked extremely nervous.

Before arriving at the coffin of heaven and man, Zhang Han also knew that opening the coffin hastily would be a great disrespect to heaven and man.

But the emperor ordered it, so Zhang Han had to do it.

Under Zhang Han's command, the white jade coffin lid was slowly pushed open a gap.

As the Da Qin soldiers gradually increased their strength, the gap between the coffin lid and the coffin body was slowly widened.

"Buzz buzz~~~~~~"

The sound of friction between the coffin lid and body was transmitted throughout the main room.

The hearts of the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials also continued to speed up with this 'buzzing' friction sound.

The eyes of everyone in the audience were fixed on the coffin of the heaven and man.

There were even a few Da Qin officials who stood on tiptoes and stretched their necks regardless of appearance.

Just to see the situation in the coffin more clearly.

After the white jade coffin lid was completely opened, the First Emperor strode forward and immediately came to the coffin of heaven and man.

With great expectation and great anxiety, I looked into the coffin!

The First Emperor glanced at the coffin. After seeing clearly the situation inside the coffin, the expression on his face quickly changed from nervousness to astonishment!
His eyes are full of unbelievable color!

There is no heavenly being in this coffin!
For an instant.

Extreme frustration filled the heart of the First Emperor.

His eyes were fixed on the coffin, unwilling to move away for a long time.

The look of the First Emperor fell in the eyes of all the civil and military officials.

Everyone also understood that there must be no heavenly beings in this coffin.
For a moment, everyone's hearts were filled with an indescribable emotion.

I regret not being able to meet heavenly beings.

There are also doubts about where the heavenly beings are.

Knowing that the heavenly beings were not sleeping in this coffin, the First Emperor was somewhat disappointed.

However, this coffin is not completely empty.

Piles of fine, seed-like things were neatly arranged in the coffin.

The First Emperor was born into a royal family and had never engaged in farming.

I'm not familiar with things like 'seeds', so I'm not sure what these grains are.

The First Emperor frowned slightly and said:

"Li Si, come forward."

"See what these things are."

After the First Emperor finished speaking, Li Si hurriedly stepped forward.

Looking at the neatly arranged black granular objects in the coffin, Li Si looked thoughtful.

These black granular objects are placed in order according to slight differences in appearance.

Obviously, it was a deliberate act by heavenly beings.

Li Si grabbed some out of it, looked at it carefully for a moment, and then expressed his opinion after considering it:
"Your Majesty, it is my opinion."

"These appear to be seeds used for sowing in agriculture."

"It's just that Wei Chen doesn't know which crops these seeds are from." "When Wei Chen was young, he also dabbled in farmers' classics, and he knew a little bit about the seeds of any crop in the world."

"But the seeds in this coffin are not any kind that Wei Chen has ever seen!"

"As for what these seeds can grow, I don't dare to make a conclusion."

Hearing Li Si's words, the First Emperor frowned.

The seeds left by heavenly beings are naturally not mortal things.

But how could the First Emperor imagine what kind of things could be grown?

Li Si may have seen the First Emperor's hesitation, so he suggested again:
"Your Majesty, the gods left these seeds obviously to benefit future generations."

"As for what exactly these seeds are used for"

"Your Majesty, why don't you look for the answer in the book of immortals?"

Li Si's words immediately made the First Emperor's eyes light up.

The first emperor hurriedly took out the book of gods and immortals to find the answer.

[The taste of Smooth Pleurodon is really amazing! 】

[My foodie soul seems to be activated by this delicious roasted dragon meat. 】

[I subdued several mosasaurs with my fists, and also made Pleurodontosaurus as pets.In my pet army, all the three armies of the sea, land and air force are here. 】

[In my spare time, I began to train several marine dinosaurs under my command. 】

[Well, this job is much more exciting than practicing the Pterosaur Air Force and Tyrannosaurus Army. 】

[Which sea dragon disobeys me and becomes my lunch on the spot.Shocked by my excellent cooking skills, these marine dinosaurs seemed to have exceeded the limits of their IQ.The efficiency of training is beyond my imagination. 】

[Looking at these marine dinosaurs that are as cute as puppies, I’m not too embarrassed to eat them casually anymore. 】

Seeing this, the First Emperor's eyes widened.

The cruel and terrifying methods of heavenly beings only filled the First Emperor with awe.

In the mind of the First Emperor, he imagined a scene in which the heavenly beings commanded the endless dragon clan in the sea with their iron-blooded arms and their feet on the mighty waves.

The First Emperor had a further understanding of the supernatural powers of heavenly beings that could reach the heavens.

Suppressing his admiration for the gods, the First Emperor began to search for records about the mysterious seeds in the books of gods and humans.

[Now that my desire for food has awakened, I don’t need to suppress it anymore. 】

[I have always paid attention to health, and a combination of meat and vegetables is a must. 】

[Moreover, the climate environment of the Jurassic period was extremely suitable for the proliferation of plants. 】

[Through my careful search, I found many plants that I had seen before or that I had never seen before. 】

[Among them, there are three crops that surprise me. 】

[Sweet potatoes, corn, and peppers. Perhaps due to climate reasons, some characteristics of these three crops have also changed slightly. 】

[Sweet potatoes can produce a yield of [-] kilograms per acre, and they are extremely sweet. 】

[The yield of corn can only be [-] kilograms per mu, but that head is as thick as my thigh! 】

[The yield of pepper is even lower, with a yield of only [-] kilograms per mu.But I have never tasted such spicy chili! 】

[I secretly fed some chili peppers to a Tyrannosaurus rex, and oh~~~ it could almost spit out flames.It looked like it was hot all over. I threw it into the glacier, but it didn't feel cold at all.One bite of this Jurassic pepper will make you ignore the cold winter months! 】

[Sweet potatoes, corn, and peppers are all good crops. I decided to leave some seeds for future generations. 】

[Just think of it as my giving them some love. 】

Seeing this, the eyes of the First Emperor shone with unprecedented light!

In his opinion, these strange seeds in the coffin were the three crops mentioned by gods: sweet potatoes, corn, and peppers.

The terrifying output only made the First Emperor unable to recover for a long time.

"The country is a great treasure! The country is a great treasure!"

The First Emperor stood up abruptly, his face filled with excitement that could not subside.

Seeing this, all the civil and military officials immediately understood that the First Emperor must have discovered the beauty of these seeds in the book of gods and immortals.

Li Si spoke at the right time:
"Your Majesty, have you ever found the answer in the book of immortals?"

The First Emperor's bright eyes admired the seeds in the coffin and said excitedly:

"Li Si, after you have these three crops in front of you."

"We, Da Qin, will have inexhaustible food!"

“In our Great Qin, no more people will suffer from hunger and cold!”

(End of this chapter)

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