In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 12: The human emperor Ying Zheng of later generations respectfully welcomes heaven and human

Chapter 12: The human emperor Ying Zheng of later generations respectfully welcomes heaven and humans into the world! ! !
Everyone in the main room was frightened by the sight before them.

The skeletons of the nine giant beasts in front of me, even the smallest one, are three people tall!
Just its extremely large size has already given everyone a huge impact!
All living beings in the world will naturally have a sense of fear towards huge creatures.

Not to mention, there are nine tall skeletons in front of you, with different shapes.

Some heads are so huge that they take up a quarter of the body.

The huge mouth that opened wide to everyone still retained the fierce power of thousands of years ago.

There is also a skeleton with limbs lying on the ground, and each claw is as big as a door.

The terrifying sharp claws seemed to be stuck on it like five horse-killing swords.

There is also a snake-like skeleton, which is thick enough for three people to surround it.

The body twisted like a river, with no head visible at a glance.

Just the skeleton that everyone glimpsed was already more than twenty feet long.

Among the nine skeleton species, only one skeleton is more familiar to everyone.

But this skeleton scares everyone the most!
Because that skeleton is actually humanoid!
Like them, they stand on their legs, with their hands on the left and right, and a head on their shoulders.

However, the size of the skeleton turned out to be terrifyingly ten people tall!

A humanoid skeleton as tall as ten people!

This. What kind of alien species is this?

This is definitely not a human race. Even if it is a heterogeneous human race, it is not ten times stronger than ordinary people!

Even the city gate of Xianyang City is only as high as the waist of this giant's skeleton.

Could it be that in the ancient times, such terrifying and huge giants still existed? !

There was a look of shock on the face of the First Emperor, and his eyes were fixed on the nine skeletons in front of him.

The more he looked at it, the First Emperor found that his cognition was being impacted by an unprecedented impact!

Among the nine skeletons, he could barely guess the identity of the one with a huge head and standing on two legs.

The First Emperor suppressed the shock in his heart and slowly said:

"Li Si, look at that huge-headed skeleton."

"Doesn't it look like the Tyrannosaurus rex that the gods said?"

Li Si was awakened by the First Emperor's words and quickly came to his senses.

He looked at the skeleton standing on two feet with a huge head spread out.

Although the giant beast had turned into white bones, Li Si looked at it carefully at this moment, and still felt a big shock in his heart.

Just the sharp, jagged teeth in that big mouth gave Li Si a chill.

Li Si's facial muscles tensed up and he replied to the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty has a keen eye and can look at the shape of this skeleton."

"It is indeed no different from the Tyrannosaurus rex tamed by heavenly beings in the previous murals."

"But Weichen can't recognize the other skeletons."

After hearing Li Si's words, the First Emperor looked slightly silent.

I thought that no one would know the identity of the other skeletons.

Taiyi, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

"Your Majesty, these nine huge skeletons should all be dragons!"

Taiyi's words, like Hong Zhongdalu's words, instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

The First Emperor's eyes moved and he turned to look at Taiyi.

After Taiyi is a heavenly being, he definitely knows more about heavenly beings than they do.

Hearing Taiyi say that these nine skeletons are all dragons, the First Emperor couldn't help but frown and said:
"Taiyi, I know that this Tyrannosaurus rex belongs to the dragon species."

"The skeleton that winds like a stream seems to belong to the dragon."

"But this humanoid skeleton, which is eight feet tall, can it also be a dragon?"

The words of the First Emperor seemed to express the thoughts of all civil and military officials.

The huge skeleton that winds like a snake can be identified as a dragon at a glance.

But can that eight-foot-tall humanoid skeleton be related to a dragon?

This is too far off.

Even if you Taiyi say you are an ancient giant ape, everyone will just recognize it.

But you insisted on saying it was a dragon.

Even if you are the leader of the Yin Yang family, even if you are the queen of heaven.

You can't do this, calling an ape a dragon!
Facing all kinds of doubtful looks, Taiyi slowly explained:
"Your Majesty, you don't know something."

"A dragon has nine sons, each of which is different."

"Like this Tyrannosaurus rex, its shape is very different from that of a real dragon."

"It is normal for dragon sons born from true dragons to mutate into the form of giant apes." "And, most importantly, it is recorded in the classics of my Yin Yang family."

"The gods have a chariot pulled by nine dragons!"

"At this moment, looking at the posture of the nine giant beasts pulling the hanging coffin, I think that the nine dragons are all the nine sons of the real dragon."

Taiyi's words were like a gentle spring rain.

It cleared away all the doubts in everyone’s minds.

Everyone in the room looked at Taiyi, and now they were no longer suspicious, but with a hint of understanding.

Since a heavenly being later showed up to give his own explanation, the more the First Emperor looked at the nine huge skeletons of different shapes in front of him, the more he felt that they looked like something real!
A true dragon gives birth to nine sons with different shapes.

Who knows if any of them are in ape form?

For example, the various types of dragons in the ancient times described by heavenly beings all seem to be very different from the legendary real dragons.

The First Emperor slowly exhaled a breath.

I thought in my mind that in the ancient times, heavenly beings went on patrol, and they were pulled by nine dragons.

How majestic that is, enough to make all living things bow their heads.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the First Emperor burst out with a trace of fire.

Staring at the hanging coffin pulled by nine dragons.

Since these nine dragons have once pulled the chariots of heavenly beings.

Then there must be heavenly beings sleeping in this hanging coffin!

With this thought, Emperor Shi Huang's face was filled with excitement, and he said excitedly:
"The nine dragons are here, and there must be a sleeping god in this coffin!"

"My lords, please join us in welcoming heaven and humans into the world!"

The First Emperor finished speaking and took the first step forward.

As the Human Emperor of China, he bowed respectfully to the coffin held by the nine dragons and said in a serious voice:
"I am Ying Zheng, the First Emperor of the Great Qin Empire!"

"We sincerely invite heavenly beings to enter the world!"

Afterwards, all the civil and military officials, all with serious expressions on their faces, followed the figure of the First Emperor towards the hanging coffin.

He knelt on his knees and said respectfully:

"We, ministers of Great Qin!"

"We sincerely invite heavenly beings to enter the world!"

With everyone's chorus, the sound echoed through the entire main room.

The sound was loud enough to show how pious the people of the Qin Dynasty were to heaven and man.

However, after the noise, there was no movement in the coffin being pulled by the nine dragons.

When the First Emperor saw this, a trace of doubt flashed across his face.

After coughing lightly, a more pious look appeared on his face, and he raised the tone by three degrees and shouted again:

"The emperor of the human race in the future, Ying Zheng!"

"I sincerely ask the heavenly beings to come into the world and educate our future generations of humans!"

The civil and military officials behind the First Emperor also hurriedly bowed their heads even lower and shouted loudly:
"I sincerely ask the heavenly beings to come into the world and educate our future generations of humans!"

Although the First Emperor and the civil and military officials spoke louder and more respectfully this time.

But there was still no movement in the coffin, which was being pulled by the nine dragons.

Under the flickering lights, the air in the entire main room became quiet in an instant.

After a period of silence, Li Si's expression moved slightly, he stepped forward to the side of the First Emperor, and considered:
"Your Majesty, maybe it's not that our attitude is not pious enough."

"But, the gods are not in the underground palace here."

Hearing Li Si's words, the First Emperor also showed hesitation on his face.

His eyes looked towards the coffin, which remained motionless.

Under such circumstances, the First Emperor also felt that Li Si's words were reasonable.

However, if we want to find out the specific situation, we can only know it by opening the coffin.

When this idea came into his mind, the Emperor's face was filled with confusion.

Opening the coffin rashly is obviously disrespectful to heaven and man.

If the gods really sleep in it, how should he face the gods in the future?
With the majestic magical power of the gods, if they get angry.

I'm afraid that a disaster will happen to the entire world.

The First Emperor's face was uncertain, and in his heart, heaven and man were fighting for a long time.

The First Emperor gritted his teeth hard, with a trace of determination in his eyes!

Open the coffin!
The coffin must be opened!
In order to live forever, we must find out whether the heavenly being is in this coffin or not!

(End of this chapter)

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