Chapter 11 Kowloon pulls the coffin! ! ! !
The powerful power of heavenly beings shocked the mind of the First Emperor all the time.

The First Emperor cherished the treasure of immortality left by heaven and man more and more on the mural in front of him.

He hurriedly used the morning sun to practice according to the movements on the mural.

In the first emperor's opinion, the great magical power possessed by the heavenly being was inseparable from this magic of immortality!
The First Emperor did not seek to treat the Dragon King as meat, nor to keep the mythical beast as a pet.

When we use this longevity magic as a method to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to nourish ourselves, it is not difficult to prolong life.

Therefore, the First Emperor worked tirelessly to complete one set after another of the 'Thirteen Tai Chi Styles'.

The more he performed this set of slow movements, the First Emperor felt an indescribable feeling of comfort all over his body, and even beads of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Li Si on the side was obviously very sleepy.

After learning that the pet of the heavenly being is thousands of miles long.

In my mind, I also sketched out a scene where heaven and man step on the auspicious clouds and reshape the earth, fire, and feng shui.

The immortality skills left behind by those mythical figures are definitely the most cherished magical powers in this world.

Li Si saw that even masters like Taiyi, who stood at the pinnacle of martial arts, were slowly exercising their bodies according to the movements on the mural, just like the First Emperor.

A surge of vigor emerged from Li Si's extremely tired body.

Trying his best to hold back the constant sleepiness in his heart, he performed several sets of the 'Thirteen Tai Chi poses'.

The First Emperor was familiar with all the movements of the magic of heaven and man.

Then he took Taiyi and Li Si out of the secret room.

This time when I entered the palace of heaven and man, I not only found the weapons of heaven and man, but also obtained the magic of immortality left by heaven and man.

The First Emperor felt indescribable satisfaction in his heart, and his slightly raised face was enough to tell that the First Emperor's mood at the moment was not bad.

The First Emperor put his hands behind his back and slowly said to Li Si behind him:

"Li Si, arrange for the painter to copy all the immortality techniques in this secret room."

Hearing this, Li Si quickly replied:
"As ordered, Wei Chen will recruit the most elite painting masters from the Qin Dynasty later."

"I will definitely reproduce all the essence of the magic of heaven and man."

The First Emperor nodded slowly, with a sharp look in his eyes, and said softly: "After copying the treasure of immortality, artist, you know how to deal with it."

Hearing this, Li Si felt slightly shocked and quickly continued:

"Weichen, I understand."

After arranging this matter, the First Emperor summoned all officials again to enter the main room of the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth.

After harvesting the heavenly weapons and immortality treasures, it's time to meet the real treasure of this underground palace!

After the civil and military officials entered the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth again, they were still extremely excited.

After all, this time the First Emperor was going to lead them to the main room of the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth to see the hanging coffin where heaven and humans were most likely sleeping.

From the Immortal Book of Tongtianren and the murals in the underground palace, all officials have a profound understanding of the existence of heavenly beings.

That was an almost mythical figure.

If it is in a hanging coffin, there is really a heavenly being sleeping in it.

That will be the only true god in this world!
How could the civil and military officials not be excited?
Under the leadership of the First Emperor, everyone slowly walked towards the main room of the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth.

Walking through the long and narrow walkway, this area has been covered with a stone roof carved from rock.

The fluorescent dome above the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth can no longer shine here.

The light provided to everyone was replaced by oil lamps on the surrounding walls.The First Emperor looked at the candlelight swaying in the breeze and the grease soaking the wick in the oil lamp, and suddenly thought of a question!
He couldn't help but look at Zhang Han beside him and said:

"Zhang Han, did you light this candle in the palace of heaven, man and earth?"

When Zhang Han heard the First Emperor's question, he immediately recalled the scene of entering the underground palace in his mind, and said with a stunned expression:
"Your Majesty, these candles are not lit by the general's soldiers."

"When I finally enter this underground palace, the main room is already brightly lit."

After the First Emperor's questioning, Zhang Han discovered a shocking fact!

The oil lamp on the wall is always lit!
You know, the history of this palace of heaven, man and earth can be traced back to the ancient times for tens of thousands of years.

During these endless years, the oil lamps in this underground palace have been burning.
The oil lamp that has been burning for thousands of years seems to have witnessed the development of human race underground.

Zhang Han's words were like a thunder exploding in the room!
All civil and military officials took a deep breath.

They all opened their eyes wide and looked at the oil lamps on the wall.

At this moment, all civil and military officials also discovered the problem!
The oil lamp on this wall can keep burning for thousands of years!


Is Tianren Cave Mansion really so miraculous?
Even the most ordinary oil lamp can bring infinite spiritual impact to people today!

The First Emperor's eyes widened, he turned around and came to an oil lamp, staring at the grease still burning inside.

With thoughts in his heart, the First Emperor knew clearly that the key to this oil lamp's ability to burn for tens of thousands of years was the fat inside.

Looking at the glistening and slightly yellowish oil, the First Emperor couldn't help but frown and said:

"What kind of animal did the grease in this oil lamp come from?"

"It has not burned out even after tens of thousands of years."

Prime Minister Li Si, who was at the front of the hundred officials, stared at the crystal clear yellow oil, and said to the First Emperor after careful consideration:

"I once heard that fishermen on the seaside use the oil of deep-sea whales as fuel for lighting lamps, which can burn for several months."

"I think the fish oil in the sea is probably the most suitable for making oil lamps."

"Could it be that the grease in this oil lamp was extracted by heavenly beings from the body of the Dragon King in ancient times?"

After Li Si said this, his eyes and pupils shrank slightly.

Even he himself was shocked by this sudden guess.

When the First Emperor heard Li Si's words, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes!
Thinking of the majestic supernatural powers of heavenly beings, even the Dragon King of the deep sea can be used as meat.

Come to think of it, it is not impossible to extract the oil from the Dragon King to make lamp oil.

Only the fat of the Deep Sea Dragon King can burn for tens of thousands of years without being destroyed!

It’s just that using the Dragon King’s grease to make burning lamps is such a generous act!

After sighing in his heart, the First Emperor led hundreds of officials into the main room to see the hanging coffin where the gods were sleeping.

However, as soon as everyone stepped into the main room, they were frightened by the sight in front of them!
Both the First Emperor and Taiyi were stunned in place.

All the civil and military officials were in a state of disbelief. What's more, they were trembling unconsciously!

Just because that hanging coffin was actually being pulled by nine extremely terrifying and huge skeletons!

That gray-white giant bone, even though it has been eroded by tens of millions of years, still exudes the aura of a wild and ferocious beast!

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(End of this chapter)

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