Chapter 10 Heavenly beings feed on dragons! ! !
In the palace of heaven, man and earth, wait until all the officials have retreated.

Only then did the First Emperor focus all his attention on the murals.

Looking at Tianren Na, every extremely simple movement.

The First Emperor sighed.

"The supernatural powers of heaven and man are indeed so majestic that future generations cannot imagine."

"The Immortality Technique, an ancient and ancient treasure that determines the present, is so easy to understand!"

According to the movements made by heaven and man on the mural, the First Emperor tried to connect.

In his youth, the First Emperor also practiced martial arts.

It was naturally not difficult for the First Emperor to imitate the 'Thirteen Postures of Tai Chi' at this moment.

I just tried briefly, the first few moves.The First Emperor felt that all the energy and blood in his body had been mobilized.

It was as if there was a spring breeze blowing into his body.

All limbs and bones, every piece of flesh and blood slowly emerges with life.

There was a feeling of relief all over my body.

The First Emperor understood instantly that the path to immortality just mentioned by Taiyi was indeed true.

This method left behind by heavenly beings is indeed the east wind on the road to eternal life.

Use your own body as a precious medicine and the heaven and earth as a furnace!

He, Ying Zheng, must use the 'Thirteen Tai Chi Postures' in front of him to embark on the road to immortality!

From now on, live as long as the sun and the moon!

Strong confidence burst out from the eyes of the First Emperor.

He looked at Taiyi beside him and said slowly:
"Taiyi, your Yin and Yang family is the Queen of Heaven and Humanity."

"Just follow me and comprehend these 'Thirteen Postures of Tai Chi' together!"

As soon as he said these words, Taiyi's golden eyes flashed with surprise.

He quickly edited and said:
"So, Taiyi, thank you for your kindness!"

Taiyi's ray of surprise was not a fake.

Considering the First Emperor's coveting of immortality, if someone secretly practiced the magic of heaven and man on the murals without the permission of the First Emperor.

I'm afraid that once discovered, they will face encirclement and suppression by the entire Qin Empire!

Now that the world is unified, if the First Emperor insists on killing one person, he may not be able to escape the wrath of the ancestral dragon even if he hides in the ends of the earth.

Therefore, hearing the words of the First Emperor at this moment, even Taiyi was one of the top martial arts people in the world, and he was also surprised in his heart.

The First Emperor looked at Taiyi's respectful gesture and nodded secretly.

He asked Taiyi to also practice this celestial treasure technique.

It is originally there, and with its profound Taoist heritage, it can decipher the true Sui thoughts of the "Thirteen Postures of Tai Chi".

After Taiben is a heavenly being, if he practices the heavenly art from the perspective of the other person, he may gain other insights.

And keeping Li Si here is purely because of trust in him.

Although the First Emperor and Li Si were monarchs and ministers, they were also friends.

The First Emperor still had the courage to take the other person on the road to immortality!
After all, the Qin Empire also needed capable ministers like Li Si to govern it.

The First Emperor not only wanted to live as long as the sun and the moon, but also wanted the Qin Empire to last forever!
On this day, the First Emperor received the magic of immortality in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth.

I was so excited that I started practicing all night long!
With great perseverance and Taiyi's guidance from time to time, the First Emperor finally mastered the entire "Thirteen Tai Chi Styles".

Even after fighting all night, the eyes of the First Emperor were full of energy.

Looking at Li Si with a tired face beside him, the First Emperor couldn't help but smile and said:

"Li Si, your body is not as good as that of others."

"With the treasure of immortality by your side, you haven't slept all night, but you are so exhausted."

"In the future, you must practice this immortality technique more often."

"The Great Qin Empire cannot do without you as prime minister."

When Li Si heard this, he first suppressed the urge to yawn.

He gritted his teeth again, dispelled the sleepiness in his heart, and said respectfully:
"Wei Chen is old after all."

"Although I have His Majesty's permission, I can practice this precious immortality technique."

"But after all, it is not as effective as your Majesty, who has the Chinese Dragon Luck to protect you." "But I, I will try my best to practice this longevity magic in the future and try to keep up with your Majesty's footsteps."

At this point, Li Si, with dark circles under his eyes, came up with another set of 'Thirteen Tai Chi Styles'.

The First Emperor felt deeply about the immortality method left by heavenly beings, and aroused strong interest in the past experiences of heavenly beings.

He came to a secluded place in the underground palace and took out the book of celestial beings.

After obtaining this book of immortals, the First Emperor almost regarded it as a symbol of the fate of the Qin Dynasty.

I was afraid that some unscrupulous people would come and steal the book of gods and immortals, so I kept it close to my body at all times.

At this moment, the First Emperor opened the book of immortals and continued to browse the subsequent deeds of the immortals.

[After having dozens of Tyrannosaurus rex as pets, I have conquered some of the various types of dinosaurs on land. 】

[With such a huge army of dinosaurs under my command, naturally these coolies cannot be wasted. Besides, I don’t seem to have a formal house in Jurassic. 】

[The dinosaur army immediately started the mountain-moving and reclamation project under my command.I picked a mountain, hollowed it out completely, and prepared to make it into an underground palace! 】

Seeing this, the First Emperor immediately understood!
This Celestial Emperor's Palace is indeed the residence that Celestial Being once left behind!
The First Emperor continued to read with excitement.

[The project of building an underground palace cannot be completed overnight. In my spare time, I found other fun. 】

[After subduing another batch of pterosaurs, I looked up and looked around, and I couldn't help but sigh that although this land is vast, there are no pets that are not mine! 】

[But I can’t control the collecting habit in my heart. 】

[One day, I suddenly thought of something!Since both the earth and the sky have my pets, the endless sea cannot live without them either! 】

[Having this idea, I immediately put it into action.I led my pet army to the seaside with great momentum. 】

[As expected, there are even more dragon species in this sea. 】

[Moreover, due to environmental reasons, the size of dinosaurs in the sea is actually larger than that on land! 】

[Looking at the Smooth Pleurodon, which is twenty feet long, my first reaction was to eat it? ! 】

[Now that the fire in my heart has been lit, I don’t need to suppress it anymore. 】

[The first Pleurodontosaurus I encountered became my prey gloriously. 】

[I looked at the many dinosaur armies surrounding the surroundings, and I definitely gave these pets a chance to show off. 】

[The body of Smooth Pleurodon, which weighs 30 kilograms, is like a destroyer on the sea. 】

[I ordered the pterosaurs to carry stones and carry out air raid tactics]

[But the air force composed of pterosaurs, the bombs dropped were extremely lethal. They might be useful to other dinosaurs, but they did not cause any damage to the huge body of Pleurodontosaurus. 】

[I'm very dissatisfied with the performance of the pterosaur army, but it doesn't matter, it's time for me to take action. 】

[The Smooth Pleurodon, not knowing what it was about to face, was still showing off its power on the sea. 】

[Hey, so what if the body weighs 30 kilograms? It’s still no match for me with one punch! 】

[It’s just a pity that the faucet was shattered and I can’t eat the steamed fish head anymore. 】

When the First Emperor saw this, his jaw dropped in shock!
From the world view of the First Emperor, it was impossible to imagine how huge a body of 30 kilograms would be!
"This is almost the Dragon King of the sea!"

"Does a heavenly being really have such magical powers?"

"Even the Dragon King ate it"

At this moment, the First Emperor felt that the heavenly beings were both powerful and cruel!
The First Emperor looked at Taiyi who was still practicing the 'Thirteen Postures of Tai Chi' and couldn't help but said:

"Taiyi, have you heard that the giant beast in the water has a body of 30 kilograms?"

After hearing what the First Emperor said, Taiyi stopped moving.

He said casually:

"Your Majesty, my Yin Yang family has a book called Xiaoyaoyou."

"There is a description of a creature called 'Kun'."

"There is a fish in Beiming, and its name is Kun. Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is."

"Thinking about it, the ancestor of my Yin Yang family should have left these descriptive words after seeing the pets of heavenly beings."

"Since the Kun can be thousands of miles long, it naturally weighs far more than 30 kilograms."

Hearing Taiyi's explanation, the First Emperor took a deep breath.

The First Emperor finally understood that as long as anything had the slightest relationship with heaven and humans, absolutely nothing was simple.

Just one pet in the water is thousands of miles across.

What does it matter if a person eats a Dragon King that day?
(End of this chapter)

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