Chapter 9 Learn the art of immortality! ! !

As soon as Taiyi said this.

Ben led his ministers and gathered around the First Emperor, who was appraising the weapons of heaven and man.

Immediately his eyes widened and he looked towards Taiyi!

At this moment, the First Emperor's eyes were as sharp as iron!

If there was anything that the First Emperor valued most, it was of course immortality that he had been thinking about all his life!
At this moment, hearing Taiyi say that he had discovered the method of immortality, all of the First Emperor's attention was drawn to it.

"Where is the method of immortality?"

"Where is the method of immortality left by the gods?"

At this moment, the First Emperor seemed to be like a fierce tiger, striding towards Taiyi.

All civil and military officials are no longer watching the weapons of heaven and man.

Judu followed the First Emperor and came to Taiyi.

Facing the questioning eyes of the First Emperor, Taiyi pointed to the mural on the wall and said:

"Your Majesty, please see."

"The carvings on this mural are heavenly beings personally demonstrating the method of immortality."

Following the direction Taiyi pointed, everyone focused their attention on the murals on the surrounding walls.

Because the previous discovery of heavenly weapons was really too shocking.

Therefore, neither the First Emperor nor the civil and military ministers devoted their attention to the murals.

Moreover, there are just some ordinary actions on the mural.

When everyone entered this place, they did not pay serious attention to the content of the mural.

At this moment, I heard Taiyi say that these murals turned out to be gods personally demonstrating the method of immortality.

Everyone just stared at the mural with their eyes wider than a bull's eye, and watched every movement of the heavenly being on the mural!
Not even a single detail is missed!
Although these movements are soft and simple, after knowing that they are the method of immortality for gods and humans.

Everyone feels that these ordinary actions seem to contain a connotation of simplicity.

I just think that behind these seemingly ordinary actions of heavenly beings, there are definitely visions from the heavens!

Or maybe there are thousands of divine thunders obeying its orders, or they may step on the strong winds of the nine heavens.

It's just that in order to express the true meaning of the law of immortality, the gods did not carve all those visions into this mural.

At this moment, the First Emperor led the ministers of the Great Qin Empire to express their own thoughts.He speculated that tens of millions of years ago, when heavenly beings demonstrated this method of immortality, they caused all kinds of monstrous phenomena.

Wang Jian looked excited and sighed:

"Heaven is indeed a heavenly being, and the method of immortality he left behind is so simple."

"Thinking of the 'divine punishment - Yinghuo' created by the gods, one blow is enough to level the power of the human world."

"I believe that when heavenly beings demonstrated this method of immortality tens of millions of years ago, the sky was filled with glowing light, and all creatures in the world bowed their heads."

Wang Jian's words were recognized by everyone present.

Weapons made by heaven and man can cause scenes like the punishment of heaven and the destruction of the world.

The technique performed by that person that day must have been earth-shattering and could make Cangming crack open.

At this time, Li Si discovered that there were five ancient seal characters in the corners of this series of murals.

"Look, everyone, the method of immortality demonstrated by heavenly beings also has a name!"

Everyone looked in the direction Li Si pointed.

Sure enough, at the end of this set of carvings on the method of immortality, the gods also left a name for this method of immortality.

The First Emperor looked at the five fonts and read slowly and attentively:

"Thirteen Tai Chi poses!!!"

"Hiss~~~" "The name of this method of immortality is really domineering!"

"I can tell from the name that this method was definitely created by the knowledge of heaven and man in their lifetime!"

The First Emperor's face was full of excitement, and his eyes were shining brightly.

Needless to say, the power of the method demonstrated by heavenly beings in person.

However, what the First Emperor cared about most was naturally longevity.

So he asked Taiyi doubtfully:
"Taiyi, if you follow these actions of heavenly beings, can you really reach the realm of immortality?"

Before the palace of heaven, man and earth appeared, the First Emperor pursued immortality by using elixirs.

Complement oneself with foreign objects.

In the eyes of the First Emperor, if he really wanted to achieve immortality, he could only refine the elixir of immortality.

This is also the inherent concept of this era.

Therefore, even gods such as the 'Thirteen Postures of Tai Chi' were engraved here.

The First Emperor was still a little worried, fearing that even if he practiced this method, he would not be able to achieve immortality.

As the ancestral dragon that rules China, what is the use of the First Emperor's power in vain?

Only by increasing one's own longevity is the foundation for the Great Qin Empire to last for thousands of years!
Hearing this, Taiyi explained:

"Your Majesty does not know"

"The reason why my Yin Yang family pursues the path to immortality is because it is recorded in ancient books."

"Although elixirs and the like can prolong life, they are still foreign objects."

"The true path to immortality is to use yourself as a container, absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and complete your own roots."

"Only when you finally reach a body without leaks can you truly rise and fall with the sun and the moon."

"The founder of my Yin Yang family is one of the twelve disciples of the Celestial Being."

"Come to think of it, if you want to embark on the road to immortality, the only way left by heaven and man in front of you is the east wind!"

When the First Emperor heard this, his heart was like a boundless sea that stirred up huge waves.

The theory of immortality described by Taiyi is completely different from the path he took before.

Without the method of immortality to cultivate one's character, the First Emperor could only order the alchemists headed by Xu Fu to collect precious medicines from all over the world in an attempt to refine a medicine sufficient for immortality.

Listening to what Taiyi said at this moment, the real road to immortality seems to be to use oneself as a great medicine, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for irrigation!
The First Emperor pondered it carefully, and the look in his eyes slowly changed from doubt to shock, and then from shock to clarity!
Considering that the Yin Yang family is also considered the Queen of Heavenly Beings.

The First Emperor felt more and more that the theory spoken by Taiyi was the real way to immortality!
Since we want to take the road to immortality, the immortality method in front of us is indispensable!

In an instant, two sharp lights bloomed in the eyes of the First Emperor.

"My lords, please get out of here first!"

"Wang Jian! You lead the black-armored soldiers and set up a tight defense at the entrance of the imperial palace!"

"If anyone dares to approach the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth, he will be killed without mercy!"

"We must make sure! Not even a mosquito can fly in!"

As soon as the two orders were issued, the power of the ancestral dragon burst out from the First Emperor!
The method of immortality is right before our eyes, and the First Emperor will never allow anyone to have the opportunity to reveal the method of immortality!
After hearing the order from the First Emperor, Wang Jian immediately said loudly: "Respect the emperor's order!"

All the officials of the Qin Dynasty also understood the First Emperor's possessive desire for the method of immortality.

The officials who were observing the 'Thirteen Postures of Tai Chi' just now no longer dared to cast their eyes on the mural.

He was afraid that his actions would cause the First Emperor to misunderstand.

Only Prime Minister Li Si and Tai Yi were left here.

The rest of the people all exited the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth in turn.

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(End of this chapter)

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