In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 8: The secret to immortality is revealed! ! !

Chapter 8: The secret to immortality is revealed! ! !

When the First Emperor and others heard this, they were immediately awakened by the report.

After the great fear in my heart was dispelled.

Immediately a huge surprise came out!
Even the First Emperor, who ruled the entire land of China, was breathing a little faster at this moment, and his eyes were shining brightly.

If such a terrifying celestial weapon falls into the hands of others, it will naturally be a great terror.

But what if it was in the hands of the Qin Empire?
It will be a magic weapon that can conquer the country!

Taiyi and other top martial arts masters were also extremely shocked at this moment.

Even if they cultivate themselves enough to fly into the air, they can face those heavenly and human weapons on the murals that can destroy the heaven and the earth.

How are these martial arts masters different from ants?
As for the civil and military officials, even their faces were flushed with excitement at this moment!
If there are still weapons of heaven and humans hidden in this palace of heaven and earth, even the weakest ones in the murals.

As long as it is in the hands of the empire, it will be enough to intimidate all parties!May the country’s destiny be preserved forever!

The First Emperor turned around, stared at the soldier who came to report with an excited expression, and said majestically:
"Lead the way! I want to see the power of heavenly and human weapons!"

The soldier was stared at by the First Emperor's sharp eyes. He immediately felt the majesty of the emperor coming towards him and hurriedly said respectfully: "Here!"

Later, under the guidance of the soldiers.

The First Emperor led the crowd towards the corner deep in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth, where he discovered the weapons of Heaven and Man.

Along the way, everyone passed through various magnificent scenery.

It seems that you have completely stepped into a picture scroll, feeling the majesty of the palace of heaven, man and earth.

In my heart, I became more and more looking forward to the heavenly weapon that was about to fall in front of me.

When they came to a place heavily guarded.

What fell in front of the eyes of the First Emperor was the strange round stick-shaped weapon carved in the mural!

Some are as thick as human arms, with curved wooden handles at the end.

There is also a huge metal iron pipe that is as thick as an adult's waist. Under the huge body, there are two wooden wheels carrying it.

Although there are mottled rust stains all over it.

But everyone still felt a sharp edge in these weapons that struck people's hearts!

The First Emperor walked out and hurriedly came to these heavenly weapons.

His eyes widened to their maximum size, and he carefully looked at the full picture of the celestial weapons in front of him.

Reaching out and touching these terrifying weapons, the First Emperor's heart was filled with shock.

I just learned about these terrifyingly powerful weapons from the murals of heavenly beings.

Seeing these weapons right in front of him, how could the First Emperor not be excited?
Although among these celestial weapons, there seems to be no such powerful weapon that can destroy the heaven and the earth in one strike and create a large blank space in the mural.

But the First Emperor was satisfied enough.

If there really was a celestial weapon that could destroy the human world, the First Emperor would probably not dare to approach it.

After feeling the quality of these celestial weapons, the First Emperor picked out a celestial weapon that seemed to have the smallest caliber among all the celestial weapons.

The right hand carefully held the rusty iron pipe, and the left hand grasped the curved wooden support.

The First Emperor brought this unnamed celestial weapon to his eyes and took a closer look at it.

Fortunately, the First Emperor also practiced horseback riding and archery hard back then. Even though he was quite old, his body was still strong.

Looking at the mysterious heavenly and divine weapons in front of him, the First Emperor seemed to be looking at the rarest treasure in the world.

Although, the First Emperor didn't know how to use this heavenly weapon.

But judging from the content depicted on the murals, the First Emperor clearly knew what kind of power the weapon in front of him, which was not as heavy as a hammer, produced in the hands of heavenly beings!
Even from a distance of a hundred feet, the heavenly being can use the weapon in front of him to smash the rock!
In the eyes of the First Emperor, this level of lethality was almost like a flying sword from mythology.There is a shocking feeling of taking the enemy's head from a thousand miles away.

Seeing the First Emperor lifting up the heavenly and human weapons, he held them close and examined them carefully.

Wang Jian, Li Si and other important ministers of Great Qin felt their hearts tightening!
Wang Jian took a step forward and said:
"Your Majesty, please take care of yourself."

"The weapons of heaven and man have terrifying power, and I haven't figured out how to use the weapons of heaven and man yet."

"If something happens to the heavenly weapons, then..."

Wang Jian didn't say the rest of the words, but judging from his nervous expression, it was clear how worried he was.

Li Si also stepped forward and advised:
"Your Majesty, the heavenly weapons have been here for quite some time."

"I don't know if the various mechanical expansions inside can be used normally."

"These celestial weapons are extremely dangerous these days."

"Your Majesty, please put your own safety first!"

Li Si's face was full of pain, and he was obviously worried to the extreme about the behavior of the First Emperor carrying weapons of heaven and man.

At present, the Qin Empire has just been established, and the fate of the country and the country depends entirely on Zulong.

The appearance of human weapons on this day was originally the east wind that promoted the fortune of the Qin Dynasty.

If Ancestral Dragon were here and something unexpected happened due to the heavenly and human weapons, it would be great fun.
When the First Emperor heard the words of admonition from the two important ministers, he showed a few smiles on his face and cursed with a smile:

"I am not old yet!"

"Back then, I could hold the Ding Qin Sword to sweep the world, and today I can also hold the weapons of heaven and man!"

"Furthermore, I am the human emperor of China, and the gods will naturally protect me."

Although he said this, the First Emperor was still cautious and put the weapons of heaven and man in their original positions.

Just when the First Emperor was leading the civil and military officials to observe these heavenly and human weapons.

Taiyi looked around.

Because there is also a mural in the place where the weapons of heaven and humans are stored.

There is no other content in this mural, only the figures of heavenly beings.

I saw heavenly beings stretching their bodies and performing a complete set of movements in the mural.

Just a few ordinary body movements caused Tai Yiru to be struck by lightning!

So much so that even with the heavenly weapons placed in front of him, Taiyi didn't want to observe them.

Looking at this mural carefully, the face hidden by Taiyi's golden mask was already a look of shock.

Even the pair of exposed eyes are full of weirdness!
The more I watched the actions of heavenly beings in the murals.

All the Taoist knowledge Taiyi had learned throughout his life was mobilized!

Just like what I learned before, I encountered the source!
In Taiyi's mind, the vision of all things growing and starting over and over seemed to be repeated.

In an instant!
Taiyi understands!

This seemingly ordinary mural actually contains the true teachings taught by heaven and man!

Taiyi could no longer suppress the shock in his heart, and said loudly to the First Emperor, who was still watching the heavenly and human weapons:

"His Majesty!"

"Here! There seems to be a way to immortality here!"

(End of this chapter)

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