In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 7 God’s Punishment with Divine Objects! ! !

Chapter 7: Divine Object—God’s Punishment! ! !
Lishan Mountain, before the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth.

Everyone was shocked by the history of heaven and man stated by Taiyi.

The First Emperor felt that the lives of heavenly beings were long, and he became more and more certain in his heart that there was a high possibility that heavenly beings were sleeping in the hanging coffins in the palace of man and earth that day.

An excitement in his heart spread throughout his body along with the flow of blood.

Looking at the entrance to the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth, which was heavily guarded, the First Emperor could no longer suppress the searching emotion in his heart.

He waved his hand and said in a loud voice:
"Let's go! My lords, follow me into the underground palace."

"Meet the dojo left behind by the gods!"

After saying this, Wang Jian took the lead to clear the way. The First Emperor strode forward, followed by hundreds of civil and military officials.

There are many masters from the Yin Yang family accompanying him.

This time, the addition of the Yin Yang family, a lineage that has connections with heaven and humans, must have a more intuitive effect on uncovering the mystery of heaven and humans.

When the First Emperor stepped into the entrance of the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth with agitated emotions.

Just look up and take the first glance.

The First Emperor was shocked by the scenery in front of him!

Before entering the underground palace, looking from the outside, there is a small valley above the underground palace.

But once I stepped into it, I was shocked to find out how majestic the underground palace built by hollowing out the entire mountain was!
The First Emperor's eyes widened with disbelief as he walked forward slowly.

In his opinion, the interior scene of the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth in front of him seemed as if the entire Xianyang Palace had been stuffed into Lishan Mountain!
The huge scene is filled with towering towers, like overlapping peaks.

No!Compared with the uncanny building in front of you, the Xianyang Palace, built by the world's most skilled craftsmen, instantly seemed a bit crude.

The imperial palace in front of you seems to have been carefully carved by people in every detail.

Although I was surprised by the palace in front of me, it was more like a misty ink painting in the distance.

Even if it comes directly into the eyes of everyone, everyone is intoxicated and can't believe what they see in front of them.

After entering the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth, the team around the First Emperor no longer made any unnecessary noise.

Whether it was the First Emperor, Taiyi, the leader of the Yin-Yang family, or Li Si, the prime minister who was full of economics, they were all so astonished by the scene in front of them that they were speechless.

After continuing to walk forward, the First Emperor suddenly discovered a problem.

This palace of heaven, man and earth was originally built by hollowing out the mountain, but when they walked here, they didn't feel the slightest sense of darkness.

The First Emperor suppressed the doubts in his heart and looked up at the sky above the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth.

The next moment, the First Emperor stood blankly on the spot again.

Only then did he know the origin of the light in the entire palace of heaven, man and earth.

Above this palace of heaven, man and earth, there is actually a dome!
The rocks that should have been a gray-black forest are dotted with countless luminous stones.

It was the little bits of fluorescent light that illuminated the huge palace of heaven, man and earth.

The countless supplementary fluorescent boulders were as if the heavenly beings had captured a starry sky with their great supernatural powers.

The civil and military ministers also followed the movements of the First Emperor and discovered the dome hanging high above their heads.

Everyone who enters the palace of heaven, man and earth for the first time can't help but feel a sense of piety.

"A miracle! This is definitely a miracle!"

"Your Majesty! This heavenly being is indeed powerful enough to reach the heavens!"

Prime Minister Li Si could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart and said this to the First Emperor.

But Taiyi's eyes staring at the dome at this moment are getting more and more complicated!

Those eyes that encompassed Yu Nei slowly turned from shock to confusion, and finally to fright!

Because Taiyi discovered that the luminous boulders on the dome were not randomly arranged.

There is a mysterious formation hidden in it!

After just a preliminary guess, Taiyi actually felt that his mind seemed to be sucked away by the dome.

Taiyi suddenly felt a thin stream of sweat forming on his back.

As the leader of the Yin Yang family, Tai Yi's strength has reached the highest peak in the world.

He didn't even dare to figure out the formation in the dome.

This shows that the supernatural powers of heavenly beings have exceeded the limits of human imagination!

Taiyi hurriedly spoke to everyone:

"Everyone, this dome above our heads contains a mysterious and unpredictable formation."

"Don't try to take a closer look, otherwise, your attention will most likely be sucked away."

After everyone heard Taiyi's words, they no longer dared to stare at the dome above their heads.

Following Wang Jian's guidance, everyone continued to move forward in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth.

Soon, we came to a place with murals.

The magnificence of the murals is beyond everyone's imagination.

It's like a picture scroll as high as ten people, spread out in this palace of heaven, man and earth.

Its length stretches all the way to the depths of the underground palace, like a river.

The First Emperor led everyone to the head of the mural and looked at the contents engraved inside through the fluorescence.

The first thing that leaped into view was a figure as blazing as an immortal, driving many tall beasts to hunt.

Seeing this scene, everyone thought of the contents in the Book of Immortals.

Li Si's eyes were full of emotion and he murmured:
"Is this the Tyrannosaurus Rex that heavenly beings talk about?"

"This dragon species is different from what I thought before." "But its ferocity is quite terrifying."

Even if you look at the murals, the carving skills are exquisite.

Everyone can feel the wild aura coming from the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Although it is not in the form of a divine dragon as imagined, the appearance of this ferocious beast makes people feel even more terrifying!
That extremely huge dragon head could swallow several soldiers in one bite.

The First Emperor was even more stunned.

He could imagine what kind of power it would unleash if a few of the Tyrannosaurus Rex carved on the mural appeared on the battlefield!
That huge figure will be a nightmare in the hearts of all warriors.

Seeing the scene where the heavenly beings drove the Tyrannosaurus rex at will, the First Emperor's awe for the heavenly beings became more and more profound.

further ahead.

There are also scenes of heavenly beings using other forms of giant beasts to move mountains and fill seas.

There is a huge creature with four legs on the ground and its neck hanging high, carrying stones.

There is another strange beast with a triangular shape, violently charging towards the solid mountain!

God, he!
They are actually driving these terrifying giant beasts to become people's husbands and carry out great tasks such as moving mountains and reclaiming seas!
It was originally a towering mountain, but it was forcibly leveled by those giant triangular beasts with brute force.

Later, the broken stones were carried by various beasts onto large dragons and transported to other places.

Although everyone has heard of all kinds of incredible sights once in the fairy books left by heavenly beings.

But now when I see this mural, I still feel that my mind is shocked.

At this time, Wang Jian, who had been silent, touched his head and said:

"Well, Your Majesty, further ahead, there are the incomprehensible contents of what the general said."

Wang Jian's words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone hurriedly continued watching.

In addition to some scenes of celestial beings living in the Jurassic, further ahead, the content of the mural seems to have undergone a big change!

In the picture, a variety of round stick-shaped weapons seem to appear.

Moreover, there are ancient seal scripts engraved on the sides of these strange weapons.

Words such as 'Shenwu Artillery', 'Flintfire Cannon', etc.

Everyone understood in an instant.

This. This is actually a weapon made by heavenly beings with their majestic supernatural powers!

Divine weapons!

Those round stick-shaped weapons don't seem to be used to knock enemies.

Instead, it seems that flames can burst out from the end.

A single blow can shatter rocks.

Everyone's inner understanding was refreshed by the round stick-shaped weapons in the mural.

What’s even more incredible is the mural at the back!

I saw the words 'God's Punishment - Yinghuo' engraved on a mural!

In the picture, the celestial being stood in the position where the giant beast had leveled off, standing on a cylinder three people high.

Only at the end, the cylinder becomes pointed again.

Everyone was confused as to what this 'divine punishment - Yinghuo' was.

When I came to the next mural, I saw the cylinder, with a long tail of flames, cutting through the sky!

Unexpectedly, it was like the glowing star in the records, rising from the earth.

After reaching the sky, it hit the ground with unparalleled power!

When the 'God's Punishment - Yinghuo' hit the ground, all the murals in sight were covered with a pale sky!

No one knew what the large blank space meant.

But obviously, this blank space has been color-processed, and there is definitely nothing missing!
Rather, the person who carved this mural wanted to use this blank space to express the power of 'God's Punishment - Yinghuo'!

In an instant.

A great fear arose in everyone's heart!

The world is completely white!
Is this the power of the stars released by heavenly beings?

Is the power of this mysterious weapon enough to destroy this world? !

No one dared to continue thinking about it.

The great fear in their hearts had already made their breathing become a little short.

Just when everyone was still holding their breath and concentrating, digesting the great terror in their hearts.


A soldier reported loudly:

"Your Majesty! We have made a great discovery!"

"It seems that a divine object has been discovered deep in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth!"

"This thing is as strong as gold and iron, and is integrated into one body. It seems to be a weapon of heaven and man!!!"

Brothers, a new book is about to set sail. Please give me monthly tickets and all kinds of data support. The data is up to standard and there are crazy updates. There are enough manuscripts in stock.

(End of this chapter)

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