In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 6 The Yin Yang family is actually the Queen of Heavenly Beings! ! !

Chapter 6 The Yin Yang family is actually the Queen of Heavenly Beings! ! !
Zulong personally led hundreds of officials to Mount Li.

For such a major event, in addition to the First Emperor being flanked by the elite cavalry of the Qin Dynasty, he was guarding him.

When he learned that the hanging coffin was found in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth, the First Emperor even sent General Wang Jian to lead the Qin Dynasty's most elite armor-piercing soldiers to take control of the entire Lishan area.

The First Emperor knew very well that if there were really heavenly beings sleeping in the hanging coffin in the Imperial Palace of Heavenly Beings.

As long as the gods can be invited to help in this world, the entire Great Qin Empire will usher in earth-shaking changes.

But, is it the sleeping celestial being in the hanging coffin, or is it just the remains of the celestial being?
With both anxiety and expectation, the First Emperor led all his officials to the site of the Imperial Mausoleum on Lishan Mountain.

When they first resisted Lishan, Wang Jian had already led a team of elite black-armored soldiers to greet them at the crossing.

"The last general, Wang Jian! Welcome our emperor!"

Wang Jian's resolute face is matched by the well-dressed black-armored soldiers behind him.

The Emperor, who had just stepped out of the carriage, nodded.

On the journey of Da Qin to wipe out Liuhe, Wang Jian played a very important role!
His military skills are among the best in the huge Qin Empire.

Therefore, the First Emperor sent Wang Jian to lead a large army to blockade the entire Lishan area.

The First Emperor slowly came to Wang Jian, who was kneeling on one knee, and said softly:
"Wang Qing, when you blocked Lishan Mountain, did you find any traces of other forces?"

The First Emperor's eyes moved slightly.

The news of the appearance of the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth caught the entire Qin Dynasty off guard.

Who would have thought that, obviously to build the imperial mausoleum for the First Emperor a hundred years later, a palace of heaven, man and earth was dug out.

The First Emperor naturally knew it, even if Zhang Han had blocked the news before.

But other forces have also tried to find out about the situation in the palace of heaven, man and earth.

This is also the purpose of letting Wang Jian lead an army to blockade this place.

It is to use the powerful military force to intimidate all parties!

Let them know that the empire may have discovered something, but they dare not act rashly due to fear.

After Wang Jian stood up, he said loudly:
"The last general led the black-armored soldiers to attack. There are many young men who are under the influence of the power of my great emperor's empire. How can they dare to get even close to it?"


Having said this, Wang Jian considered his words and stated:

"In addition to the coffins of heaven and humans found in the palace of heaven and earth, there are also some."

"Some murals that I can't understand at all."

As soon as Wang Jian said these words, the First Emperor and all the officials were shocked.

All the officials had expressions of curiosity on their faces, and they were all thinking about the mysterious contents depicted in those murals that even Wang Jian, the Great Qin Army God, could not understand.

But a hint of surprise burst out on the face of the First Emperor!

can not read it?
It’s better if you don’t understand!

The more you, Wang Jian, can't understand, doesn't it prove that what heaven and man have learned becomes more mysterious.

Just when the First Emperor wanted to lead hundreds of officials into the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth to observe the mysterious murals.


A powerful aura in the distance approached rapidly.

Like a strong gust of wind, it attracted the attention of everyone in the room as soon as it appeared.

Baiguan turned around and took a look.

I saw Taiyi, the leader of the Yin Yang family, coming with his masters.

Although the Yin Yang family belongs to a branch of Taoism, they are members of various schools of thought.

However, the Yin-Yang family is powerful, and Taiyi, the current leader of the Yin-Yang family, has bet on Da Qin very early.

On the road of Da Qin's sweep of Liuhe, the Yin and Yang family also contributed openly and secretly.

Therefore, the relationship between the Yin Yang family and the Qin Empire is extremely close.

But after the empire was established, Taiyi, the leader of the Yin and Yang family, rarely left Xuanji Pavilion!
On weekdays, the Moon God is responsible for all matters of the Yin and Yang family.

At this moment, Taiyi personally walked out of Xuanji Pavilion and came to the land of Lishan.

Come to think of it, it was also for this matter.

Although Taiyi's aura was extremely powerful, he arrived with his subordinates.

Also at the first moment, he performed a Taoist etiquette towards the First Emperor.

After all, under the heaven, there is nothing but the king's land.On the shore of the land, could it be the king's ministers?

Even if Taiyi is independent in the world, he still has to lower his noble head when facing Zulong!
The First Emperor looked at Taiyi's face with the golden mask, his eyes moved slightly, and he said:

"Taiyi, your Yin Yang family's movements are quite fast!"

"I have just arrived in this land of Lishan, and you have already led your masters here."

"Could it be that Wang Jian has sealed off the entire Lishan area? I'm afraid that you, Taiyi, have already entered the Heavenly Palace of Humans and Earth one step ahead of me." The First Emperor said this softly.

But like a breeze carrying a sharp blade, all the masters of the Yin and Yang family who heard these words were subjected to this strong imperial power!

Xingyue God's apricot-blossom eyes revealed a hint of fear in an instant.

Although Taiyi remained motionless, there was some sweat on the forehead covered by the golden mask.

Now that the world is unified, no one can bear the majesty of the First Emperor.

Taiyi knew that the First Emperor was reproaching the Yin and Yang family for coming here without permission, so he quickly explained:
"Your Majesty, this is not the Yin Yang family's way of spying on heaven and man."

"But my Yin-Yang family was originally inherited from heavenly beings, so I led the masters of the Yin-Yang family to come here to worship the beauty of heavenly beings."

As soon as Taiyi said these words, the First Emperor's expression became silent and his pupils shrank slightly!

The First Emperor never expected that the Yin Yang family actually had connections with heaven and humans.

In the past, the Yin Yang family had close ties with Da Qin.

The First Emperor also believed that the Yin Yang family, like other schools of thought, was created by sages.

But I never thought that I would be related to the mysterious and unpredictable heavenly being in the legend.

The civil and military officials were even more shocked, and Taiyi's words were like thunder exploding in their ears.

For them, gods are mythical beings.

I have never considered that there are still people in this era who can be related to the gods in mythology.

At this moment, all the civil and military officials were staring at Taiyi with wide eyes!

After feeling overwhelmed in his heart, the First Emperor stared at Taiyi and slowly said:


"I didn't expect that your Yin Yang family has such a connection with the heavenly beings."

"So, can your Yin Yang family be considered the Queen of Heavenly Beings?"

It was a matter of heaven and earth, and the First Emperor's curiosity was aroused.

He frowned and thought for a moment, then said again:

"Your Yin Yang family seems to be a branch of the Dao Sect."

"In this way, both Tianzong and Renzong can be regarded as queens of Tianren."

"Then, what about the other forces among the Hundreds of Scholars?"

"What kind of relationship do they have with heavenly beings?"

At the end of the sentence, a sharp light slowly appeared in the eyes of the First Emperor!

All schools of thought are not monolithic, and each school of thought has its own position.

Some of them, like the Yin Yang family, had long been tied to the giant ship of Da Qin.

But there are also those who are working against the Qin Empire, openly or covertly.

It even harbors the remnants of the Six Kingdoms and is always ready to destroy the newly established Great Qin Empire.

Taiyi had already felt a hint of iron blood from the First Emperor.

Knowing that heavenly beings appeared in this world had touched the sensitive nerves of the First Emperor.

He quickly continued:

"I'm not too sure about the other ones."

"But the founder of our Dao Sect was indeed one of the twelve disciples of Heavenly Man back then."

"After that, Dao Sect was divided into three."

"My Yin Yang family, the Tian Sect, and the Human Sect can all be regarded as the Queen of Heaven and Humanity."

The words just came to an end.

All civil and military officials took a breath!
In the end, the Taoist sect was divided into three branches: the Yinyang family, the Tianzong, and the Renzong due to differences in ideas. Everyone is aware of this history.

But no one could have imagined that the one who founded the Dao Sect was actually one of the disciples of Tianren back then!

Just one disciple created a Taoist sect that has been around for nearly a thousand years.

Then what kind of amazing talents will the remaining eleven disciples be? !

In an instant, all civil and military officials felt a sense of shock in their hearts.

The First Emperor's eyes also flickered, and it became clear to him that the footprints of heavenly beings had already spread all over the world.

What shocked the First Emperor even more.

That heavenly being actually lived from the ancient times when giant beasts were rampant to modern times!
In the entire history of the human race, what profound traces did that heavenly being leave behind?
At this moment, the First Emperor, like a child, raised his head and stared at the night sky for the first time.

A sense of awe for the unknown greatness slowly filled my heart.
(End of this chapter)

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