In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 272: With tens of thousands of troops, Da Qin’s rebellion will be killed!

Chapter 272: Leading one hundred thousand troops, we will definitely kill the Qin rebels!
The First Emperor's eyes flickered for a moment, and after suppressing the murderous intention in his heart, he spoke to Zhang Han:
"Where does the escape tunnel lead?"

"Have you already sent pursuit troops?"

Zhang Han heard this and reported back:
"The corridor is long and narrow, leading directly to the wilderness on the outskirts of Xianyang."

"Although the general has already mobilized Xianyang's army to search for Zhao Gao in conjunction with Heibingtai."

"But Zhao Gao at that time had disappeared into the wilderness for a long time."

"I'm afraid that he has fled to other places now."

After Zhang Han said this, the eyes of the First Emperor became more and more intense.

In a cold voice:
"The entire Black Ice Platform is now focused on hunting down Zhao Gao as its top priority!"

"This beast actually prepared a complete escape route early."

"If we don't get rid of such a poisonous snake, I will feel uneasy!"

Zhang Han heard this and quickly accepted the order respectfully.

The First Emperor put his hands behind his back and looked at the huge palace.After he became the emperor who unified the world, there were fewer and fewer people who could stand by his side.

And Zhao Gao, who was always by his side, wanted to overthrow Da Qin all the time.

For the First Emperor, this was undoubtedly the most outrageous betrayal.

In front of Chen Mu's house, the First Emperor slowly walked in with hesitation again.

Ever since his master expressed his unwillingness to enter the palace, the First Emperor had already made up his mind and wanted to have a meal with his master from time to time.

Otherwise, the First Emperor would be afraid that his master would disappear again at some point.

When Chen Mu saw Ying Zheng standing in front of his yard, he shook his head and put down the fishing rod in his hand.

Laughing and scolding:
"Why are you here again?"

"In this huge empire, there are no national affairs. How can it bother you, the emperor?"

Seeing the faint kindness on his master's face, the First Emperor hurriedly hit the snake on the stick and said:
"It is the empire's most important state matter to be able to retain this eternal god like you for the Qin Dynasty."

"I am seeking blessings for the people of Great Qin."

The First Emperor squeezed into the courtyard with a smile on his face.

While helping Chen Mu sort out the chores in the yard, he chatted with him about household chores.

When he was free, the First Emperor asked:
"Master, are the methods you left behind at the dragon veins in various places in Da Qin used by your disciples to protect Da Qin?"

"The disciple is ready to start the journey to the east, in order to promote the power of the Qin Dynasty to the old people of the Six Kingdoms."

"We are even more prepared to take this opportunity to take out the backhand left behind by Master."

"If the disciple follows the route that Master once took, I wonder if I can get the back-ups left by Master?"

After hearing what Ying Zheng said, Chen Mu looked at the distant sky as if he was missing something.

Slowly explained:
"Those back-up players, I'm not keeping all of your trump cards."

"But as much as possible, the Dragon Luck that will soon be missing from the Qin Dynasty will be preserved as a civilization in China."

"If the Qin Dynasty suddenly dies, it will most likely lead to an invasion by foreign races."

"It caused the entire Daxia civilization to fall into dire straits."

"But you have eradicated the Xiongnu and pacified Baiyue. Now the Japanese are about to be wiped out by you."

"It would be a good thing for those who are behind the scenes not to show up at this time."

When the First Emperor heard this, he was full of curiosity.

But when he saw his master lost in nostalgia, he didn't ask any more questions.

Anyway, Master is standing in front of him now. If Da Qin really has any powerful enemy that it cannot deal with, Master's methods can be enough to deal with it in an instant.

As for Master’s back-up skills, let’s leave them to future generations to use.
After returning to Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor felt refreshed all over his body.

After eating another meal of meat from his master, the First Emperor felt as if he had taken a medicinal meal.

It is obviously a delicious barbecue, but it is like a great medicine in the world. After taking it into the body, the whole body will be warm.At this moment, Zhang Han came to the First Emperor with an anxious look on his face and reported:

"Your Majesty! I have news to report!"

"Liu Bang's traces were found in Surabaya!"

"Liu Bang seems to have a large group of people at this time. It seems that they are all old people from Chu State, but for some unknown reason, they are all following Liu Bang now."

"And Xiang Yu, on the other hand, seems to be building a lot of ships in the land east of the Yangtze River, and wants to cross the river to find trouble for Liu Bang!"

After Zhang Han finished reporting the news.

The First Emperor's eyes lit up!
Hearing the news about Liu Bang and Xiang Yu again, the First Emperor was filled with excitement!
"Okay! These two rebels, it seems like dog bites dog!"

"God helps me!"

"This time, after finally finding out the whereabouts of these two people, we must not let them escape again!"

The First Emperor's face was full of excitement, but Liu Bang and Xiang Yu didn't have much ability when it came to speaking.

Compared with the huge Qin Empire, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu are like two bugs, and they may be crushed by the empire at any time.

However, these two bugs are extremely slippery, as if they are assisted by a mysterious force, and they can escape from dangerous situations every time.

This time, after receiving news about the two people again, the First Emperor made up his mind to ensure that these two people would die!

Considering the current situation of the empire, Meng Tian was still in the land of Zheng Guoqu, while Wang Ben had already led the army to the East China Sea to expedition against the Japanese.

Nowadays, although the empire can still mobilize a lot of soldiers and horses, there are very few generals who can command the troops.

Moreover, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu are both reincarnations of the nine-wheel disaster star.

It is much more troublesome to deal with it than the Huns, Baiyue, and Japanese.

Thinking of this, the First Emperor said to the chamberlain beside him:

"Go to Xuan Wang Jian and come to Zhangtai Palace!"


After the servant left, the Emperor's eyes were full of determination.

Nowadays, among the entire empire, the person with the most military exploits is Wang Jian, who has almost retired.

Regardless of battlefield experience, prestige in the military, or personal martial arts prowess, Wang Jian is now the top of the Qin Dynasty.

Compared with the great general Bai Qi of the past, he was only inferior to his peerless killings.

Only when Wang Jian took action could the First Emperor be completely relieved.

About half an hour later.

Wang Jian came to the First Emperor.

The First Emperor looked at this veteran who had dedicated most of his life to the Qin Dynasty and said:

"Wang Jian, there is no need to elaborate on your meritorious service to the Qin Dynasty."

"You are my most trustworthy general!"

"Liu Bang and Xiang Yu held high the banner of rebellion, but they managed to narrowly escape death every time they were hunted down."

"Now that they have appeared again, I order you to lead an army to attack them!"

"Are you confident that you can get rid of this heartache for me?"

Feeling the First Emperor's trust in him, Wang Jian's heart as a military commander slowly burned in his chest, and he said sonorously:

"I am willing to settle all injustices for my emperor!"

Seeing the spirit rising from Wang Jian, the First Emperor Long Yan was delighted and said:

"Okay! I will allocate [-] troops to you!"

"I must bring back the heads of the two thieves Liu Bang and Xiang Yu to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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