Chapter 273 Dog bites dog drama!
As soon as the First Emperor said this, Wang Jian quickly respectfully accepted the order.

Although both Liu Bang and Xiang Yu had soldiers from the Chu Kingdom, their number of soldiers and horses was less than [-].

Moreover, they are all tired soldiers with insufficient armor and long-term training.

It is not at the same level of combat as the elite armor of Great Qin.

Coupled with the help of Shenwu cannon, in terms of head-on confrontation, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu cannot be the opponent of Wang Jian's [-] troops.

It wasn't because the First Emperor didn't want to send more troops to Wang Jian, it was just because these [-] soldiers were absolutely enough.

If the number were larger, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu would have a chance to escape due to the burden of the army's baggage.

This time, the first emperor equipped Wang Jian's army with the highest-standard armor currently available in the Qin Dynasty.

Just want to eliminate two serious troubles with one battle!
On the day when Wang Jian led his army to the expedition, the people in Xianyang City couldn't tell how they felt, but they were just waiting with some hesitation for the news of their triumphant victory in the near future.

After all, the current imperial army has long been invincible.

The land of Surabaya.

Liu Bang was deceiving Xiang Yu's old Chu soldiers and stationed them in his former hometown.

Looking at the growing team around him, Liu Bang's heart was filled with burning ambition.

I remembered that when I first fled back to Peixian County, I wasted no effort and could only gather a few dozen old brothers.

The Mountain King had not been in office for a few days when he was immediately tricked by that old boy Xiao He.

And now, he has nearly [-] old Chu soldiers under his command!
No matter from which angle you look at it, Liu Bang is now a well-known figure!

What's more important is that these nearly ten thousand Chu soldiers have no other way to go except to rely on Liu Bang.

When crossing the river, Xiang Yu ordered his men to shoot an overwhelming barrage of arrows, completely cutting off the Chu soldiers' way of turning back.

As soon as Liu Bang thought of this, the smile on his face grew stronger.

"Ha~~~ My brainless and wise brother is probably jumping out of his skin now."

"Hmph, even if you, Xiang Yu, come across the river, how can I, Liu Bang, be afraid of you?"

"I see you still have a few soldiers. After you cross the river, I, Liu Bang, will let you know me again. What does it mean to have a sinister heart?"

Liu Bang's eyes were full of flashing edge.

After completely integrating these veterans of the Chu State, Liu Bang did not hide in the mountains and forests immediately in order to bring about great changes in the world.

Liu Bang knew very well that Xiang Yu had suffered such a big loss and would never let him go no matter what.

Therefore, he and Xiang Yu, the sworn brothers, are destined that only one of them can live in the world!

If they had a direct conflict with Xiang Yu when they were in Jiangdong, the nearly ten thousand veterans of the Chu Kingdom would never obey his orders.

After Xiang Yu's angry round of arrows, this group of Chu veterans finally returned home.

Nowadays, almost everyone thinks that Liu Bang will avoid Xiang Yu's attack.

But Liu Bang just wanted to do the opposite!
Set up camp here and set up fortifications.

After waiting for Xiang Yu to cross the river with his remaining soldiers to pursue him, Liu Bang led nearly [-] old Chu soldiers to directly and completely eliminate Xiang Yu's future troubles with overwhelming numbers!

This is also a plan that Liu Bang has planned in his heart!
A decisive battle against a reckless man like Xiang Yu!

Looking at the old Chu soldiers who were seizing the time to build fortifications, Liu Bang's face showed an extremely warm expression, and he encouraged everyone:
"Brothers, you have worked hard!"

"No matter how hard we work, Xiang Yu, that violent man, may come ashore at any time to attack us!"

"If you can't do it here, kill Xiang Yu completely."

"I'm afraid that my future life will never be peaceful!"

"The efforts you are making now are all for our future!"

Encouraged by Liu Bang, nearly ten thousand Chu soldiers gritted their teeth in order to welcome Xiang Yu's arrival.

Most of them who have reached the point where they are now are just following the trend.

If you really want to blame someone, you can't find a specific target.We can only blame the mysterious fate that caused them to drift like weeds.

Even if they want to fight with their old master now, they can only draw their blades.

on the Yangtze River.

Dozens of ships were floating on the river, all raising their long sails and rowing towards the west bank.

Xiang Yu, who was dressed in silver armor and had a murderous look on his face, stood on the bow of the ship and stared at the other side.

At this time, Xiang Yu didn't know that Liu Bang had not escaped to the mountains and forests at all.

Instead, a dragnet was set up on the other side of the river, waiting for him to dive into it.

In Xiang Yu's tiger eyes, the fierce light is almost like reality!
The hatred for Liu Bang in his heart almost overwhelmed all his reason.

After being kidnapped by Liu Bang and taking away most of his troops, Xiang Yu only had less than [-] soldiers around him.

But even with these meager manpower, Xiang Yu still did not take Liu Bang seriously.

In Xiang Yu's view, Liu Bang was simply a despicable villain who could deceive his men by relying on his words.

If it comes to a head-to-head confrontation on the battlefield, Liu Bang can't catch up with him even if he flatters him.

Therefore, after Liu Bang took nearly ten thousand veterans of the Chu Kingdom and fled across the river.

Xiang Yu immediately organized all his troops to build ships in order to pursue Liu Bang.

Now, after the ships for crossing the river were built, Xiang Yu took the last remaining soldiers and set out in full force!

"Liu Bang! Just pray and hide somewhere where I can't find you!"

"If you are found by me, I, Xiang Yu, will definitely cut you into pieces!"

"To vent the overwhelming hatred in my heart!!!"

Xiang Yu clenched the big gun in his hand, and his murderous aura condensed like an abyss behind him.

The closer he got to the river bank, the more Xiang Yu couldn't calm down.

The restlessness in his chest made the blood all over his body roar like angry dragons, which could not be calmed down at all.

Looking at the river bank getting closer and closer, the blood flowing in Xiang Yu's veins was almost as hot as magma.

Above the head, bursts of white air gradually rose.

Xiang Yu began to slowly outline in his mind how he would defeat Liu Bang step by step after catching that despicable villain!

Linhuai County.

This county is close to Peixian County and less than a hundred miles away from the Yangtze River!
Wang Jian led an army of [-] people and finally arrived here after traveling day and night.

Along the way, various pieces of information continued to reach Wang Jian.

As the oldest general in the Qin Empire today.Wang Jian knows how important intelligence is to the battlefield!

Therefore, after receiving the order to go to war.Wang Jian sent more scouts to sneak into Surabaya and Jiangdong in disguise.

The trends related to Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were in Wang Jian's hands from beginning to end.

When he saw Liu Bang on the west side of the Yangtze River, he led nearly ten thousand veterans of the Chu Kingdom and set up fortifications, hoping to wait for Xiang Yu to be arrested.

And that reckless man Xiang Yu was also focused on crossing the river at this moment, wanting to kill Liu Bang to avenge his hatred.

Wang Jian's face was filled with a disdainful smile.

"Haha~ It's really a dog-eat-dog show!"

"Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, the two mice, escaped from the empire."

"How dare you think about overthrowing our Great Qin? Now that I'm here, I must eradicate the serious problem that is the enemy of my emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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