In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 28: Great Qin is just a small place?The world is so big!

Chapter 28: Great Qin is just a corner?The world is so big!
The next day.

Above the court hall, civil and military officials were arranged on the left and right.

Sitting on the dragon throne, the First Emperor seemed to be in a good mood, with a look of expectation on his face.

The ministers under the dragon platform also looked happy and excited.

This time it wasn't that something happened again.

Meng Tian, ​​who had gone to Changbai Mountain to search for the miracles of heaven and man, had led his army back to Xianyang.

At this moment, he is on his way to the palace.

According to the last urgent summons sent by Meng Tian eight hundred miles away, a miracle left by heaven and man was clearly found on the top of Changbai Mountain.

It was in that miraculous place that I obtained the valuable treasure left by the gods to future generations.

Such clear good news was that Renzhongbao was about to enter the Qin Empire that day.

How could the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials not be excited?

Following everyone's expectant eyes, Meng Tian's figure in military uniform appeared at the entrance of the court.

He led his cavalry and marched a thousand miles before arriving at Changbai Mountain.

And in those extremely cold places, he led his troops to climb to the top of the mountain and saw miracles from heaven and man.

After such a non-stop and arduous process, Meng Tian's face finally took on a layer of weathered look.

But those eyes were sparkling!

Meng Tian walked to the foot of the dragon platform, knelt down on one knee to the First Emperor, and said loudly and respectfully:
"The last general is Meng Tian! Fortunately, he has lived up to his command!"

"I led my soldiers to the top of Changbai Mountain and saw the Yunding Heavenly Palace built by heaven and man!"

"And through the hands of the guardian of Yunding Heavenly Palace, I obtained the world map left by heavenly beings to our descendants."

Having said this, Meng Tian raised the map of the world high above his head with both hands.

Immediately, a chamberlain eunuch handed the world map rolled into a scroll to the side of the First Emperor.

The First Emperor took over the world map with trembling hands.

A pair of eyes burst out with bright light.

This is a treasure left to future generations of emperors by heavenly beings across tens of thousands of years!

The First Emperor was only so excited that his whole body trembled slightly.

Even though the First Emperor was used to the ups and downs of the world, he couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart at this moment.

Trying to suppress the desire to open the world map immediately.

The First Emperor looked at Meng Tian, ​​who was still kneeling on one knee, and looked at the weathered color on his face.sighed:

"Mengqing, please call me, you are a great hero of our Great Qin!"

"This time, you traveled thousands of miles and brought such a valuable treasure to me in the bitter cold."

"It's absolutely because I'm tired. Your loyalty can be learned from heaven and earth!"

"I must give you a big reward!"

After hearing the words of the First Emperor, Meng Tian also stood up with a face filled with emotion.

clang said:
"The ancestor of the last general was originally a general of the Qin Dynasty."

"The last general has inherited the glory of Great Qin since he was a child!"

"Serving His Majesty is the general's lifelong pursuit!"

Seeing Meng Tian's air of loyalty and good general, the First Emperor nodded slowly.

After all, the Meng family has been loyal for generations. The bonds established by blood from generation to generation are of great use!
The First Emperor looked satisfied and slowly said:

"Meng Qing, you have seen the Yunding Tiangong with your own eyes."

"Now, please tell me what kind of miraculous craftsmanship the Yunding Heavenly Palace is!"

Following the words of the First Emperor, all civil and military officials turned their attention to Meng Tian.

The messenger soldier before did not describe the grandeur of the Tianren Palace in detail.

At this moment, Meng Tian, ​​the leader, had returned to the court.

Naturally, everyone wanted to hear Meng Tian's detailed description of the Tianren Palace.

Facing the gazes from all around, Meng Tian thought of the magnificent scene he saw on the top of Changbai Mountain, and slowly said:

"Your Majesty, the last general led his soldiers, enduring the wind and snow, when they climbed halfway up the mountain."

"As soon as you look up, you will see a palace like a heavenly palace standing on the top of Changbai Mountain."

"At that time, the top of Changbai Mountain was surrounded by white clouds, and the heavenly palace seemed to be floating directly on the white clouds."

"Such a magnificent scene, I almost thought it was an illusion."

"It wasn't until my subordinates climbed to the top of Changbai Mountain that they discovered that the Heavenly Palace was actually built on the edge of the cliff." "After tens of millions of years of strong winds, the Yunding Heavenly Palace is not in any danger of overturning!"

The First Emperor and all the civil and military officials listened to Meng Tian's description.

Their eyes are even wider than those of a bullfight!
In his mind, he sketched the scene where Meng Tian led the Qin soldiers on Changbai Mountain and saw the palace floating in the clouds.

After getting along in different places, anyone would regard the palace floating in the clouds as a heavenly palace.

The First Emperor suppressed the shock in his heart and said again:

"Meng Qing, I have heard that there are still ancient human beings guarding the area around Yunding Heavenly Palace."

"What on earth is going on?"

Meng Tian heard this and continued:

"When you arrive at the end of the Yunding Heavenly Palace, there will be a tall stone monument erected there."

"It is recorded on it that countless terrifying monsters came to the world in ancient times."

"The heavenly man killed a terrifying ice dragon on the top of Changbai Mountain."

"At that time, all kinds of monsters were rampant on the human land. Not only were they huge in size, they could also release powerful powers such as fire, thunder, and more!"

"Under the invasion of those monsters, the human race was almost wiped out!"

"It was the gods who took action and used their majestic magical powers to destroy all the monsters in the world."

"This allowed the race to thrive again, and another descendant lived in seclusion on the side of the Yunding Heavenly Palace in Changbai Mountain."

"Always worship the palace of gods and humans, and you will become the guardian of the palace."

Hearing Meng Tian talk about this forgotten ancient history, the civil and military officials subconsciously held their breath.

In ancient times, it was just a nickname, and no one could tell the specific year.

Even if there are many scholars among these civil servants, they still can't figure out how many years ago that ancient era was.

At that time, the human race was probably still a primitive society, and even writing was probably just a rudiment.

How can we record such a disaster that almost caused the extinction of the human race?

If Meng Tian hadn't led his army to the top of Changbai Mountain, no one would have known it, and the human race was almost extinct that year.

Just listening to Meng Tian's short description, everyone automatically imagined the horror of monsters!
It was simply like a ferocious beast coming out of the Classic of Mountains and Seas!
Fortunately, the human race still has the protection of heaven and humans, so that it can thrive.

The First Emperor's eyes also flashed, combined with the descriptions he saw in the Book of Celestial Beings.

The First Emperor couldn't help but have some guesses of his own. In the First Emperor's opinion, the era when dinosaurs were rampant was undoubtedly the ancient era.

This ancient era should be a brand new era after the world experienced the Ice Age and the Great Destruction.

Come to think of it, the monster that suddenly descended and ran rampant might be another great destruction.
The First Emperor slowly exhaled a breath, looked at Meng Tian and asked again:

"Meng Qing, have you ever gone to Yunding Tiangong to observe it?"

"How do such magnificent palaces survive the wind and rain and endure for thousands of years without fading?"

"But, the heavenly beings displayed some magnificent magical powers on the Yunding Heavenly Palace?"

After hearing what the First Emperor said, Meng Tian opened his mouth to explain again:

"I heard the guardian of Yunding Heavenly Palace say about the mystery of this."

"It's not that the gods used any majestic magic, but that the gods used a magical building material!"

"That kind of building material is called 'cement' by them. It was researched by heaven and man with great wisdom."

"Not only is it as tough as a rock, it can also withstand the erosion of time!"

When Meng Tian said these words, all the civil and military officials took a deep breath!
No one expected that the heavenly beings were not only as powerful as gods, but also had wisdom that could reach the heavens.

Even such creations that can transcend time and time can be created at will.

This wisdom is enough for future generations like them to worship!

The First Emperor's eyes were profound, even though he read the books of gods, humans and immortals day and night.

His understanding of heaven and humans is deeper than anyone else's.

But the more he understood heaven and man, the more the First Emperor realized the greatness of heaven and man!

Regardless of wisdom or supernatural powers, they are comparable to the creation gods in mythology.

After the First Emperor sighed, he ordered someone to slowly open the map of the world in the court hall.

This is a treasure left to him by heavenly beings across tens of millions of years!
Naturally, the First Emperor wanted to invite all civil and military officials to enjoy it with him.

As the world map was slowly opened, all eyes in the entire court fell on the map.

The entire court suddenly fell into a silence that could hear a needle drop.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, wanting to see the whole world and what it looked like.

(End of this chapter)

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