In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 29: Do the gods want me to conquer the world? ! ! !

Chapter 29: Do the gods want me to conquer the world? ! ! !
Before the world map existed.

The First Emperor and all the civil and military officials thought that although the world was huge, apart from the endless ocean and abyss, Da Qin's territory accounted for at least five-tenths of it.

Some other places may be the frontiers where barbarians survive.

Maybe there are some mysterious and unknowable places.

But the most fertile and vast places are definitely covered by the Qin Empire.

But the world map left by the heavenly beings was completely unfolded in front of everyone.

Everyone except Meng Tian was stunned on the spot for the first time!

Even the First Emperor frowned tightly and scanned the world map carefully with his eyes.

Without him, everyone would not have seen the location of the Qin Empire at the first time.

It stands to reason that since it occupies five-tenths of the world's territory, they should have a clear view of the territory of the Great Qin Empire as soon as possible.

As far as the eye can see, the mountains and landforms are clearly depicted on the map of the world.

But everyone couldn't find the location of the Great Qin territory.

Just when the officials were all frowning, they were looking for places on the world map that were similar to the landforms of Great Qin.

Li Si suddenly widened his eyes, pointed to a place on the world map, and said loudly to the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty, look! The territory of our Great Qin is there!"

"It's the center of the world map, the area the size of a child's palm!"

As soon as Li Si said this, the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials looked towards the center of the world map.


All I saw was that in the center of the world map, a country was represented by a territory as big as a child's palm.

And the name of that country is Da Qin!
In an instant!
Extremely shocked expressions appeared on the faces of the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials!

You know, the world map is as big as a dining table.

And the territory of Da Qin is actually only the size of a child's palm on this dinner table.
God, five out of ten worlds are all within the territory of Qin
When the First Emperor saw clearly the true size of the Qin territory in this world.

Even his eyes were empty for a moment.

This scene that subverted his cognitive outlook had a huge impact on the First Emperor!

Even the civil and military officials seemed to have witnessed great terror.

Like a frog living at the bottom of a well, by chance, it jumped out of the well.

Only then did I realize how vast and boundless this world is.

Some of the civil and military officials looked pale, and some had eyes full of disbelief.

They want to severely criticize the authenticity of this world map depiction.

But when I think about it, this map of the world was passed down to future generations by heavenly beings across tens of thousands of years.

The awe of heaven and humans in their hearts instantly overwhelmed their obsessions.

He could only look at this vast world with dull eyes.

The First Emperor's mind was shocked and he was just stunned for a moment.

In an instant, an extremely excited look appeared on the face of the First Emperor.

The First Emperor's eyes burst out with bright fighting spirit, and he said loudly:
"Good! Good! Good!"

"Only after I was enlightened by heaven and man did I realize that this world is so vast!"

"Now that I think about it, the territory of our Great Qin is still too small!"

"I want to place the Black Dragon Flag of Great Qin in every corner of the world!"

"Let the territory of Great Qin be expanded ten times! Expand it a hundred times!"

"Let every son of the widow have a large enough fief!"

"Let all human races in the world submit to the sword of my army of Great Qin!"

"I not only want to be the emperor of the Qin Dynasty! I also want to be the emperor of the entire world!" In an instant, the ambition in the heart of the First Emperor was completely ignited!
The power of an ancestral dragon that dominates the world sweeps across the court!
All civil and military officials were all driven away from confusion by Zu Long's great ambition.

In an instant, all the civil and military officials kowtowed to the First Emperor:
"My lord! I am willing to follow Your Majesty and unify this world!"

"Establish a dynasty for all eternity!"

The First Emperor looked at the kowtowing civil and military officials, and the pride in his heart only rushed to the sky.

Until this moment, the First Emperor finally understood.

Heavenly beings passed tens of millions of years and handed over the map of the world to him.

Just to let him conquer the world.

Build a dynasty that spans the entire human world!
Even the palaces of heaven, man and earth appeared in the world, and magical crops, weapons of heaven and man, and immortality magic were discovered in them.

Even the First Emperor felt that this was the help that heaven and man had deliberately left for him to unify the world!

Although the immortality magic in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth could not allow the First Emperor to directly reach the realm of immortality.

But it was enough to extend his life.

With enough energy and time, the First Emperor believed that sooner or later he would unify the world!

Of course, if he truly achieves immortality, the First Emperor will be even more sure of conquering the world.

At this moment, after having the ambition to conquer the world, the First Emperor also became more and more eager to truly achieve immortality.
His eyes fell on Meng Tian again, and he slowly said:

"Meng Qing, you are at the guardian of that palace."

"Have you ever found out any other clues about heavenly beings?"

Hearing the words of the First Emperor, Meng Tian looked slightly solemn for a moment, then said after considering:

"Your Majesty, under the constant questioning of the general."

"The tribe that guards the Celestial Palace revealed some other information about the Celestial beings."

Upon hearing Meng Tian's words, the First Emperor's eyes immediately lit up and he hurriedly said:

"Speak quickly! Speak quickly!"

"Let me and the civil and military officials learn more about the past of heavenly beings."

All civil and military officials also looked at Meng Tian with wide eyes.

Wait for the other person to tell you some other secrets about the gods.

Meng Tian recalled the words spoken by his father-in-law in his mind, suppressed the shock in his heart, and spoke slowly:

"It seems that this world will experience great destruction every once in a while!"

"Some great destructions can be solved by heaven and man, and some are powerless by heaven and man."

"After every great destruction of the world, the heavenly beings will fall into a deep sleep."

"When the new era comes, the gods will completely awaken and enter the world."

"According to the old man's calculation, this era is the time when heavenly beings awaken!"

"Perhaps the gods are about to open their eyes in some miraculous place."

"Or maybe the heavenly being has awakened and is walking somewhere in the human world."

After Meng Tian said this, all the civil and military officials looked shocked!
Real hammer!
Heavenly beings are still alive on earth!
And, it is very likely that he has woken up!

The First Emperor's eyes showed great excitement.

Since the gods left him a map of the world, they obviously expected him to conquer the world!
If the heavenly being wakes up, there will be help from the heavenly being.

No matter how big the world is, isn't it possible for Da Qin to conquer it with just one hand?
When I think of the terrifying supernatural powers and incredible wisdom of heavenly beings.

The First Emperor was so excited that every trace of flesh and blood in his body began to slowly boil.

If heaven and man were to come face to face, then the First Emperor's state of immortality would be completely secured.

(End of this chapter)

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