In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 31 The machine beast is actually created according to the divine favor of heaven and man! !

Chapter 31 The machine beast is actually created according to the divine favor of heaven and man! ! !
The land of Bashu.

Wang Ben led his soldiers and finally arrived here.

Although Bashu does not have as severe a cold climate as Changbai Mountain.

But the environment here is even worse!
Because what Wang Ben is looking for is the lowest valley in China.

The landforms are all inaccessible places.

The swamp miasma and poisonous insects, rats and ants in the depression caused great trouble to Wang Ben's army.

In order to save the lives of his soldiers, Wang Ben had to send people to investigate the situation while marching in the depression.

Dispel the thick miasma, and use fire to eliminate poisonous insects, rats, and ants.

This resulted in Wang Ben's army moving extremely slowly.

After arriving in Bashu, Wang Ben continued to explore the surrounding valleys.

Finally, in a place where no one had ever set foot before, Wang Ben discovered something extremely strange!
That valley bloomed with bright light at noon.

Even the thick fog couldn't stop the light from penetrating.

When Wang Ben saw this strange scene, he immediately looked extremely excited!
"Soldiers! Divine light is looming ahead! There must be a valuable treasure!"

"If everyone exerts more force, we will complete His Majesty's commission soon!"

"From now on, all officers and soldiers will have a share in being promoted to a higher rank!"

Encouraged by Wang Ben, the army marched towards the trough.

After passing through the vast jungle and crossing the wet swamp.

Including Wang Ben, all the soldiers belonging to Great Qin were covered in dirt and looked tired.

But when they saw the scene in the valley, everyone looked extremely excited!
Because, in that valley, there are countless crystal stones that are like glass, exposed.

Under the sunlight, the entire valley is filled with jewels!
Anyone who sees the scene in front of them will think that the spar must not be a simple thing!
After Wang Ben suppressed his excitement, he immediately ordered his soldiers to dig out these shining crystals.


On this day, the elites led by Gongshuqiu and Gongshujie finally arrived at the center of power of the Great Qin Empire.

This time not only the elite members of the Gongshu family showed up, but there were also a large number of carriages in the accompanying team, dragging large boxes.

In order to fight against the Mo family's machine creations, Gongshu Chou also brought the machine beasts that the Gongshu family had studied for many years.

It was precisely because there were so many things to pack that Li Si decided to lose his grudge first and arrive in Xianyang.

The First Emperor was naturally happy about the arrival of Gong Shuqiu.

On the same day, he received Gong Shuqiu in the court hall in front of hundreds of civil and military officials.

After the two sides exchanged polite greetings, the First Emperor wanted to learn more about the past deeds of heavenly beings from Gongshu Chou.

Then he said:

"Your Excellency Gongshu, I have heard that both Gongshu and the Mo family are queens of heaven and man."

"In the end, we became enemies again."

"What is the history of this matter?"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, all the civil and military officials in the court looked at Gongshu.

Who can not be curious about the past of heavenly beings?
In Gongshuqiu's mind, recalling the past between Gongshujia and the Mo family, he felt a little sad, but it was more of a kind of hatred!
To the First Emperor, he told:
"In the past, gods accepted twelve disciples in the human world, and each taught a great path."

"Among them, Lu Ban, the ancestor of my father-in-law, and Mozi of the Mohist family are both obsessed with the art of mechanical tricks."

"It is said that heavenly beings once created all kinds of incredible objects, including huge birds that can soar in the nine heavens!"

"There is another divine beast that can dive into the abyss like a swimming dragon under the endless deep sea!"

Hearing this, all civil and military officials were speechless.

They never thought that the machine-created objects could soar through the nine heavens and dive into the endless abyss.

This. Can this really be considered an institution?

Even the First Emperor couldn't help but think about it for a while.

What was the scene like in that era when Heavenly Man was born?

Presumably, it is not far different from the legendary fairyland.

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Gong Shuqiu couldn't help but raise his face slightly, and then said:

"This is nothing, it was recorded by the ancestors of Kuruban." "The more terrifying weapons created by heavenly beings can destroy the entire human world with one blow!"

As soon as Gong Shuqiu said these words, the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials all thought of the contents depicted in the murals in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth.

Li Si suddenly said in shock:

"God's punishment - Yinghuo!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Gongshu Qiu immediately turned to look at Li Si and said in surprise:

"Yes! That seems to be the title."

"This was also found in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth?"

"Isn't there really such a big killer weapon in the underground palace?"

"That thing is so dangerous! If you don't pay attention, the entire world will be destroyed!"

In an instant, a look of great terror appeared on Gong Shouqiu's face.

It was as if the sky and the earth were shattering, right before his eyes.

The First Emperor, who was sitting on the dragon throne, looked at Gong Shuqiu's changed expression and comforted him:

"Don't worry, Gongshu Qing. Heavenly beings only introduced this object on the murals and did not leave behind the body of this great murder weapon."

"You'd better continue talking."

After hearing this, Gongshu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

And went on to say:

"The ancestors of Lu Ban and Mozi followed the Heavenly Man and saw that the Heavenly Man once again imitated the body of the monster beast."

"Many more mechanical creations with terrifying sizes and equally terrifying power were created."

"Later, Xu Shitianren felt that those mechanical creations in the form of monsters were too vicious."

"Either destroyed or sealed."

When Gong Shuqiu said these words, the First Emperor sighed deeply in his heart.

Just the thought of the mechanical creations that were like monsters made the First Emperor's heart throb!
He couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying form such a machine creation had.

But as long as it has one or two powers of a monster, it is enough to run rampant in this world.

If the Great Qin Empire had obtained these mechanical creations imitating monsters, why would it not be able to conquer the world?
Gongshuqiu cleared his throat and continued:

"The relationship between the ancestors of Lu Ban and Mozi was as close as brothers. They discussed with each other the art of organization, and later they even established the Mohist school together."

"At that time, my father-in-law and the Mohist family were also one."

"However, in the heart of Ancestor Lu Ban, there is nothing else except the essential skills of the machine."

"But the Mohist family actually came up with the idea of ​​'loving everyone but not attacking'!"

"When ancestors Lu Ban and Mozi were alive, they were still doing well."

"After the two immortals are gone, those in the Mo family who are not sincere to the agency will take an increasingly biased path!"

"It's simply blaspheming the agency!"

Speaking of this, Gong Shuqiu's expression became more and more excited.

In his words, he also expressed all kinds of contempt for the Mohist family.

"The descendants of my father-in-law, the loser, are really ashamed to be associated with the Mo family, so they left here."

"Hmph, those people from the Mo family who are not sincere in the art of organization are just taking advantage of the creations left by heaven and man to show off their stinking!"

"When it comes to the real important skills of the government, the Mohist family has sent us public losers far, far away!"

After saying that, Gong Shuqiu clapped his hands.

The mechanical creations he brought from Gongshu's house were slowly pushed over.

The First Emperor and the civil and military officials all looked at it with curiosity.

The power of the Mo family's sacred beast is terrifying enough.

I don’t know what kind of power this public loser, a machine creation that is superior to the Mohist family in words, has.

(End of this chapter)

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