In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 32: The secret objects transmitted by the public are all passed down by heaven and man!

Chapter 32: The secret objects transmitted by the public are all passed down by heaven and man!
After Dang Gongshu Qiu brought several big boxes from his family to the court.

The huge court hall suddenly became a little crowded.

This is because Gongshu Qiu can only pick out one of each kind of machine creation.

The First Emperor and all the civil and military officials stared at the big boxes with great interest.

They all speculated on what the artifacts inherited from the Gongshu family looked like.

Previously, Gongshuqiu explained some of the connections between Gongshujia and the Mohist family.

In every word, it was as if the mechanism skills inherited from the Gongshu family were superior to those of the Mo family.

There may be some exaggeration in this.

However, the last time the Mo family attacked Wang Jian's army, the white tiger, the sacred beast of the mechanism, stole the show.

As long as the Gongshu family's institutional inheritance is at the same level as the Mohist family, it will be enough to greatly enhance the strength of the Qin Empire.

Under the expectation of everyone, Gongshu Qiuxian ordered people to open the two big boxes at the front.

As the board fell to the ground.

A cow whose entire body was made of old wood from the mountains, and a horse of the same size appeared in front of everyone.

As Gong Shuqiu stepped forward, he pressed a switch on the two machine beasts.

The cows and horses made of old wood actually started to move automatically.

It was as if this wooden machine beast had come to life.


The sound of the amplifier running spread throughout the entire court.

In an instant, a name was born in the minds of the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials.

A wooden cow and a stray horse! ! !

Li Si's eyes were filled with surprise, he pointed at the wooden ox and wooden horse running on their own in the court hall, and said loudly:
"Master Gongshu! Is this... the wooden cow and flowing horse passed down by Master Lu Ban?"

Li Si had never seen the white tiger, the sacred machine beast of the Mo family that killed everyone. He only felt that the wooden machine in front of him, which could operate on its own, was mysterious enough to be able to communicate with the gods.

Gongshuqiu looked at the extremely shocked look on Li Si's face with satisfaction, and said with a proud expression:

"This thing is a wooden cow and a stray horse!"

"In the past, one of the most proud works of ancestor Lu Ban."

Gong Shuqiu looked around the court and saw that the officials looked shocked.

But the First Emperor and the No. 1 General of the Qin Dynasty, Wang Jian, still looked calm.

Gongshu Qiu felt cold in his heart when he saw the expression on the First Emperor's face.

After thinking about it for a while, I immediately understood.

Presumably the First Emperor felt that this wooden cow and flowing horse made of solid wood was not as shocking as the four sacred beasts of the Mo family.

Gongshu Chou came to Mu Niu Liu Ma again and introduced to everyone:
"Don't think that because these wooden cows and horses are made of solid wood, they lack the four sacred beasts of the Mohist family."

"Hmph, it's just the Mo family's four sacred beasts that are responsible for fighting on the spot."

"But my father-in-law, the loser, is responsible for the logistics and food transportation."

"This solid wood structure greatly reduces the weight of the machine beast, which is enough to reduce its energy consumption."

"And it greatly reduces the difficulty of production."

"No matter how powerful the four sacred beasts of the Mo family are, there are only four of them. They are all leftovers from heaven and man."

"And we can mass-produce this wooden cow and flowing horse!"

That's it for the public.

Only then did the First Emperor show a look of satisfaction on his face, and he praised loudly:
"The Gongshu family's ingenuity is indeed superb!"

"These kind of machine beasts that can be mass-produced can truly benefit the world."

"If we, the Great Qin Cavalry, have enough wooden oxen and stray horses, we will surely have no shortage of soldiers for transporting food."

"Moreover, this wooden cow and stray horse can definitely be popularized among the common people!"

"It just so happens that in our territory of Great Qin, we will soon fully promote the miraculous crops left by heaven and man."

"This is when we need exquisite mechanisms like wooden cows and flowing horses to supplement agricultural work!"

"The Gongshu family's joining the Great Qin has simply added a big boost to the empire!"

The first emperor, Long Yan, was overjoyed, and all the civil and military officials were full of praise for the public loser's wooden cow and flowing horse.

Gongshu Chou once again showed a trace of complacency on his face, and continued: "The wooden cow and the flowing horse are the ancestors of Lu Ban after all, and they were developed to supplement logistics."

"My father also has some losers like those tyrannical machine beasts that kill on the battlefield."

As soon as Gong Shuqiu said this, he immediately aroused the interest of the First Emperor.

The First Emperor's eyes lit up and he said in surprise:
"Oh?! Earlier the Mo family's mechanism killed the holy beast."

"In a short period of time, it also caused certain difficulties to our elite Great Qin armor-piercing soldiers."

"Do public losers also have equal means of killing machine beasts?"

"Gongshu Qing, why don't you let me and all the civil and military officials see it."

With a smile on his face, Gongshuqiu directed Gongshujia's clan members to open the third big box.

The volume of this box is twice as big as a wooden cow or a flowing horse!
When the surrounding wooden boards were completely dismantled, a ray of metallic luster was transmitted from the wooden box.

In an instant, a hybrid machine beast made of metal appeared in front of everyone.

Wang Jian subconsciously narrowed his eyes when he saw the figure of this domineering machine beast.

Because he felt a sense of threat from this domineering machine beast.

This feeling seems to be the same as the white tiger, the mechanism sacred beast used by the Mo family before!
Lion head!antlers!Tiger body!Dragon scales!
This is the superficial image of public losers killing machine beasts.

All the civil and military officials saw the full picture of this overbearing machine beast, and a name popped into their minds.


Looking at the shocked gazes around him, Gong Shuqiu raised the corner of his mouth slightly and introduced to the First Emperor:

"The machine beast that is being killed on this main battlefield is the domineering beast - Qilin!"

"Its killing power is definitely superior to the Mohist's holy beast, the white tiger!"

"It's a pity that the materials to make this domineering machine beast are too scarce."

"It seems that the body of a monster from ancient times will be used."

"Therefore, it is no longer possible to manufacture it with current technology."

"But among the treasures in my father-in-law's treasure collection, the number of these overbearing mechanism beasts is definitely no less than the Mo family's sacred mechanism beasts."

"On this point, please rest assured, Your Majesty."

The First Emperor's eyes sparkled with light as he carefully looked at every detail of the tyrannical beast Qilin.

I was amazed in my heart, these creations are indeed magical, just showing the surface brings a murderous aura!
The First Emperor praised loudly:

"Okay! The public loser has such a terrifying and domineering machine beast."

"Come to think of it, the Mo family's sacred machine beast can no longer show off its cruelty on the battlefield!"

"Our Great Qin Empire, just with the participation of the public losers, is enough to easily level the Mohist government city."

"If the weapons of Heaven and Man find a way to use them again, I think the weapons of Great Qin will be enough to conquer the entire world!"

The First Emperor's body gushed out with an aura that encompassed the entire universe.

In the heart of the First Emperor, from beginning to end, he never regarded the Mohists as a big threat.

The First Emperor's goal has always been to conquer the world.

Hearing the First Emperor mention the weapons of heaven and man, Gongshu Chou showed enthusiasm on his face.

It was precisely in order to study heavenly and human weapons that Gong Shuqiu made up his mind to fully join Da Qin.

At this moment, when the First Emperor heard the mention, Gongshu Qiu couldn't help but say:

"Your Majesty, can you let me have a look at the weapons of that day?"

"Perhaps Wei Chen can figure out the correct way to use it."

Hearing this, the First Emperor smiled slightly and said softly:

"I have this intention. Before our time in the Qin Dynasty, we did not have any great talents who were proficient in the art of mechanism."

"There are weapons of heaven and man, but there is no way to use them."

"Now Da Qin has Gongshu Qing joining the team, which just fills this vacancy!"

"Come here, bring up one of every heavenly and human weapon in the arsenal."

Following the orders of the First Emperor.

A group of soldiers immediately took out the heavenly weapons from the weapons warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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