In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 33 The First Emperor was shocked: Is this the power of heavenly weapons? ! !

Chapter 33 The First Emperor was shocked: Is this the power of heavenly weapons? ! !
Gongshu Qiu only saw these heavenly and human weapons being carried up.

A pair of eyes immediately revealed a look that was three points brighter than the stars.

Although the ancestors of Lu Ban of the Gongshu family and the founder of Mo Ban of the Mohist family also created various magical beasts.

However, the key skills of Lu Ban and Mo Ban were all inherited from heaven and man.

Only the magical art of creation mastered by heavenly beings transcends this era and is superior to this world.

Seeing the celestial weapons from tens of thousands of years ago, Gong Shuqiu was so excited that every muscle in his body trembled together.

Gongshu Qiu only waited for the eunuchs in his chambers, and he had just placed the weapons of heaven and man in the ground.

He couldn't wait to step forward and kept wandering around the heavenly weapons.

Although the celestial weapons in front of me are all covered with mottled rust.

In Gong Shuqiu's eyes, it was like a sacred object that contained the highest avenue of the agency.

Gong Shuqiu's old face was full of piety.

His eyes were filled with the pursuit of knowledge.

Looking at the three large and two small celestial weapons in front of him, Gong Shuqiu instantly recalled in his mind the ancient books left behind by his ancestor Lu Ban.

Gong Shuqiu already knew the specific names of these three weapons.

Seeing the Duke losing his revenge, the First Emperor first looked at the weapons of heaven and man with an expression of joy.

After studying the Heavenly Weapons carefully for a long time, a thoughtful look appeared on his face again.

The First Emperor's eyes immediately lit up, and he asked Gong Shuqiu:
"Qing Gongshu, have you seen how this heavenly weapon is used?"

Hearing this, Gongshu Qiu bowed respectfully to the First Emperor, and then slowly said:

"Your Majesty, in the ancient books left by Lu Ban's ancestors, there are detailed records of the weapons of heaven and man in front of us."

"One is a Japanese musket, and the other is a Japanese cannon."

"Your Majesty, can these two names be matched?"

When the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials heard this, they were all overjoyed and excited!

All the information in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth has never been disclosed to the outside world under the strict orders of the First Emperor.

It is impossible for Gong Shuqiu to know the contents of the murals in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth.

Naturally, he would not even know the names of the heavenly and human weapons in front of him.

The First Emperor's eyes brightened, looking at Gong Shuqiu, he said excitedly:

"That's right, according to the description of the murals in the Palace of Heaven and Earth, this weapon of Heaven and Earth has such a taboo name."

"It's just that the heavenly weapons are too exquisite. After they arrived in Xianyang, we and other future generations have never been able to find a way to use them."

"It is even more impossible to let this mysterious celestial weapon shine with the brilliance it deserves."

Having said this, the First Emperor pointed to the round ball the size of a human head next to the flintlock gun and said doubtfully:
"As for this thing, it is placed together with the weapons of heaven and man."

"But there is no name for this object on the mural."

"Master Gongshu, is there any detailed usage of this heavenly weapon recorded in Master Lu Ban's ancient books?"

The First Emperor finished speaking.

All the civil and military officials looked expectantly at Gong Shuqiu.

You know, this is a heavenly weapon!

No matter how powerful the killing machine beasts of the Mohist and Gongshu family are, how can they compare with the weapons of heaven and man?

If this celestial weapon can be activated right now, the Great Qin Empire will undoubtedly have the sharpest sword in the world!

At this moment, there are records of heavenly and human weapons in the ancient books of Gongshu Family.

This undoubtedly gave the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials the hope of being able to use the weapons of heaven and man!
Facing everyone's expectant eyes, Gong Shuqiu gave an affirmative answer.

"The ancestors of Lu Ban described the usage of these two weapons in detail in ancient books."

"Because when the heavenly beings taught Luban's ancestors the secret art, they used to dismantle these heavenly beings' weapons and tell the truth contained in them."

"As for the round ball the size of a human head, it is the shell needed to activate the Shenwu Artillery!"

"This object is extremely dangerous. After being transformed by the Shenwu Artillery, its power is like the sudden appearance of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder!"

Gongshuqiu said these words.

When everyone heard the first half of the sentence, they all looked happy and excited.

But when Gong Shu Qiu made it clear that the spherical object the size of a human head was extremely dangerous and contained the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

The joyful expressions of all the civil and military officials immediately froze on their faces!

There is even a faint tendency to transform into dark green!

In the underground palace of that day, many of them had touched the cannonball.

If only he knew that the cannonball contained the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

Now, even if the three of them had the courage, they would never dare to reach out and touch it again.

Even the First Emperor showed a hint of shock as he looked at the cannonball.

Because the name of the cannonball was not recorded on the mural.

Therefore, every time the First Emperor went to the weapons depot late at night, he would hold the cannonball and study it.Now that I think about it, if he hadn't had the dragon luck protection, the thunder contained in the shell would have exploded long ago.

Just when the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials were frightened by the thunder contained in the cannonballs.

Gong Shuqiu was between the shells and the Shenwu artillery. After studying them carefully for a while, he said in surprise:

"Hey! These cannonballs and Shenwu artillery have been eroded by the years."

"It seems that it can still be used!"

After Gong Shuqiu said this, the First Emperor opened his eyes wide and looked at Gong Shuqiu and said:

"Is this true?!"

"Young Master Gongshu, let me show you the power of heavenly weapons with your own hands!"

"I also want to see how lethal the power of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder is!"

After the First Emperor finished speaking, there was a sound of surprise among the civil and military officials.

When everyone thought that the celestial weapons from tens of millions of years ago would show their fangs again in today's era, they immediately became extremely excited!
Gongshu Qiu heard this and said anxiously:

"Your Majesty, the power of this divine artillery cannot be underestimated."

"If this is demonstrated in the Xianyang Palace, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of damage."

After hearing this, the First Emperor's eyes showed a sharp look.

"What does a little loss mean?"

"As long as the power of heavenly weapons is enough, even if the entire Xianyang Palace is destroyed, what's the matter?"

"With the weapons of heaven and man, our Great Qin will be able to build a more magnificent palace sooner or later!"

"My lords, follow me outside the palace!"

"Observe the power of heavenly weapons!"

As soon as the First Emperor finished speaking, all civil and military officials followed the First Emperor's figure and walked towards the Xianyang Palace Square.

Gong Shuqiu was behind, commanding the eunuchs in charge of transporting Shenwu cannons and shells.

Xianyang Imperial Palace, in the huge square.

The cool breeze blew, and the Emperor's face was full of excitement.

Looking around, he immediately pointed at a group of wooden dummies a hundred steps away and said to Gong Shuqiu:

"Qing Gongshu, just target that dummy and fire hard!"

"Let me wait for future generations to see the power of heavenly weapons!"

The Qin Dynasty established the country with force, and the First Emperor even swept across Liuhe.

In the Xianyang Palace, there are many soldiers, giving a solemn atmosphere.

In the past, the bow and arrow had always been the strongest point of the Iron-Blooded Army of Great Qin.

Even in the palace, the First Emperor still had a large shooting range.

For the royal nobles to practice archery.

At this moment, all civil and military officials gathered together according to their official positions.

Gongshu Chou also led the children of the Gongshu family to carefully load the shells into the Shenwu artillery.

Looking at the dozens of wooden dummies a hundred steps away, Gong Shuqiu couldn't help but feel excited.

At this distance, even the best archers in the world would find it difficult to hit the dummy's vital parts with a strong bow.

But according to the records in the ancient books of Lu Ban's ancestors, with the power of Shenwu artillery, there is no need to deliberately aim at the vital points of dozens of dummies!

Although in ancient books, Lu Ban's ancestors used sharp words to focus on the power of Shenwu artillery.

But after all, I have never seen with my own eyes the sudden appearance of thunder.

At the moment when Gong Shuqiu was nervous, he was even more excited.

As a mechanism master, how can I not be enthusiastic about being able to use heavenly and human weapons with my own hands!

Gong Shuqiu held the torch and slowly came to the side of the Shenwu artillery.

I lit the fuse on the cannonball and watched the little sparks slowly burn along the fuse.

Gongshu Qiu seems to have the illusion that even time flows slowly.

When that lead was completely burned out.


There was a terrifying loud noise that was like the earth shattering, like the roar of an abyss, like the eruption of earthly fire!
It exploded in an instant!
The First Emperor and all the civil and military officials immediately fell into a ringing in their ears.

I felt that all the sounds around me were inaudible at this moment, and my mind went blank.

And dozens of dummies a hundred steps away were directly engulfed in a raging fire.

It was like a strong wind carrying a raging fire, carrying the power of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

In just an instant, the dozens of wooden dummies were immediately shattered into pieces on the ground.

Even the city wall behind the shooting range was shaken with a crack.

(End of this chapter)

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