In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 34: Amazing discovery in the land of Bashu! ! !

Chapter 34: Amazing discovery in the land of Bashu! ! !
On the Xianyang Palace Square.

After tens of millions of years, the Shenwu Cannon once again appeared in this world, showing its ferocious fangs.

The feeling of earth shaking disappeared after the cannon fully bloomed.

The smoke after the explosion gradually dissipated with the breeze.

Only fragments of the wooden dummy were left on the ground, as well as a section of the city wall that was shattered by the earthquake.

As for the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials, even though they had recovered their hearing.

But he was still stunned on the spot.

His eyes were full of disbelief as he stared at the fragments of the dummy in that place.

Even Gong Shuqiu, the first person to fire the cannon after tens of millions of years, stared at the results of the battle with his eyes wide open.

No one in the entire square had ever thought about it.

The power of heavenly weapons can be so terrifying! ! !
After a long moment of silence, Li Si was the first to come back to his senses.

He immediately bowed before the First Emperor and said:

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, His Majesty!"

"Since the heavenly weapons are so powerful, the combat effectiveness of our Great Qin Empire has undoubtedly increased several times!"

"With the blessings of heaven and man, our Great Qin Empire will surely become a dynasty for all generations!"

With Li Si's start, all civil and military officials came to their senses.

They all congratulated the First Emperor and said:
"My emperor has benefited from the weapons of heaven and man."

"Conquer the four seas in Dingnei, encompass the entire universe, and create our Great Qin dynasty for eternity!"

Its sound is so loud that it reaches the sky.

Gong Shuqiu on the side saw the civil and military officials moving so quickly.

Having just joined the Great Qin Empire, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Turning his eyes, he bowed to the First Emperor and said loudly:
"My father-in-law, the Shu family, is so lucky to be able to join the Great Qin Empire!"

"Wei Chen is willing to assist His Majesty with all his strength and create a prosperous age for the Qin Dynasty!"

Feeling the congratulations from the surrounding officials, the sharpness of the First Emperor became stronger and stronger.

"Okay! Since heavenly weapons are so useful!"

"I don't know if those puppet machine beasts of their Mo family can withstand the power of heavenly weapons!"

"I will use the thunder of the divine cannon to destroy the Mo family's prison city!"

After Gongshujia joined the Qin Empire, the First Emperor mastered the use of heavenly and human weapons.

He just wanted to regard the Mo family who jumped out as the first target of the weapons of heaven and man.

In the eyes of the First Emperor, no matter how sophisticated the machine beast was, it would still be intimidated by the thunder of the divine cannon.

It's no different from a thicker sack.

In the valley of Bashu land.

While Wang Ben's army was excavating exposed crystal stones, the excavation project expanded.

A huge mine filled with crystal stones was dug out by Wang Ben's army.

Wang Ben only took a first look at the mine from the ground and was immediately shocked.

How gorgeous is the mine that appears in front of Wang Ben?

The cave entrance, which is full of diamond-shaped crystal stones, becomes colorful under the sunlight.

Look at the crystal stones arranged in an orderly manner at the entrance of the cave.

Wang Ben realized on the spot that this mine was definitely not naturally formed!
Perhaps, it is one of the caves left by heavenly beings!

Wang Ben immediately led his elite troops deep into the cave made of spar.

After entering the cave, the light gradually became weaker.

Wang Ben has already ordered people to light torches one by one.

With the faint flickering light of the fire, the interior of the Crystal Cave gradually fell into view.

In an instant.

Everyone who entered the cave took a breath of cold air again!
What appeared in front of everyone's eyes seemed to be a palace made of crystal stones.

A crystal city buried deep underground!
After countless years of darkness, he reappeared in the world again.

Wang Ben realized the moment he saw the crystal palace.Except for heavenly beings, there is absolutely no existence in this world that can build such a miraculous temple.

The crystal that is integrated into one body is like a temple carved out by heavenly beings on a huge crystal.

This palace is not big, it seems to be only the size of a few houses.

Through the walls of the palace that looked like glass, Wang Ben saw a bed of ice crystals in the palace.

The material used in the bed of ice crystals seems to be of the same type as the surrounding crystals.

The only difference is that the bed seems to be faintly emitting white mist.

While Wang Ben was shocked, he couldn't help but wonder whether the bed of ice crystals was contaminated with the breath of heavenly beings, which caused such strange phenomena.

Because the temple made of crystal stones is too conspicuous after all.

After Wang Ben and others fell into the cave, their attention immediately focused on the Crystal Palace.

When Wang Ben approached the crystal palace, he was then illuminated by firelight.

In this cave, he saw a scene that shocked him even more!
An armored battle bed, dozens of times larger than the Crystal Palace, stood behind the Crystal Palace!

Because when we first entered the cave, the light was dim.

Wang Ben only thought that behind the crystal palace was a huge rock wall.

It wasn't until he walked in, with the faint light of the fire in his hand, that Wang Ben saw this appalling scene!
"Hurry up!"

"You guys, come here quickly and use the fire to light up the back!"

Wang Ben shouted loudly to the soldiers behind him.

After hearing Wang Ben's order, a group of soldiers immediately came to Wang Ben's side holding torches.

The flames of dozens of people gathered together.

The huge armored warship was completely illuminated!
The huge figure appeared clearly in front of everyone's eyes.

In an instant, all the soldiers who came forward were stunned on the spot.

In fact, a huge fear came over him, and his body covered in armor was trembling constantly.

They have also been soldiers in hundreds of battles on the battlefield, and have seen rivers of blood and ghosts in the world.

But the armored warship in front of me, as big as a hill, stood frozen in the cave.

The world view they have built over decades is only facing an unprecedented impact!
Under the illumination of the fire, the mottled iron armor of the warship reflected its sharpness.

The brains of this group of elite soldiers of Great Qin can no longer even think!

They couldn't imagine how such huge creations appeared in this world.

In their past lives, they had seen the largest iron artifact, which was the bronze tripod in the Xianyang Palace that suppressed the fate of the Qin Dynasty.

But the bronze tripod is at most the size of a small elephant and weighs a ton.

And the armored warship in front of me is so big that you can't even see it at a glance!
The weight was beyond their imagination.

When human beings face unknown and huge objects, they will subconsciously feel a sense of terror.

What's more, this place is in an underground pit.

As the commander-in-chief, Wang Ben was the first to escape from this great terror.

Taking slow steps, he mustered up his energy and walked toward the huge armored battlefield in the darkness.

When he walked to the wall, Wang Ben also found that there seemed to be some murals around him.

He quickly raised the torch closer, and under the light of the fire, the content of the mural became clear.

Wang Ben's eyes were three times wider than a bull's eye at this moment!
I saw that the mural depicts the magnificent scene of heavenly beings manipulating armored warships in the endless abyss and sea, overcoming thorns and waves!
The endless weak water in the sea, blessed by the strong wind and lightning, set off a huge wave.

But there was nothing left of this armored warship.

At this moment, Wang Ben's once resolute face only showed an expression of being shocked and stunned.

He murmured in his mouth:
"As expected of a heavenly being! He can actually make such a huge iron creation sail in the water!"

"If our Great Qin has such huge armored warships, why worry about not being able to bring the whole world into its territory?"

In an instant, Wang Ben came back to his senses.

He shouted to the soldiers behind him:

"Quick! Send the news about this place immediately."

"Eight hundred miles urgent, send back to Xianyang!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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