In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 36 The artifact that governs the country! ! !

Chapter 36 The artifact that governs the country! ! !

Taiyi God returned to Xuanji Pavilion.

Dangjiu summoned Xu Fu in front of him.

Although Xu Fu is on the line of alchemists, the lineage of alchemists is also in the yin and yang.

Therefore, Xu Fu is also in the Xuanji Pavilion and is under the direct leadership of Taiyi God.

Covered by a golden mask, Taiyi God slowly spoke to Xu Fu in front of him:

"Xu Fu, miracles are appearing everywhere now. This is the general trend!"

"Heavens will surely come into the world again in our time!"

"Now, Your Majesty has discovered a great secret in the Book of Immortals."

"The Star of Yinghuo may be a magic weapon that contains divine magic!"

In the eyes of Taiyi God, he can support the temple floating in the air with the body of a stone.

This magnificent scene is enough to prove that the black stone is one of the legendary magic weapons of the immortal family.

Even among all the creations of heaven and man, there are those miraculous treasures that are at the forefront.

If the black stone's magical power can be unlocked, it will be of great benefit to the Qin Empire and the Yin Yang Family!
Xu Fu was shocked when he heard Taiyi God's words.

Previously, everyone thought that the Yinghuo Star fell from the sky just to convey the wishes of heaven and man. .

Reflecting the heavenly beings, they are about to enter the world in this era.

But no one has ever thought that the Firefly Star itself is a magical treasure!
After Xu Fu was shocked, he remembered the purpose of Taiyi God calling him to Xuanji Pavilion.

Quickly asked:
"Your Excellency Taiyi, but there are some specific conditions required to unlock the magic of Yinghuo Star?"

"If you have anything to send me, Your Excellency Taiyi, please feel free to tell me!"

In terms of martial arts cultivation, Xu Fu may be far inferior to Taiyi Shen.

But when it comes to his enthusiasm for the mysteries of heaven and man, Xu Fu is no less than anyone in the world.

Hearing this, Taiyi God nodded slightly and said:

"It is recorded in the ancient books of the Yin Yang family that there is a divine dragon looming overseas, and in the body of the divine dragon, a dragon ball is conceived."

"That dragon ball is most likely the key to unlocking the magic of Yinghuo Star!"

"If we can stimulate all the magical features of Yinghuo Star, maybe"

"This Mysterious Pavilion under our feet can soar above the nine heavens!"

When Taiyi God said these words, Xu Fu's face immediately showed excitement.

His eyes widened and he stared at the Xuanji Pavilion at his feet.

Such a huge palace can soar above the nine heavens, what a majestic magical power it is!
Is the treasure of heaven and man really so mysterious?
In an instant, Xu Fu had the ambition to bring the Dragon Ball back to Da Qin!

"Don't worry, Your Excellency Taiyi!"

"Xu Fu will lead his elite troops overseas today!"

"This trip will definitely bring back the Dragon Ball and unlock the magic of Yinghuo Planet!"

At this point, in order to unlock the true secret of heaven and man, Xu Fu embarked on a vast overseas journey.

The next day, morning.
The First Emperor looked at the civil and military officials under the dragon platform.

Just when we were about to discuss the various matters that had recently been launched in Da Qin.

The soldiers Wang Ben sent back to Xianyang from the valley of Bashu to deliver the message arrived at the court under the starry night.

"Report! Report! Report!"

"In the land of Bashu, General Wang Ben discovered a palace that was as pure as crystal in an underground cave."

"In that palace, there is an ice bed made of strange crystal stones. It is suspected that heavenly beings once slept on it."

As soon as the soldier said this.

All the civil and military officials were puzzled. Although they were overjoyed to discover the temple of heavenly beings in Bashu, it was not surprising.

After all, Meng Tian discovered Yunding Tiangong on the top of Changbai Mountain.

It is reasonable for Wang Ben to discover the Crystal Palace in the Bashu lowlands.

What the civil and military officials were puzzled about was why a heavenly being would choose to sleep on a bed of ice.

The civil and military officials under the Dragon Platform were puzzled, but the First Emperor was extremely excited!

The First Emperor had already understood the magical effects of that strange crystal stone in the book of immortals.At this moment, he smiled and explained to the crowd:
"My lords, the ice bed where heavenly beings sleep is also a strange treasure."

"This object is made of ice crystal. It is not afraid of flames, and its toughness is even stronger than gold and iron."

"Moreover, this thing looks like ice, but it can preserve human body temperature."

"Even under the attack of the cold winter air, it feels like the spring breeze is always blowing on your face when you are up there."

"The wonders of the ice crystal stone, even the gods have not discovered all the wonderful uses."

The First Emperor said these words.

The doubts of all the civil and military officials were gone, and everyone in the court was filled with admiration.

Sure enough, everything in the world is definitely not simple as long as it is connected with heaven and humans!
All civil and military officials marveled at the extraordinary power of heaven and man.

At this moment, the First Emperor wished he could lie down on the ice bed where heavenly beings once slept.

Feel the feeling of sleeping in the spring breeze at that moment.

Immediately afterwards, the soldier who sent the message loudly reported again:

"Your Majesty! General Wang Ben also discovered a huge armored warship in the cave where the Crystal Palace is located!"

"The armored warship is so huge that you can barely see the end at a glance."

"It's almost as big as this court hall."

When the messenger soldier spoke these words, it was as if another divine cannon was detonated in the court hall!
The First Emperor and all the civil and military officials all looked horrified and inexplicable!

The First Emperor was on the Dragon Platform, overlooking the huge court hall.

He pictured in his mind how huge a warship that was as big as a court hall was.

Moreover, this ship is still made of iron armor.

Can such huge iron equipment really sail in the sea?

The eyes of the First Emperor showed a slightly hollow look, whenever he thought of a huge armored warship like the Chaotang, sailing in the endless sea.

The First Emperor was shocked by the mysterious methods of heaven and man!
Only heavenly beings have such great supernatural powers.

After the shock, the First Emperor raised his eyes to Gong Shuqiu and said:

"Mr. Gongshu, is there any record of armored warships in your family's ancient books?"

Before Gong Shuqiu could get rid of the shock in his eyes, he heard the words of the First Emperor and hurriedly reported:

"Your Majesty, there are indeed a series of records about huge iron warships in the books of Lu Ban's ancestors!"

"Although the design of the warship is extremely complicated, once it is completed, if ordinary people use it properly, it can also be used."

I heard the words "Gongshuqiu".

All the civil and military officials looked extremely excited!
There was even more confusion in the eyes of the First Emperor!

If the Great Qin Empire could possess such a huge armored warship.

Why fear the storm on the sea?

The ships of this era were all made of wood from deep mountains and old forests.

Despite its small size, there is a risk of being directly smashed into pieces when encountering strong waves.

But if it is a huge armored warship, no matter how strong the wind and waves are, how can it defeat such a behemoth?

There was a gleam of fire in the eyes of the First Emperor, looking at Gong Shuqiu, he asked:
"Does your father-in-law loser's ancient books contain any methods for repairing this armored warship?"

"If we can make that armored warship roam the sea again."

"We, Da Qin, are like having another divine weapon to control the country!"

Hearing this, Gongshu Qiu carefully considered the records in the book left by Lu Ban's ancestors and said:

"Wei Chen, I still need to go back and read the ancient books carefully before I can give a definite answer."

"Please, Your Majesty, please grant me some grace."

The First Emperor nodded slowly and said:

"My thanks! As soon as there is any news, please report it as soon as possible!"

"Whether we, Da Qin, can add another divine weapon, all depends on you!"

Gong Shuqiu immediately respectfully accepted the order.

(End of this chapter)

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